

" hey, long time no see " Taeyong was busy on his phone when Jaehyun arrives in their usual spot.

Jaehyun told him that he wants to bring him somewhere that he knows Taeyong will definitely enjoy for them to celebrate the older's birthday. A late Birthday celebration.

And even Taeyong have a midnight shift that day he never hesitate to ditch work just to be with Jung Jaehyun.

Not a smart move but he is inlove, No one can tell Taeyong he just did a bad decision.

Well he is ready to receive an earful nag from his supervisor the next day and he is an expert when it comes to that stuff.

Taeyong quickly grabbed Jaehyun's arms and smile at him like nothing happened.

Let's just say, Taeyong and Jaehyun are already having " problems " ahead from their meeting but somehow whenever they decided to meetup, Taeyong always push the problem on the back of his mind and enjoy the day instead.

They never fix their problems they usually do make-up sex and never talk about the problem. Ever.

The ride using a public transportation is pain in the ass. It's uncomfortable, especially the fact that they have to share a seat with strangers when in reality you want to cuddle the person that is right next to you but you couldn't because you want to be decent in the eyes of strangers.

It's around midnight when they arrive at the said place.

It's definitely cold at that time and the breeze of night makes Taeyong snuggle more against Jaehyun's arm. The younger didn't protest at all and just let the other squished himself against the back of his shoulder as they both walk to their destination.

DreamCT Arts & Crafts Cafe

They both arrive in this beautiful cafe, Taeyong indeed really like it. The place is a not small and also not that big too, just right enough to accompany numbers of people.

And Taeyong smile widely as he saw those Dream catchers that are hanging on the wall and ceiling.

The place is pure Aesthetic and Instagram worthy.

Entering the place,

Taeyong and Jaehyun sat down on the left side of the cafe with a small table for two.

Taeyong busy appreciating the place got a nudge from Jaehyun as it give the Menu to Taeyong and the older then starts to scan over and check it.

Taeyong point out in the menu what he likes and Jaehyun order it but for some reason it looks like that they have limited food during midnight so Taeyong and Jaehyun settled with Garlic Buttered chicken and another one that Taeyong can't even remember what was called.

Jaehyun is smiling at him as they both waited for their order.

Jaehyun be talking about things at work and how he tries to make it up during working hours even those people around him sucks. He also complain how his boss make him do things outside his line of work.

Like fetching his Boss'es kids from school.

He hates it, very much.

And Taeyong just smile at the other, A comforting smile as he take a light squeezed on the man's knuckles in front of him.

After awhile their orders arrive.

And fuck that Buttered Chicken Taste too Salty for Taeyong buds.

Jaehyun let out a chuckle as he realized that the taste is too much for both of them. Making him scratch his nape as he move his head closer to Taeyong's face and whispers.

" I'm sorry for ruining the image of the place, I, personally didn't expect this "

Taeyong shakes his head assuring Jaehyun that it was fine.

They end up savoring their drinks and the other food that they ordered.

Jaehyun look up to Taeyong in the middle of their laughters his eyes are directly staring at the older.

Taeyong isn't stupid, he knows what's about to go down but hey, he didn't expect this to happen just right after his birthday and right after 3 months of Jaehyun ghosting him just because he like it better when there's an ice involve their foreplay.

But at that time...Taeyong wasn't thinking about what possibly in the mind of the man he loves so much.

Jaehyun bitterly smile at him and just say few words. Taeyong think it's a whole bunch of excuses but when you see your world crumbling down just in front of your eyes. You will suddenly be deaf and the next thing you will notice is your heart feels empty.

You will try to keep your tears not to fall, and that's what Taeyong did. He laugh bitterly and shake his head to fight the tears.

He also smile at Jaehyun, A genuine smile.

Never in his life think that he will get mad at jaehyun at all.

He maybe kinda understand why the man is leaving him but at the same time he doesn't.

Jaehyun just stare at him with tears in his eyes as he keeps apologizing.

Ah, he remembered that day.

When they first met because they want to see a band that they both like to perform.

Unfortunately they end up not fitting inside the car since everyone have their own date. They end up sleep-making out at some of Jaehyun friend's apartment.

And One day, that Sunday Morning they end up being in a platonic relationship.

A coffee for Jaehyun, Pancakes and hot chocolate for Taeyong.

At that time Taeyong thought that maybe he is the man that he is waiting for.

Taeyong snapped back in reality when a pair of hands suddenly came in to contact. He flinched in pain and he quickly draws back his hands near his chest and stood back.

It's time to go home.

When he is about to leave a kid suddenly pops out from his behind poking all those dream catchers that are displayed near them.

The kid mumbles the question silently but Taeyong able to take a grasp of what the kid asked making him smile and another pool of tears to fill Taeyong's eyes.

" Why are you crying, are you ok ? "

The innocence of this kid.

Taeyong failed to answer the kid's question but he didn't forget to give the child a little pat on his head before Taeyong skips his way outside the place.

Taeyong breathe deeply and occasionally biting his inner cheeks whenever he felt like his fake facade is about to break loose.

The now Ex lovers started to walk back.

Taeyong just noticed that there are sunflowers around the area. He likes sunflowers, he likes the fact that sunflowers always look at the sun.

He wanted someone to treat him like a sun too.

He wanted to be appreciated because of what he emits and not because of his looks.

Taeyong was freezing and suddenly Jaehyun held his hands making the masks of Taeyong loosen it's grip.

He broke down right on the spot, not because he was held by Jaehyun again.

But because he knows that it will be the last time that the younger will held his hands ever again.

They both walk in silence as Taeyong keep on sobbing in quietly, he tries to keep his voice down as they walk passed to few people.

At maybe two o'clock they arrive at the bus station and taeyong pull his hands away from Jaehyun.

This will be the last time and he begged Jaehyun to leave him alone now. He doesn't want to get in the bus.

Making excuses like he is willing to wait for the next bus but Jaehyun frown at him and use a cold tone that made Taeyong shiver in fear.

He begged for the man to delay their departure for couple of times but Jaehyun is starting to look at him, like mad. Mad, mad.

The older wasn't able to keep his composure and end up climbing inside the bus with a heavy heart.

Jaehyun accompanied him and they both know all the people in the bus stare at them.

Maybe if they're in other situation Taeyong would smile gleefully from the strangers stare but right now he is sure that his bloodshot eyes give them the answers.

Fuck it, My boyfriend just broke up with me. So what about it ?

Taeyong sat on the farthest seat on the right side of the bus taking the window side.

His eyes are on the outside while Jaehyun was silently sitting beside him as the younger fidgets his fingers.

After few turns and stop, Jaehyun speak

" Yong, I'm about to get off "

Taeyong's tears starts to betrayed him again, trying his best to suppressed his whimpers in.

Jaehyun poke his hyung's shoulder and offer his handkerchief, Taeyong is still skeptical about taking it but damn he really needs to blow his nose.

So he did take it and take his attention back outside the window.

A slight squeezed on his knees and the emptiness of the seat next to him Finally hit him.

He look at the man who's about to get off the bus,

The man who is now getting off from his life.

Should I even continue this ?

0077JYcreators' thoughts