
Chapter 6

"Are we there yet Felix? We've been walking for days." Amari said in annoyance. Felix looked at her and pointed at the massive mountain that was in front of them. He waved at Amari and turned around. "Where are you going Felix?" Before Felix could respond Amari felt knife pressed on her neck. "Move and she's dead." A familiar voice said as they pressed the knife with more force on Amari's neck.

"My father sent you. Didn't he." Amari recognized the person by his voice. It was the dragon hunter that was trying to hurt the red dragon. She met him few days back. "He did and i got payed well for getting you back." He smirked and tied a rope around her hands. She looked around to look for Felix but didn't see him anywhere.

After few minutes of sitting next to a tree she saw a big group of bird flying from the forest as if something scared them. A few moments after she saw a familiar pair of big red wings. A giant red dragon flew and landed on the ground next to its nest. The whole crew on the dragon hunter (He shall be named Erick. I picked a random name i thought that would suit him) paniced and waited for orders. Erick didn't have time to deal with a dragon. "Leave everything here and run!" Erick yelled at his crew. "But what about the princess?! What are we going to tell the king if we come back withouth her!!" Someone yelled back at him as he chuckled and ran too. "We are going to leave her here." He chuckled again.

The dragon spewed fire in their way. It looked straight in Amaris eyes. It send her shivers down her spine. She tryed to stand up but she fell back down. She pulled out the knife she had behing her belt and cutted the tight rope that was around her hands. She then stood up and

bowed down in front of the dragon. The dragon layed down waiting for her to climb on. It knew she wouldn't hurt him. He trusted her.

Amari widen her eyes and looked around. She ran to get her sword that was laying on the ground. She picked her sword and putted it back on her belt. The dragon was looking at her the whole time. She was now standing next to him hesitating if she should get on or not. "It's now or never i guess." With that she was sitting on the dragons back. Hes got up and opened his big red wings.

He quickly fluttered his wings as his legs slowly stopped touching the ground. Amari closed her eyes in fear of falling down. They were quickly high in the air. Everything seemed to slow down. Amari hesitatedly opend her eyes. She looked around in amazement. Her fear of falling down got smaller. They flew on top of the Rosenwald kingdom. Amari looked disgusted at the castle. The place she grew up and met a lot of nice people like Evelyn. She hoped Evelyn was doing great.

They landed in a big cave. The were few torches on the walls. Amari shivered a bit at how cold it was. The dragon layed down to let Amari down. She sat down and looked at the injury that the dragon had under his wing. It was quite healed but it still needed to be treated. The dragon layed down it's head on her lap.

Amari hesitadly placed her hand on his head. He huffed a bit of smoke from his nostrils. He relaxed after few minutes. A bright and blinding light appeared. Amari had to cover her  eyes. The light disappeared. She slowly opened her eye's to see a tall red haired guy in front of her.