
Chapter Twenty four

                   PHOENIXES’ P.O.V 

                       DAMNATION !!!

“ she likes you bruh. Imaging staying with Miya Malkhova for a week. Crazy shiit “ he says and it dawned to me.

“ fuck!!! That’s true “ I say in realization and we both shake hands happily then continue our walk to the school’s garage and head to our luxurious dormitory.

Ian was about to turn the car to the drive way when we caught sight of the three school queens heading our way. 

“ what the fuck do they want man “ Ian mutters to me 

“ don’t know. Guess they want another free ride again “ I say in a teasing way knowing that Ian hates unnecessary company. 

“ oh please cut it out “ he says annoyed and I chuckle. I and Phoenix hasn’t known each other for long but we get along so well, you’d think we have known each other since fifth grade.  

The girl finally stand in front of us and I look at Luna. Can’t deny I still like her but she is so annoying. I guess she hates me now that she knows I’m not one of them. I look at her pretty face briefly then look at Dora. Wouldn’t want her thinking I’m one of her fans. 

Ian whined down the window and asks “ yes? “ the nigga so blunt. I watch Luna roll her eye. 

“ as rude and annoying as always “ she says to him with an annoyed face 

“ then why are you here. “ he asks with a tired face. 

“ not here for any of you assholes. Just came with my friends “ oh wow assholes? Now she’s crossing the line.

“ bitch your the asshole here.” Ian says in a nonchalant way like he is talking about the weather. Fuck! How could he pull that off. 

“ guys. It’s okay please. What y’all want “ I say acting as peace maker. 

“ we were thinking of you guys would like to go out tonight. We’re going clubbing tonight thought you might be interested.

“ No we’re not. We have some coochies to pop. Bye “ Ian said and zoomed off living all of them stunned and me, amused. Real crazy dude.

The week passed pretty fast, the next week was for my deal with Miss keep my class rules. After class with Professor right , I packed my stuffs ready to go to her office.

“Ready for ur first fuck with the sexy Missy? “ Ian asked wiggling his brows and I laughed 

“ I hope that’s what happens bruh “ I say jokingly and we both laugh and shake hands.

“ please use a condom “ he says and I slap his back playfully. Was about to start leaving when my mum called. She didn’t call often so I was quite surprised she called. 

“ Hey baby “ she says in a weak voice. 

“ sweetheart. Hi “ I reply as I watch Ian look at me with internet.

“ forgotten I have to see the doctor today? “

“ oh shit! that’s right “ I said I’m realization. Damnation!!!! How the fuck am I supposed to do this now. I shut my eye and massage my temples with the other hand. One hand is my mum who’s health is at stake here on the other is Professor Anderson who’d surely ruin me and my mum. Fuck me! I open my eyes and see Ian looking with interest and an idea pops in. 

“ mum, I’d send my friend. I got some thing real important to do. Don’t worry he’ll treat you nice “ I say with a mischievous smile as my eyes dances on Ian. 

“ okay baby send him over in thirty minutes “  

“ i Will ma “ I say and we hang up.

“ don’t tell me I’m that friend “ Ian says with a glare and make a very cute dimples smile. 

“ cut it out man. I’m not gay “ he says and I chuckle. 

“ please Ian. My mum’s really sick and it’s getting worse. We have to go to the hospital today. And she’s very nice “ I say to him 

“ is she pretty? “ I frown at his question cause my mum is very pretty and still so young.

“ keep your hands away from my mum Ian “ I warn him with a stern face and he laughs.

“ then she’s cute “ he says with a smirk and I glare at him 

“ Ian “ I say more sternly 

“ c’mon I’m not gonna touch her nigga “ he says and I sigh.

“ gimme your phone. I’ll input the address on google map “ he opens it and hands me the phone. I input my address and bid him fare well.

Now I’m in front of Miss Anderson’s office. I knock mildly and she says “ come in “ through the intercom. I walk in and see her cute creamy cleavages under her v necked gown. Is she always putting on a v neck?. 

“ Hi Ford “ she says looking up at me 

“ Hi miss Anderson “ I say in a tired voice. “ what am I to do miss? “ I asked ready to get this over with and go see my mum.

“ Just sit there and look no where else but here till I’m done “ she says with a smile and I stare at her in disbelief.

Why would she call me here to just look at her with such low necked gown. I see what she’s trying to do, she wants to torture me. What a nice selection of punishment. Great!! She stares at me giving me that you - wanna - back - out - Face. 

“ okay miss “ I say then she smiles and continues her work while I stare at those cute milky tits.


                     IANS’ P.O.V

                     SO PRETTY 

After Phoenix left class, I packed up my bags and started going to Phoenix’s mums’ place. I kept receiving directions from my map. I get there in thirty minutes. I guess there are more of blacks here,I’ve been seeing them since I arrived. I look at the tiny house in front of me and Sigh. Haven’t been In this type of place In my life, it’s new to. I wouldn’t do it my brother asked nicely. But Phoenix is my friend, I haven’t had in 4 years after Eric died in that car accident. 

I shake off that bad memory and walk to the front door. “ any body home? “ I ask and knock the door but no answer. I knock again but still no answer. I’m Starting to panic. Did I come late and some thing bad happened to Phoenix’s mother? He’ll roast me. I push the door and it’s open. I rush into the little condo. I walked hastily inside the first room I saw and cursed under my breath 

“ oh shit! “ I say sweeping my eyes over the naked curvy lady in front of me,before turn around instantly as she tried to cover up“ oh my God!!! Don’t you knock before you ente? “ she asks. She has a small voice 

“ I’m so sorry. I knocked but no one answered so I rushed in afraid “ I said 

“ that’s so nice of you. Now if you could please excuse me “ she says annoyance evident in her voice. I walk out to the tiny living room and sit as I look around. The gate mans home in my mansion is bigger than this place. I walk towards the frame on the wall to have a good look. It’s Phoenix and his mum. They look alike so much the only difference is the eyes and skin color. His mum is so so beautiful and young. No wonder he made it clear that I should stay away. I looked at her golden brown eyes and her brown skin. She has a long curly hair too. Phoenix has a curly hair too but light skinned and grey eyes. 

I was still looking when I heard her cute voice.

“ so you’re the friend boy? “ she says from behind me and I feel my pride slapped. I spin towards her and smile 

“ yes ma’am and I’m 20 not a boy anymore “ I spell it out to her 

She chuckles “ forgive my words handsome “ she says with a smile and takes a sit on her little couch. They’ve got just one couch so I decide to stand. 

“ no offense pretty “ I return the compliment and she smiles at me. Damn she really is so beautiful. Now I see where Phoenix got all those dimples from. But she looks sick she looked prettier in the picture. 

“ please come and sit “ she says I want to refuse her but she already caught me “ please don’t say no. “ 

I sigh in defeat and sit close to her. She smells good, like honey and flowers. 

“ what would you like me to bring you dear? “ she asks I want to say nothing but she has a don’t - tell - me - nothing face. I chuckle and finally say “ coffee please “ 

“ sugar? “ she asks with a smile 

“ any how you make it “ I tell her with a smile too. I haven’t been in a place like this so I’m trying to adjust. I watch her walk into the little kitchen at the side and my eyes are glued to the back. Oh my! She got mad ass and hips. Now I look at her well. She’s putting on a simple purple gown. Looks elastic and it’s a straight cut . No design just simple. She looks nothing like a mom. She shouldn’t be more than thirty so how in fucks name is she his mom!!!  

She walks back in minutes later with two cups in hand. She hands me mine and sits by my side. I mutter a thank you and take it from her. Silence. 

“ are you really his mom? “ I ask eyes on her and she chuckles 

“ I get that all the time bruh “ she has a little black accent and I find it attractive. Shiit! Ian stop this! I mentally smack my face. 

“ gave birth to him when I was fourteen. Child love and unprotected sex “ she says and I look at her and imagine a young girl if fourteen with a baby bump. 

“ wow that must be an awful experience “ say eyes still on her as I watch her smile her dimpled pretty smile. 

“ yes. But it brought something beautiful yunno? “ she says and I smile. I feel hurt tho. If only my mum was this caring towards me. 

I shake off that feeling and face the damsel in front of me.

“ yes ma’am “ I say with a smile.a genuine smile. 

She chuckles and waved her hand in a dismissive way “ please quit calling ma’am. I’m only thirty three “ 

“ oh sorry miss “ I say to her. She’s thirty three? That’s pretty young,

“ Stephanie. My name is Stephanie “  she says and swiftly drops her tea cup, takes the handkerchief on her lap to cover her mouth and begin to cough. I just stare and watch her cover the handkerchief without letting me see. Sneaky woman.

“ sorry steph “ I say and she looks up at me. Her lashes are long not artificial just long. She manages a smile and I see weakness in those golden brown eyes. She’s doing a good job hiding it from me but I see it. Maybe she is not just that good or maybe I am too good. I just see through her, she is strong. 

“ c’mon let’s get going. “ she says with a smile on her face as she jumps up to her feet. I stand too and drop the tea cup on the table. 

“ yeah let’s go steph “ I walk to the door, open it and hold it open for her.

“ awwwwn that’s so gentle many of you “ she says and pinch my cheeks in a playful manner. 

“ Steph I’m not a baby “ I say with an offended face, and she chuckles and waves me off and walks out the door. 

I walk out the door and watch her lock it and turn. 

“ so where is this hospital that Phoenix wants me to go to? “ she asks with a smile I smile back 

“ now first get into the car before we start talking about the hospital “ I say with my head cocked then place my hand at her back. She looks at me with squinted brows and I laugh. 

“ what? Not like I’d rip you dress apart to take a better look at those curves outside “  she starts laughing and hits me on the shoulder jokingly.


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Bye Loves❤️