
Chapter Sixteen

                          LUNA’S P.O.V

                           DEAL 😏 (2)

After that we continued walking and didn’t talk again till we got to the faculty. When we reached in-fronted the enormous building, he said he would find his way from there so I left him.

I went into my class room and got sorted for the course of the day. Of course I didn’t mind all the drooling eyes that stared at me. Sometimes it could be annoying but I am used to it already. The class was busy, everyone engaging their selves in different pointless activities while awaiting out lecturers arrival.

I was on my phone when I heard people settle down. It’s an indication that the lectures are about to begin to so I drop my phone and I look up. I almost choke on my spit when I see Phoenix stand close to her.

“ Hi students. We have a new pupil in class today “ she say with a smile while I watch how those tasty hoes stare at him dreamily. 

“ please introduce yourself then go take any sit “ she says with another smile and he returns it. And fuck !!!!! I know I have seen this smile before but I’m ashamed to say that I still feel charmed by it. 

“ My name is Phoenix Forbes. I’m a transfer student. It’s nice to meet you all “ he says with a sweet dimpled smile and they say nice to meet you too. 

“ Now go find a sit “ Miss Helen says and he walks into the class. At first I thought he’d find a sit at the back but then he walks to my side and take the sit close to me. I roll my eyes at his stupid decision. 

“ I thought we agreed on something some time ago? “ I ask unhurriedly immediately he sits on the chair at my right. 

“ Don’t worry I’d act like I don’t know you. You wouldn’t even notice my existence just don’t want to get eaten by these girls trying to drill a hole in my head with their eyes “ I swear I didn’t mean to but I couldn’t help it I chuckled at his words. And he joined me then winked at me after our brief moment of relief. I felt my heart skip at this gesture but I couldn’t let it show. Next moment I had a straight face and so did he. 

He kept to his words, no words, not even did he still a glance at me once. He was totally invincible apart from the fact that I stole glances at him with the corner of my eyes. 

‘Jesus!!! How could a man be this handsome.’ thought. 

He is clouding my thoughts. This is not good. I shake my head and lead my concentration back to the lecturer. 

After lectures, he packed up his books and stuffed them in his cross bag, then turned to my side. Finally!!!! Finally!!!  

I thought but didn’t show it anyway. 

“ i’mma take ma leave now sexy “ he says with a smile and stands on his feet 

“ okay stranger “ I say with a cocky smile and he rolled his eyes and chucked 

“ still playing hard to get huh? “ he says then walks off. Asshole!!!! Who says I’m playing hard to get here. 

I pack my stuffs in my hand bag and walk out in order to find Khelani and Dora.

Walking out I see he has people clustering around him. 

“Wow! He’s getting pretty popular “ someone says from behind I don’t need to turn around to know the owner of the voice.

“ obviously “ I say nonchalantly 

“ wait a minute. Is that kai? “ Dora asks.

“ Of course it’s kai dummy. Thought he a loner “ khelani says 

“ he has never spoken long with guy in school. Wonder why he and Phoenix are all over their selves. “ I say 

“ their business. Let’s get going “ khelani says then we start to walk over to our garage.

Kai is one of the most popular in school. He is an anti social rich cute asshole and a womanizer who never catches feelings. Ask me how I know. Of course both had a fling in high school. I was Damn crazy about him back then, even though I knew all he felt towards me was a sexual tension. It was quite painful being the most sought-after girl in school I was still used by a rich cute asshole of a womanizer. 

He's quite wierd most times and does his shit on his own, no one ever crosses his part cause he can also be violent. 

And He’ll!! He’s cuter than Nick but not as cute as the new guy. 

Kai is Half American half French. Sweet combination right? Yeah. Thought that too when I first found out. But who gives a shit about the Asshole again? He’s history. 

We got to the garage and met Nick leaning on my car. Tf!!!!! My car!!!!! That’s my fucking baby. 

“Nick!!!!” I scream as I walk hastily towards him while khelani and Dora chuckle behind me. Of course they know how much I hate it. 

Immediately he realizes what he has done. “ babe I’m sorry I forgot “ he says as he stands from my Bentley. 

I fold my arms in front of him pissed. “ c’mon baby. I’d get you another one then “ he says with a stupid proud look on his face and wraps his arms around my waist. 

Annoyed by his annoying behavior, I push him away from me. “ There’s no need for show off here honey. I have lost of cars in my garage “ I say with a defensive stance and he laughs. I can’t help it I join him and we’re both laughing. Khelani and Dora comes towards us “ don’t tell us we’re canceling our plans Luna? “ Dora asks with a pout and Khelani smacks her ass cause if her to glare at her. 

“ could you leave the couple alone Dee “ she says cause as to chuckle. 

“ uhhhm... girls who parked that cheap bike close to my car “ Nick asks and I feel irritated by the ay he referred to the bike, which is unusual of me.

“ it’s mine “ Phoenix says from behind. 

We all turn to see him walking close to us with Kai. 

“ oh you’re the new guy. “ Nick says with a smirk.

I and the and the girls turn to him “ you know him? “ I ask. Nick pulls me close to his chest by the waist. I give him a glare but he acts oblivious to that fact. 

“ of course I would. He’s the peasant that got a lucky dance with my girl at the club “ he said in an arrogant tone. I roll my eyes at him words. I look at Phoenix to see his reaction and he’s totally emotionless. I look at kai and he just stands there with his phone unfazed. Typical of the asshole. 

“ C’mon kai. We gotta go. I don’t waste my time with immature kids “ Phoenix says to kai and they both start to walk leaving us all dumbfounded at his reply. 

“ Fuck!! “ Dora exclaims mockingly 

“ He’s a savage “ khelani says. Amusement all over her face. I swear I want to laugh but I can’t laugh at my boyfriend in front of them. 

Phoenix stops in front of his bike and turns “ uhmmm.... girls don’t know if you’d wanna go out with us. On my cheap bike though “ Phoenix asks and I just stare at him admiring his self confidence. 

“ Hell yeah! If cheap bike owners are this cute I’m in “ Dora says in excitement and hop on the bike with him. I can’t help but laugh while Nick glares at me. 

“ Khelani would you ride with me? “ kai asks and everyone is dumb struck. I mean he has never talked to the girls before even when we were dating. Khelani looks flustered first but agrees immediately. 

“ y..yeah. Sure “ she says with a smile and joins him on his bike.  

Kai starts his bike and leave along with khelani while Phoenix starts his bike and winks at me in a flirty way and I chuckle as I watch him leave along with Dora.

“Really? “ I hear nick say and I turn 

“ what happened? “ I asked confused 

“ he winked at and you laughed “ he says 

“ c’mon it was harmless “ I say and he pulls a sulking face 

“ hmmmph let’s go “ he says as he pulls me towards his car. 

“ go where? “ I ask cause we didn’t plan on going anywhere before 

“ it’s a surprise honey “ he says and opens the door for me

“ what about my car” I ask while I enter 

“ I’ll send a driver to take to your mansion “ he says and I smile. I wonder what the surprise will be. I’m all smiles

“ but I’m not even dressed yet “ I say 

“ forget that baby. You’re super sexy in any dress “ he says and pecks me on my lips and I blush. I really love Nick a lot but he keeps fucking us up. 

He starts to drive. He has been driving for almost and hour now and I’ve been on my phone checking my instagram page while he kisses my hand occasionally. It’s sweet. Lovely. Best feeling ever. 

“ here we are “ he announces and I look up. It’s a magnificent mansion.

He gets down and opens the door for me. I get down and follow him, hand in hand. 

Happiness evident on my face as we walk in. It’s beautiful. Exquisite. The mansion is immaculate white. As we get close to the house I hear soft music. 

“ here we go “ he says to me and I smile. He opens the door for me and I’m in awe.


Hi readers 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

Told y'all I’d update lengthy chapters 🙃🙃

i won’t let yah down

what do you think 🤔 would happen next? Would nick make it up to Luna?

would nick cheat again?

drop your opinions in the comment section 😌

bye loves 🙋🏼‍♀️