
Drawn to a Flame

-Temporary Synopsis- [An AU] A journey of Naruto in the world of Avatar. Possible lemons in the future, I don’t know yet. Naruto is the protagonist, but there will be combination of NarutoxATLA!!! Putting this here so no one will be BAMBOOZLED thinking it’s only Naruto in the ATLA universe! Art cover is not mine, and it belongs to the original art owner!

ASpyFromMars · Komik
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49 Chs

A Bridge that Connects Us All: Final Part

{End of Volume 1! If anybody made it this far after a long hiatus... thank you. For all the OG readers that are still reading this, I owe you an apology for making you wait.}

A swirl of red malice surrounded Naruto, growing thicker by the second. His pupils formed into slits, and his teeth grew into sharp canines, and his whiskers became more defined.

The surge of red malice burst forth from his body and shot up into the sky in a spiraling aura of dread. Everyone stopped to a standstill, their bodies frozen in place.

Azula felt her heart thumped as she stared at the changes of Naruto. She recognized this evil energy. It was when he had confronted her father. Azula was scared of him that time.

"What's happening to you, Naruto?" Tenten asked in a low murmur. That crimson energy wasn't anything she had seen before, and she honestly felt scared.

"How strange," Iroh's visage grew stern. This chi felt incredibly malicious - almost like an evil spirit.

"What is this chi?!" Haku took a step back, he felt chills run down his spine.

Naruto suddenly roared to the Heavens. His feral roar echoed across the bridge to the awe of everyone around. Then, crouched on the ground at charged at him.

'He's coming!' Haku was astounded by his speed. He pulled out three needles between his fingers and threw them at the demon fox.

Naruto easily swiped them away with his grown claws as he roared once more.

'I have to move,' Haku sprinted as fast as possible, moving around Naruto.

But, Naruto's sharp, red eyes easily followed him, and he quickly moved in pursuit.

'I can't outrun him!" In a moment's notice, Naruto appeared in front of him, his eyes full of bloodlust, and he threw a blinding fast punch at Haku's face.

Haku suddenly shot backwards like an arrow. He crashed into the ground before he finally rolled to a stop. As Haku got up to a bear crawl, his white mask suddenly cracked. It split into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Haku spat out blood as he slowly stood up; his face was calm and serene as he saw Naruto closing in on him. He won't be able to stop him. No, he won't be able to defeat him.

He was prepared for death.

Haku was prepared to take this force of nature head on, however... it never came.

That malicious chi slowly dimmed down, and Naruto's eyes turned back to their usual bright blues. His fist was only inches away from Haku's face.

"It's you... from that time," Naruto angrily said.

"Why stop? That girl lying over there; she must be someone dear to you," Haku softly spoke. "Even though I killed her, you can't kill me?"

Naruto gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist. This was like some cruel joke, "Damn it!"

Naruto clocked Haku right in the jaw, dropping him to the ground. Haku spat out another pool of blood and wiped his mouth.

He slowly got up again.

"You can't defeat me with that kind of strength," Haku said. "Naruto... I want you to kill me; make it quick."

"Why..." Naruto uttered out.

"I have no purpose to live anymore," he answered.

"Didn't you say that the purpose of living is to grow stronger and protect those who you care about? Was that a lie?!"

"I outlived my usefulness as Zabuza's tool. It was the only reason why I stayed alive until now."

Zabuza had taken him in when he was young in a time where he had no one else: took care of him and trained him as his tool. Now, it was time to give back what he had owed.

"So, all I ask is for you to kill me."

Naruto grew angrier, pulling a kunai from his pocket. Gripping the sharp weapon in hand, he ran towards Haku.

Azula sensed the bloodlust radiated around Naruto. He was actually going to kill him. Then, she suddenly remembered the Yoona, the ancient spirit, and her life of bloodshed.

'It's just like that time...' Azula realized that she, herself, had almost fell down into that black abyss.

Naruto... he was about to fall into that black abyss, too. Azula couldn't let that happen.

"Naruto, stop!" Azula suddenly screamed at him.

The kunai suddenly halted at Haku's neck, prickling his skin. Just a little more, and he would have been dead.


"Don't do this; it's not like you."

"But, he.... because of him, Suki is..." His hand began to shake uncontrollably. Naruto had the urge the jam the kunai through Haku's throat. There was no way to bring her back.

"This isn't you, Naruto; the Naruto I know wouldn't let hatred cloud his mind," she said. "Please, don't walk down this path."

Her words reached Naruto, and he dropped the kunai. His bright blue eyes peered deep into Haku's obsidians, "I really, really want to kill you right now, but... I don't think I can do it anymore."

A tiny smile grew on Haku's lips, "She truly cares about you."

"Haku, you don't need to keep going like this. You don't have to keep following Zabuza."

"Maybe you're right, but I chose to do this, and I will continue to do so. I'm happy where I belong."

"Then... then I'll make sure Zabuza treats you like a normal human - even if I have to beat his stupid head in," Naruto said.

Haku shook his head with a smile; he could tell Naruto meant what he said. He won't be able to stop him; his body was already numb from exhaustion and pain.

"That girl over there..." Haku pointed at Suki. "She's not dead; I made sure to avoid her vital spots."

When Tenten heard that, she quickly check Suki's pulse. Streams of tears fell as she smiled in happiness, "Oh, thank god!" She really thought she would lose her best friend forever.

Azula breathed out a sigh of relief. She was glad that Suki was alright.

* * * * *

Zabuza groaned in pain, the bleeding wound on his stomach worsened. He slowly stood back up with the help of his sword.

He glared at Rock Lee, that damn kid who threw that cheap shot. Then, his eyes drew themselves towards Iroh. He recognized that old geezer.

"Well, if it isn't The Dragon of the West," Zabuza said with a snarl. " On a nice retirement vacation, General?"

"Uncle?" Azula asked in surprise. What was he doing here?

"We're here to stop Gato," Iroh answered.

"Well, I have business with the rat bastard, so you would have to get through me," Zabuza raised The Executioner over his shoulders.

"Bring it on, then!" Rock Lee shouted.

"Hmph," Zabuza dashed towards Rock Lee in a blink of an eye, swinging his massive sword down on him.

Zabuza thought it would be an easy win, but he was wrong. His sword was caught mid-swing between Rock Lee's palms.

"Nice try, but you're gonna have to do better than that," Rock Lee smirked.

Zabuza quickly pulled back his sword and retreated to a safe distance. He immediately raised his hand out and fired several water bullets at them.

Iroh stepped forward, bending a wall of fire to block those dangerous projectiles. What was left was cloud of steam, slowly whisked away along with the blowing wind.

And out of that steam came Rock Lee in unexpected fashion.

'He's fast!' Zabuza tried to raise his sword to block, but he was just a second too slow. He was thrown back by Lee's devastating kick.

"Damn it," He underestimated this boy.

As Zabuza got back up, he was barraged by several flames. He hastily blocked them with waterbending, however, a stream of fire slipped through and burned his shoulders.

"Urgh!" Zabuza groaned in pain. Damn, that was his swordarm, too. He watched as Iroh and Rock Lee approached him.

Suddenly, Haku appeared in front of Zabuza, "I will not allow you two to proceed any further."

"Haku..." Zabuza muttered. His tool.

"Zabuza!" Naruto yelled at him, instantly grabbing his attention. "I think you should stop already. What's the point of continuing on anymore?"

"I'm a mercenary - it's what I do," he answered.

"Then, as a mercenary, you should know which fight to continue and when to back off. Think about it! Would you rather risk your life and Haku's for some greedy bastard like Gato?"

"What would a naive, little brat like you would know?" Zabuza said. That blonde brat didn't know his life, his struggles.

"If you want to go ahead and lose your life, fine! But, Haku shouldn't lose his life because of your stubbornness," Naruto said.

"Haku is merely a tool; he only need to follow my command," he answered. "Just like all Shinobi like myself."

"No, he's not; he's human - he has feelings, needs and desires. If you just use your comrades and friends, as mere tools, eventually they'll break."

Zabuza snorted in response. He didn't need a brat like Naruto to tell him that.

"Zabuza," Haku suddenly chimed in. "I think Naruto's right. As your tool - no - as your friend, I would do everything in my power to protect you. So, that's s why I suggest that we should not continue with this pointless fight."

"Don't tell me you've been swayed by that punk, Haku?" Zabuza frowned.

"Your life is more valuable than Gato's money," Haku smiled.

"Tch," Zabuza clicked his tongue. He didn't have anything to say to counter that.

Suddenly, the echos of claps interrupted them from afar, "What a show, truly. My heart nearly melted at such a display of drama," Gato spoke in a clearly mocking tone.

Surrounding him were a horde of bandits along with Captain Zemin, and his platoon of Fire Nation soldiers.

"Gato..." Zabuza growled.

"It's him," Rock Lee frowned, clenching his fists.

"That's Gato?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. He didn't look like much. He did look like a giant asshole as far as he could tell.

When Azula saw Captain Zemin, she couldn't help but click her tongue in annoyance, "Even that bastard is here."

"How useless," Gato sneered. "You look pathetic, Zabuza. You even failed your mission. Looks like you won't be getting your reward afterall."

Zabuza glared at him. That's right. Gato had used him like he used Haku. He couldn't help but laugh at himself. Zabuza should have expected this.

Since Gato canceled the deal, there wasn't a need to hold back against him.

"Hey, punk," he said to Naruto. "How about we end our little fight here?"

"What. You wanna use me too?" Naruto crossed his arms.

"No," he shook his head. "Not this time."

"Heh, now you're talkin'."

Captain Zemin pointed at Iroh, "General Iroh, I didn't expect you to side with the traitors of the Fire Nation."

"Traitors of the Fire Nation?" Iroh raised an eyebrow. His eyes slowly wandered towards Azula and Naruto. "Azula?"

"Hey, uncle..." she waved awkwardly.

He had questions. Too many. But, Iroh would have to wait for another time. He had a job that he needed to finish and protect his niece.

"Your mistaken, Captain," Iroh answered. "I retired from my position as General."

"Nonsense. You will be severely punished for such treason, General." Captain Zemin frowned. "This is your last warning. Cease and desist immediately."

"I'll take my chances," he smiled.

"You heard him, Zemin; there's no need to hold back," Gato chuckled. "Men, go ahead and kill everyone here!"

"Hmph, go and take care of things," Zemin commanded his soldiers. If he could capture the traitorous General, the Fire Lord will perhaps graciously reward him.

Naruto, Haku, Zabuza, Iroh, Rock Lee and even Azula. They all came together and charge. Tenten volunteered to stay behind in order to protect Suki.

Two sides finally clashed, fighting for life or death. Pillars of fire flew from both sides, and a lake of ice suddenly froze the bandits and soldiers in place.

Zabuza cut through his enemies who were unfortunately close to him while Rock Lee thrown those bandits back unconscious with his kicks. Even with their swords and spears, the bandits proved themselves useless.

One-by-one, all the bandits and soldiers fell, leaving Gato and Captain Zemin all alone.

"Impossible!" Gato grew stunned. "There were only nine of them!"

He slowly backed up in fear until his feet touched the edge of the bridge. Gato glanced down and gulped. He had nowhere to run.

His body shook in fear as Zabuza ran towards him, "D-demon!" He screamed.

Blood splurged out as Zabuza cut Gato down. The last thing he saw was a faint image of a demon before Gato fell to the depths of the river below.

Gold flames suddenly burned beneath Captain Zemin's feet, and he let out an unintentional squeal. Before him was the traitorous scum that he had been trying to capture.

How the tables have turned.

Captain Zemin looked down at the river. It was either jump or be captured. Zemin wouldn't allow himself to be captured by the like of them, so he jumped.

Naruto breathed out a sigh of relief.

It was over. It was finally over.

On the other side of the bridge, Inari, Yulah and Temujin arrived on scene with a crowd of villagers behind them. They came with shovels, pitch forks and garden hoes.

"Hey, look, they're okay!" Inari shouted with happiness.

"Inari?" Naruto grew surprised. "What are you doing here? What's with the villagers?"

"We came here to help to beat Gato and - AH!" Inari suddenly pointed at Zabuza. "Z-zabuza!"

"Relax, he won't hurt you," Naruto rubbed Inari's head. "Besides, Gato's dead already."

Zabuza simply grunted.

"I guess it's finally over," Azula said, instantly grabbing Naruto's attention. She pulled the last needle from her shoulder and tossed it away.

"You alright, Azula?" Naruto asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Azula's legs suddenly gave out on her, and she fell forward. However, Naruto was there to catch her.

"You don't need to put up a tough act, ya know," Naruto said.

"Oh, shut it."

A smile graced Naruto's lips, "C'mon, let's get ya patched up."

Thanks 4 reading up to this point. There are many things that I could have written better, but I guess that's just part of writing.

I don't need a perfect novel; I only need one that can make you guys enjoy reading.

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts