

For more than 1000 years ago humans used to live in peace until one day monsters came out of sudden from the space it took them only 2 days to kill millions of humans

Humans weapons were useless against them people really thought it was the end of humanity until these dragons showed up the creatures in our fairytales turned up to be real 9 dragons showed up and in one day they killed most of these monsters and the rest of escaped back to space but the dragons lived in earth as our guardians they were nine

Fire dragon water dragon earth dragon wind dragon lightning dragon plant dragon healing dragon light dragon dark dragon

And they helped us then during their stay you would find the fire dragon stoping a volcano the water dragon stoping a tsunami and stuff like that from all of them except the dark dragon you would see him flying in the sky but he never interacted with humans that's why some people called him the lonely dragon

After few years some thing happened one day the dragons all of sudden went crazy and started fighting each other and some of them even tried to hurt humans but the light dragon stopped them it was clear that something happened to their minds or some one is controlling them only the light and the dark dragon weren't infected and when the light dragon was trying to stop them the dark dragon came to fight him and the fight was crazy it was obvious that they are stronger than the other dragons later we noticed that there is some dark star on the dragons heads that was making them going crazy except light and dark dragon who were fighting each other while the rest of the dragons going crazy an explosion happened in the sky during that fight and all humans could do was watching them waiting with bated breath what is going to happen later after the smoke of the explosion finally vanished seven dragons fell from the sky to the ground and both the dark and light dragon disappeared when the kings of the seven kingdoms of earth went to check on the dragons they were dying and for the first time they spoke they said the danger is coming we will give you the power to protect yourselves our powers and that happened each dragon of the seven divided his powers to 2 quarters and one half one quarter to the king who were talkin to him and and 1 quarter to the warriors of earth

one half that until now we don't know where did it go

And after that people started using what they call the ''nine''

The powers that the dragons gave to humans to protect themselves a month after the monsters showed up again there were no dragons to defend us but we have their powers their legacy during that month the seven kings united their armies and started training on their new powers of course a month was it enough so we were suffering even with powers we were losing this war some of the soldiers already lost hope until he showed up he wasn't a dragon he was just a human like the rest of us he wasn't wearing the soldiers uniform we don't know which kingdom he came from but he has powers unlike us he knew how to use them it was clear he was the strongest human alive even the monsters realized the started to run from him but he was so fast and strong only him who made the whole army fight again with passion until we finally won this was the greatest achievement for humanity this guy then called the first emperor and his name is Leon