
A start to a new adventure

Dusk blinked in confusion of what just happened, she looked up to the elder and realised that she was staring directly at her and Dawn, manly at Dawn but she was staring. The elder pointed to then and signalled to talk in the brake room, Dusk had no idea what this could be about. Once they got in there the elder shut the door and closed the blinds, "ok are we being robed?" Dusk joked but kept her gard up just in case.

"No your not" the elder giggled, "but this is serious, the prophesy, it says the two worthy souls will be born but we never knew who" she began.

"So?" Dawn asked confused.

"The reason why we started these meetings is to find those two souls, you two are the closest we have ever gotten" she explained.

"So what we follow this prophesy and definitely die" Dusk gave a sharp look, 'I am not this soul and Dawn is just gona get herself killed' she thought bitterly.

"No, I'm not sending you until I'm sure, meaning that you need to see the one who made the prophesy" the elder assured.

"Right one problem, didn't she die" Dusk argued.

"No only a dragon could kill a dragon, she is very much alive, Firestone is at the temple" the elder corrected.

"Right so I'm guessing that you'll take up to the temple talk to a 'mythical' dragon and is she approve of us go wondering in a jungle that killed experts and survive!" Dusk crossed her arms. 'Is she serious about this I'm not getting me or Dawn killed' she thought.

"Come on Dusk it'll be fine, if the prophesy says we'll survive then we will, right?" Dawn tried to persuade her.

"No we will perish" Dusk answered.

"Just go to the temple with me at least and you can argue with First there" the elder pleaded.

"Fine then" Dusk wasn't happy with this. They went to the cart with the two horses and the elder dirrcted them to the rocky mountains. They spent a good couple of hours getting up there and anuther half hour to get to the temple. Once they got there Dusk felt a little less annoyed and felt as if she could understand what's going through there minds.

"Follow me, I'll show you to Firestone" the elder opens the door and she released how big (not just the door) the temple was. Dusk saw a large door, almost hidden to the side. The elder opened the door but struggled a little, when it out Dusk looked inside but it was too dark and couldn't see anything. They all stepped inside and the door closed behind them, "yep I told you, we are all gona die" Dusk got her attitude against.

"No I don't hurt people" a female deep voice boomed through the hole room.

"Ok, let me out!" Dusk ran to the door fearing the worst.

"Relax mortal, I'm not gona hurt you" the voice was a bit quiter now.

"Yeah right, wait did you say mortal!" Dusk snapped.

"Dusk! Calm down!" Dawn ran to her pusher her back towards the voice.

"You should listen to your friend" the voice echoed of the walls.

"Show your self then I'll see if I can trust you" Dusk strained her eyes trying to see Firestone.

"Alright, I'm guessing you are the knew elder that is being trained, all of them are spectical" Firestones large head emerged from the shadows. Her head was firy red but her eyes and spikes were icy blue.

"No I'm not being an elder! I'm not what ever she thinks I am either!" Dusk finally snapped.

"Firestone these two souls, more that one" the elder pointed to Dawn, "are the closest I have ever seen to be the ones from the prophecy".

"Really, I didn't know one of them would be this resilient" Firestone rubbed her nose.

"Like I said I'm not one from the prophet" Dusk repeated herself.

"Yes Dusk we are the once from the prophesy, like how we use to pretend as kids" Dawn wacked Dusk shoulders in excitement.

'Really she had to remind me of that, please help me' Dusk sighed. "No you are just gona get yourself killed, I'm not letting you go" Dusk had to tug on Dawn's sleeve to pull her away from the dragon.

"Please understand I don't want to hurt you" Firestones voice sounded hurt and desperate.

"I know that it's the prophesy that is gona kill us, not you" Dusk stared directed into Firestones eyes, they look friendly, kind and peaceful and hers probably looked hostile.

Firestone rolled over, making a noise that sounded like she had muscle pain. "I think you two are the souls, please give it a try" Firestone begged.

"Why? what about me that screams, I'm the pure soul of an acent prophesy!?" Dusk demanded.

"The souls are not pure, there are no more pure souls out there, and you have the strength that will defend, that's what I need" Firestone nodded.

"Right then but how do you think that we are going to survive when experts won't?" Dusk waited for an answer.

"Why do you remind me of Sliverpig? It's just the attitude, isn't it?" Firestone sounded as if she was talking to herself.

"Ha, you are compered to someone who many fear" Dawn laughed.

"Shut up the both of you" Dusk wasn't scared of what's to come, she was just getting pissed of.

"Calm down please, you will be fine, you're on a mission to get to go to the temple of Lakarr he will protect you" Firestone reassured.

"Right so that's supposed to calm me down? What if he only protects your kind?" Dusk felt as if one of her blood vessels were about to pop.

"He protects all, I've seen it with mu own eyes" she nodded.

"Fine but one dangerous thing, and I'm abandoning the mission and I'm taking Dawn with me" Dusk decided not to argue anymore as it won't lead her anywhere.

"Good I'm sure Verria will show the way, she is more updated than I am" Firestone yawned.