
Witnessing Horror!

From Kayn's perspective, it would stand to reason that his existence alone would alter a few things. He even believed that just interfering with the events around him had caused some changes. Kayn didn't like things that were unexpected and out of his control, but these were things that couldn't be resolved.

He could only get stronger and face the unexpected.

In any case, the Wiseman talked to Kayn about [Spirit Control]. In fact, he said that Kayn had mastered a few Techniques that had a lot to do with [Spirit Control]. That being the [Multi-Form], [Instant Transmision], and [High-Speed Regeneration].

Of course, his [High-Speed Regeneration] was because of his Immortality, thus, it had nothing to do with [Spirit Control]. The Wiseman only taught him what he knew, he knew a few other moves but only one of those Techniques had anything to do with [Spirit Control].

The Wise man only told him that he would need to talk with Elder Pybara about the rest of these types of skills. Elder Pybara was the Elder that actually trained Goku in the regular series but once Kayn landed here, he sought out someone else instead of Pybara.

The Wiseman is an Elder, but the True Elder of Yadrat was Pybara, who controlled everything here.

The Wiseman explained a lot of other things he could do with [Spirit Control] aside from the series. Kayn was sure he could even learn Techniques like [Astral Projection] and more.

"Hmm, are you trying to learn [Spirit Control] now, you may be ready at this point. Even though you were strong before, you couldn't handle it the time you were a kid." The Wiseman already knew this day was coming, so he wasn't surprised or phased by it.

Kayn had never asked about [Spirit Control] when he was a kid, he just came here to learn techniques and hone himself a bit.

"I do want to learn, but I can't now. I have a few things to take care of, then I'll be back for sure to learn." Kayn sighed in relief, at least they wouldn't leave him in the dark. Pybara was a nice Elder anyway, but he was a cautious guy.

Ginyu had been here before, this was where he learned that crazy Spirit Transferring move, Body Switch. Pybara was well aware of all the events happening around the universe, he knew of Kayn's deeds very well.

Afterward, Kayn began the training of his Super Saiyan 3 form. Many Yardratians had come over to set up a strange Energy formation to not allow Kayn to wreck their planet. Kayn would be more careful with this power-up since he knew the exact amount of damage it would cause. This place had buildings and intelligent life-forms, unlike Vampa.

His [Ki-Control] should be able to prevent any disasters from occurring. His first time using it was a little out of his control, but at least the planet wasn't destroyed.

Kayn powered-up in a similar fashion as before to reach Super Saiyan 3. He also needed to raise his [Ki Control] pass the requirements to reach SSJ3. Kayn contiuned to practice every day using this method.

The Wiseman had even helped him with his [Ki-Control].

Time was passing by swiftly, but Kayn didn't just come here to work on his Super Saiyan 3 form. He had managed to learn a new move over the months from the Wiseman. This new skill was called [Spirit Link], this move took a bit of time to learn but he eventually got it down.

This wasn't an offense/attacking move but it was used to link his Spirit with others, it was only used for contacting people. However, he needed to set up a link with whoever he was trying to keep a link with.

They could also access this [Spirit Link], but only if Kayn allowed them to, he could also choose who he wanted them to Link to through the [Spirit Link].

It was like his own networking.

He could reach and contact them from anywhere; except being in the [Hyperbolic Time Chamber] or if he was in a different timeline/travel through time. All connections wouldn't go through under those circumstances. This was an ability that had to rank up, so he could only include a certain amount of people in his [Spirit Link].

For starters, he could include 3 so far.

In any case, Kayn just practiced his SSJ3 until he could instantly transform into it. Once he had mastered this, he decided he wanted to meet Pybara. Kayn was here on Yardrat already and he was talking about the guy, he may as well go meet him.

The Wiseman simply told Kayn that Pybara was on the other side of the Planet, and that he was expecting you! Yes, Pybara had already expected Kayn to come and meet him sooner or later, but it seemed it would sooner than he thought.

There were several Yadratian on the Planet, and the Wiseman just told him that he was on the other side of the planet. This wasn't much information to Kayn, so finding him would be hard with so many other Yadratians.

"Can't you use [Instant Transmission] and take me there?" Kayn looked at the Wiseman and asked.

"Hehe, well, I would but I'm on punishment right now." The Wiseman smiled strangely.

"Punishment? What did you do? Don't tell me you're going around steal more tea?" Kayn knew this old man stay here alone, he would use his Instant Transmission to literally steal it from others around the planet.

"Dang it! Can't you remember my skills for something good instead of negativity all of the time?" The Wiseman spat out his tea hearing Kayn's 'assumption'.

"Of course." Kayn said, "But for real though, why are you on this punishment?" Kayn really wanted to know.

"Well, it was because of the time I used [Instantaneous Movement] to go to another world. We can't use our abilities to travel off-world or we'll be punished." The Wiseman sighed and said.

"When did you lea... oh, yeah." Kayn suddenly remembered, it was when he had that Heart Disease, and to help him, he teleported him to Namek.

"Hehe, it was worth it in the end, just look at you!" The Wiseman didn't feel any regret for his decision.

"Thank you for your help, always." Kayn was truly grateful towards the Oldman, but he still had to find Pybara.

"Pybara already said you had a skill that should be able to find him." The Wiseman sipped his tea and said.

"Yes, that's right." The skill was pretty new so he had forgotten about it.

The [Virtual Eye]!

Kayn shot his senses out across the planet, then he opened the [Virtual Eye] Skill. The Skill scanned many Yardrat's quickly, however, he finally found a certain group of Yardratian that looked different.

They were those small types that looked similar to Pybara, he had to be here; Kayn thought. Looking deeper into the luxurious Palace with his [Virtual Eye], his vision infiltrated the place. Eventually, he came across a hot tub bathing area, it was misty from the steam in this place.

"Hmm, what's this?" Kayn saw a silhouette bathing in the hot tub. Those amazing curves and that plump voluptuous figure cause Kayn to stare in a daze. He unconsciously smiled, when was the last time he had these types of thoughts?

As he was staring in a daze, this figure started to walk out of the steamy mist. Suddenly, that figure changed from a curvaceous figure into a towering round entity.

"Oh my, you really do like to spy, do you like my body that much?" The figure emerged, it was Pybara in his Gigantification form. He walked out with a smile as he looked at the strange eye peering at him.

"Let me do a few poses for you, I got these moves from the Ginyu Force." Pybara started preform Ginyu Force dances while naked!

"OH MY GOD!!!" Kayn almost vomited blood and the lunch he ate an hour ago, his eyes felt like they were going exploded from the first sight of that! Kayn hurriedly and closed the [Virtual Eye] for fear of seeing more.

"Hahaha!" As soon as he did, Pybara chuckled and left the bathing area.

Meanwhile, back in the location of Kayn, he was on his 4's gasping deeply; more than he had ever done in his whole life and the last!

"What was that!? What fuck was that!?"

"What happened, are you alright!?" The Wiseman quickly came over to help Kayn, who was still shocked!

"I-I can't unsee it, I can unsee it!" Kayn's eyes were wide, no one should ever have to witness something like that, no one, even if they were the evilest being in all of history!

The Wiseman helped Kayn up, as he constantly asked him about what he had seen. Kayn only told him that it was something no one should see, and that he had made the mistake of looking into another "dimension".

Kayn knew that Pybara did this on purpose, he was wise and kind but he wasn't without a humorous side. Using his [Spirit Control] to deceive people, what Kayn saw in that mist, that figure was actually an illusion; a trick!

Kayn knew about this guy's personality, jokes, and pranks, but this was going too far!

"Do I go visit him after witnessing something so horrible?" Kayn was reluctant but he wondered if he had the face to see Pybara after that little meeting.

"Go visit him, you need to have a little talk with him before you start your training in the future." The Wiseman was speechless, even though Kayn described it as looking into another "dimension", he knew what Kayn had witnessed.

"Okay, I'll give him a visit!" Kayn sighed again and used [Instant Transmission], but not towards the location of Pybara, it was where the other little Yadratians were.