
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Zenkai Arena

After scuttling away from Cheelai I found myself a little lost. The roads were incredibly long, but strangely I found a large Rounded building. Among all the cubic ones it stood out. Specially with the large sign that said Zenkai Arena. It was obvious to me what it was, though it was interesting to see such a large group of people.

Most here were sayians, though a large number of them were half way into the grave. Another good chunk that overlapped with the first were people drinking and laughing. Though a few seemed angry, I could guess why. With such a large number of sayians and the place being called Zenkai Arena.

The fact that a Blue Alien stood inside the arena acting high and mighty was most likely the cause. At the moment he was kicking the shit out of a younger sayian. The young sayian was thrown out of the arena and hit the wall next to me.


A few sayians looked like they wanted to jump him. Except honestly I was a little disappointed. None were that strong, but the one in the arena was decent. "Hmmm, I'll fight you."

I raised a hand and waved. Everyone looked around confused. I heard some whispers, some of which were about my looks. Others were about my lack of a tail. None of that really mattered, to me or the blue alien.

He had a wide smirk. "Sure, come on up. The loser pays 500 credits."

I jumped into the arena, "Then I guess I need to win."

He got into a stance and I shook my head. He was full of weaknesses. "Heh, what you don't recognize a fighting stance or are you getting stage fright?"

I smiled back at the blue alien. "Nah, just sizing you up."

I motioned waving him on. The gathered spectators all focused in. The blue alien for his part still didn't move, he had some patience I had to admit that. obvious how he beat so many others.

"Are you just gonna stare at me through that tin can helmet of yours? I get I am handsome, but I don't swing that way bud."

I felt my eye twitch, and then I smiled wider. "I am gonna enjoy this."

Within a instant I was next to him kicking him in the skull. He went face first into the arena floor and I heard some gasps. He recovered with a kick of his own, but I had already backed off.

He stood up again wiping blood from his nose. Seemed I broke it, "You are a little slow aren't you."

"Tch, lucky shot." I sensed his ki move within him and I got a sinister idea.

The Mortal arts could transfer ki from me to another, why not the other way around? Bouncing the idea around, I got a sense of what I need to do. If I use the principles of the 1st mortal art that I had a good mastery over already. Then combine it...

A punch went straight to my stomach and I moved away. Several more quick jabs were tossed my way and I slapped his hands away. I took on step forward and with quick motions my hands moved. On the final motion I grabbed his chest and yanked. Though not with my hands, but instead with my ki.

The blue alien stumbled back with wide eyes. My eyes matched his, the attack worked. My own ki rose in comparison and I felt the change. It was a minor amount, but it was a permanent change. In both me and him, though I doubted he knew the truth only feeling the shift.

"What did you do to me?"

I shrugged, and dashed forward with a heavy axe kick. This time I was serious shatter the ground beneath him when he dodged. "I can see how you beat these sayians, but in my eyes your just as weak as them."

A bunch of the spectators were taken a back. I however was not done. I felt an evil grin and I moved in quick making the same motions I have done previously. This time faster and with a greater pull.

More ki was ripped form the blue alien and he gasped. Except I wasn't done I grabbed him by his throat and crushed him into the ground. The blue alien kicked away and stumbled rubbing where I had grabbed him. The area was already bruising heavily.

"I have no idea what that attack is, but I won't let you go any further."

The blue alien begun to shake. I though he was gonna throw up or something. However before my eyes the somewhat decent looking alien went from humanoid to amphibious ogre. His breathing was now more rapid, but his power grew as well. Triple of what he had, but less then what he started with.

I responded, "I think I am gonna call the attack Zenkai Drain. In honor of the arena,"

He blinked and his voice was much rough than before. "You mean you made that attack during our fight?"

I shrugged, "I'm a prodigy."


A beam of ki fired from his hands, and all the spectators dodged. However they need not to. With a quick motion I grabbed the beam with my hands and shattered it under my power.


I smiled at the blue alien's shock. I lunged forward gripping the fatty and rough skin. With a swift motion his arm snapped and the bones broke apart. The next motion was one the blue alien knew all too well. However he didn't have the strength or stamina to react.

I dropped his unconscious body letting it hit the ground. "Too easy."

I stepped out of the ring, as a sayian spoke. "You have to stay up their for any challengers."

I stared at him, "Were any of you gonna challenge him again? Besides, he can keep his credits."

The sayian that interrupted me looked around. No one had a problem with me leaving, as I said I didn't want the credits and I had beaten him. Could any of them beat me? Not to mention a few had those scouters, it wouldn't be long until they realize I crippled him.

I walked out of the arena done for the day. I got my fill of fighting for right now. I'll use this time to progress on the second mortal art since that one will take a while.

------Clerk pov------

"You caught this on recording?"

I nodded with a sound of acknowledgement. The voice on the other side of the communicator sighed. "The sayian seemed to know we were following. Though he didn't care much at all. The girl was more talkative, but she wasn't a fighter. When they left they occupied some time before the sayian left for the Zenkai Arena."

The voice on the other side made some rustling noise. They weren't the leader, but I knew they worked closely with them so i kept my quiet.

"Are you sure she used the level 2 pass-code?"

I nodded, "Of course she even asked for some Jhinny meats."

The voice made a worried sound. "We have no record of a brench-seijin knowing the level 2 pass-code. Don't engage, let them move on. We will handle them as they come."
