
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

You thought didn't you

With me being close to Cheelai she was growing embarrassed and red. She pushed me back, she couldn't but I took a step back anyway. "I-I didn't think this through. i don' think i'm ready fo-"

I interrupted her with a soft pat on the head. "I was just teasing. Just like you were. I am not particularly in the mood."

Her blush lessened, but she was still red. I moved past her, "Do you remember that planet we met on."

She nodded, "Yeah can't forget it." She was no doubt remembering the hostile plants.

I paused, "Do you remember where it is though?"

Cheelai was clearly confused on why I was asking. Truth be told I barely knew myself. It was just a thought. "An adventure I guess."

Cheelai was confused, but at this point I just grabbed my juice and decided to expand on my current thoughts.


Bulma analyzed the seed from the fruit of might. The result were as I thought. It held the same energy as the lump of ki in me. My thought expanded, it wasn't something I was entirely sure I wanted to do.

"Bulma, let's say you destroy a anthill to save a beetle. Would you?"

She looked at me, "What are you gonna destroy?"

She figured that out to quickly, I frowned and sighed. "A planet, it is filled with life. Mostly plants, no real sentient life like humans or even dogs. Just like plants and lizards, is it worth it?"

Bulma put a finger to her chin thinking. She decided, "Earth has suffered twice now. When King Piccolo tried to take over and a second time with Gero's creation. Which we still are working to find all of them. A planet if it really is just plants and lizards. Well, it will hardly have an impact on the grand scale. though I have to ask with all the life we know of now. is it really just plants and lizards?"

I knew what she was asking. From my knowledge their may be more intelligent life on that planet. However it may be vastly different from my memory as I took the source of some of the life. Perhaps when I return it will be different? "Thanks, Bulma."

I grabbed the Seed of Might. Bulma called out, "I have made some spaceships. I am sure you've seen them."

I gave a thumbs up and walked out of her lab. 


I sighed, was it worth it to destroy a planet just to test a theory? This started with those fruits, what if the fruits I get from destroying that planet aren't enough?

I sensed several power levels flying past me. My eyes locked on Yamcha who was flying with some of the people he was training. I had to roll my eyes about the number of women. 

He slowed, but he motioned to those behind him to keep going.

They flew past me, but Yamcha stopped. "Hey man what's up."

I debated if I should ask him his opinion. I deicide why not, "Yamcha what do you think defines as cheating for power?"

He thought about it, "We all have our limits, I guess. I'd say becoming an android like Krillin did is kind of cheating. However at the same time one of the people I am training thinks the mortal arts is cheating."

I looked surprised, "Why?"

Yamcha shrugged, "Their reason was that it is not innate to the human body and that the technique reconstructs the body making it no different to the androids that killed them."

The reason was a little dumb, but I could understand. "Yamcha, let's say i go to a planet and destroy it for power. The resource I get from destroy will give me a longer life span and so on. do you think it is worth it?"

Yamcha thought about it in silence and shrugged. "I'd go for it. Look I don't completely understands your techniques. specially the one with your life-span. I know Roshi tried to copy it, but he failed. So at the end of the day, we are just human. I think we need all the help we can get. the reason why I didn't become an android myself. Is I wanted to explore my own options."

I nodded and thanked Yamcha, then I flew on.


I landed just outside the door. I reached out and opened Mom's house. "Mom! Are you home?"

I heard Grandpa called out. "She's cooking Dinner right now. What's up kiddo?"

I moved to the couch and sat down. "Just a lot of thinking."

Grandpa gave a loud laugh. "You were always thinking as a kid. Maybe it was because Chi-Chi wanted you to be a scholar. After a while though all your questions made her think otherwise. What are you thinking about now though."

I gave a shrug, I didn't need to share this with grandpa. Even with all the training other people on earth and all that. He remained retired only helping here and there. "Just the limits of humans I guess. Cell was strong. Even with all the training we did for the past 2 years it wasn't enough to catch up to him."

Grandpa nodded, "And the aliens in space are still stronger?"

I nodded, Grandpa understood most of the stuff he was told pretty easily. I guess that came with being a grandparent.

I continued, "So now I'm just wandering about is it worth it to try everything I can to get stronger. Or except that humans are just naturally weak. After all that's why Cell was created in the first place."

I heard the door shift and Mom walked in.  She had groceries. I waved and grandpa rubbed his hands together. Grandpa nodded. "Oh, I can't wait for dinner."

Mom rubbed my hair. "I have more groceries in the car. Why don't you help after that you can tell me why you're home."

I sighed and got up grabbing the other paper bags filled with food. Mom always bought way to much food. I guess I was staying for dinner.

Mom spoke, "Help me cook while you tell me, 'what's up'."