
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

The quiet

Me and Piccolo broke away from each other. He both a hard time sparing due to how new skills. Piccolo learned magic which I actually didn't think would be so powerful. However his combat abilities were enhanced due to the magic.

On my side however I was able to manipulate my ki freely. Ultimately learning the first of Olibu's ultimate techniques. Otherwise known as Bulsagari a truly astonishing attack that grew in power and size. It was slow moving and homing except it didn't have a half-life. So as it followed the enemy it grew in size and speed and any ki attacks that were thrown at it was swallowed by the devastating orb.

I had used it twice on Piccolo and both times ended our sparring prematurely. When Gohan stopped by and begun sparing with us he compared it to the spirit bomb. The catch was the spirit bomb was much faster in its devastation.

Piccolo adjusted his cloak as I cracked my neck. Piccolo spoke, "Seems you were right about the androids. They seem to have some humanity in them. Are you really gonna spare them?"

I gave a light shrug, "I could obliterate them now thanks to the Bulsagari, hell i don't even have to get close to them i can fire it from here and you can just fire into it making it faster and stronger. The problem lies in whether taking out a continent is worth it."

Piccolo responded "Isn't the whole continent on one tectonic plate how would?"

I corrected, "Three actually, The north is one and the other two are split across the Yamalan mountains."

Piccolo shrugged, he never bothered to learn earthly history so he lacked that knowledge. However i don't see why he can't just acquire it now.

Piccolo pointed, "I know what you are thinking and n the magic I learned can't do that. Kame doesn't want to teach me it, something about me still being not ready."

I waved him it off, "He's just worried, after all once you fuse technically he will be dead, the less he has to teach the less he contributes. The one thing he won't teach you ever is about the dragon balls that's for sure."

Piccolo nodded, while making a gesture. "See that makes sense, right? Except no he taught me that instead of meta-vision."

"The fuck is meta-vision?"

Piccolo shrugged, "Eh, like the alpha version of omniscient. Grants vision on all of earth and what not, point is he taught me about the dragon balls and even how to power them. Except you know what he didn't tell me, but Popo did?"

I thought about why Kame would tell Piccolo about the dragon balls, "What the creator can't make a wish with them?"

Piccolo laughed, "EXACTLY! Which explains a lot of his passiveness and sending either me and Popo ou- You feel that?"

I paused wondering what Piccolo was referring to. "Feel wh- Nevermind..."

I turned to North. It was greatly devastated by the androids and robots already, but it still had people there. We even saved some, however the village I saved with Yamcha was suddenly gone.

"Did a town just get blinked out of existence? That wasn't the androids right?"

I asked because we can't feel their energy, but Piccolo shook his head. "No, it can't be them. I there's a suppressed ki there."

I paused homing in on what he was referring too, "Shit you are right, it feels familiar too? Kinda li-"


I paused and Piccolo was right I blinked I never really felt my ki before like that, so it was no wonder I didn't sense it out like Piccolo did. However now that I was locked on it had a distinct similarity to my own ki. Except, "Its not just me P."

Piccolo shook his head, "I know I can sense it as Gohan and myself as well. You don't think its Gero's actual plan fo-"

I looked at Piccolo glumly. He shook hsi head, "Right, stupid question. Of course it is, just threw me for a loop."

I cursed, "I lost it, you?"

Piccolo nodded, "I lost it too. It seems we were able to sense it because it was doing something."

I blinked and things just kinda clicked, "It was eating."

Piccolo knew about Bulma's working theory, so he simply frowned. "You are right, We need to get to Capsule Corp and tell Bulma. We don't know too much right now, but with our heads combined I am sure we can think of something."


We sped up faster and faster. The wind actually began cutting my clothes due to the speed. Yet we still weren't fast enough. West City was disappearing one by one we felt the gather of ki that was the city get smaller and smaller.


Piccolo looked back briefly and heistated, his voice only coming through telepathy. "No clue."


He nodded and we broke away from one another when we closed in ont eh city. I slammed into Capsule corp with unprecedented speed. To my misfortune however I found it empty.

I dashed to the lab and found multiple sets of clothes scattered around. Either Bulma's family got real freaky or they were eaten. Even the frozen androids were gone. Their clothes laid in the pods while the glass was shattered in.

I looked at the table and found a blinking light. A single radar and a note. It was a mess because someone scrawled it down before getting gotten. I recognized it as Doctor Brief's handwriting. It seemed despite his family getting got he had the thought to leave a message.

Bulma's phone rung. I picked up reading the caller ID. It seems Krillin had called several times over from Kame house. I answered and heard Puar over the phone.


I spoke, "No She's gone, did the call get interrupted? Are the others coming to west city?"

Puar whimpered, but answered. "Yeah, it the call was cut off! We heard someone in the background break in and suddenly the line dropped!"

I paused, "I'm gonna hang up Paur, I have a someone I need to kill."

A weak good luck was heard before I hung up. I barely stopped myself from crushing it. Gero he had out done the sayians. I was feeling pissed, Gohan and Piccolo were my friends. Bulma though? She was my teacher and almost a second mom to me.

I took the scrawled note. Small evidence that would likely not matter, but if I could find Gero's lab later? Maybe it would be useful it was a shitty diagram of a remote. One to instantly detonate the bombs inside the androids.

I sighed, "why was humanity so weak? I gotta do something about it later."