
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Otherworld Tournament pt 2

Besides the fighters that were basically gimmicks, the fights were rather intense. Though it seemed like many of the other world fighters knew each other and even spared against each other before. Olibu had greeted the fighter he was against as well.

Which left me and Gohan as new comers that had yet to be understood and analyzed. All the fighters we were against seemed to have the plan to test us even if they fail to beat us.

I had been stuck with two gimmick fighters so my fights were essentially pointless. No one gained anything. Gohan though had a tough first fight against a human-like dwarf. The dwarf used a technique similar to the multiform technique. Except the Dwarf's power wasn't cut in half.

Gohan had to use a more straight forward technique to overwhelm each clone and eventually defeating the Dwarf with the thunder shock surprise. I had almost forgot that Gohan knew how to make use of elemental ki attacks.

Though it seemed Gohan would have an even harder time in the next fight. As the foe he had now was something kind of like a elemental? From Announcer's call the fighter was named Her'lem'za. A fighter from the flicker world who saved his people by becoming the embodiment of fire.

I was able to summarize the fighters origin as his people could use ki to imitate the elements. From their they could become the element with enough training, skill and talent. It was much like humans breaking through their limits and becoming super human. At least that's how I saw it.

Watching the fight Gohan kept at a distance due to his foe being made of fire. Physical attacks didn't work at all and Gohan's normal trump cards seemed to fail as well. The thunder shock surprise passed straight through the guy and the Kamehameha required him to charge the attack which was fatal or I guess a knock out in this battle.

I knew most of Gohan's techniques and was stumped at what technique he could use. For now he was using a technique called the Pin-pistol. A short beam that had a cooling effect. Gohan still had a few techniques that he had, but had no use in the battle like that Kaio-ken.

Gohan surprised me however with a technique I didn't expect from him. Gohan's hands glowed with power preparing an attack that wasn't much of an attack. In a real fight this technique was basically useless, but a tournament it was actually effective.

"WHAT IS THIS? Gohan is preforming some kind of hypnosis technique. Will Her'lem'za be able to resist? What a unique attack, you wouldn't see this in a fight to the death."

I rolled my eyes, what was the point of an announcer in a battle of heroes who all could recognize techniques. Specially when all of the audience are of a similar or higher level then a heroic fighter who got to keep their body...

The effects of ki hypnosis was truly something. Gohan's opponent seemingly resisted the technique, but it seemed it still worked. Her'lem'za's body became physical and the flames that made him up became smaller. From there Gohan literally just punched him knocking the poor guy out.


"Heh, to be honest I didn't think the sleeping technique would work. As it only ever worked on the Ox-King and Eins when he was younger. Though I didn't use it on anyone else so I wouldn't really know."

I shook my head, "This is why you should have a wide variety of skills. The solar flare is one such technique that requires less effort and would've remianed effective."

Gohan scratched the back of his head, "What can I say I never thought I needed to fight a man made of living fire and I have never been a fan of using techniques stolen from others. "

I'd raise a finger to that and specifically about the Kamehameha. Except Eins constantly created new techniques, but still knew and could use the Kamehameha. So the Kamehameha was essentially the netflix password of ki techniques. Passed around constantly and learned by every fighter on earth. I could even use it, though I preferred my own techniques much more tailor made for myself.

Olibu patted my shoulder, "Heh, it seems you are gonna fight a difficult opponent."

I looked at the brackets to see what he meant. The name Fasha was right next to mine. Looking to who Fasha was I couldn't find them. "Where are they?"

Olibu shook his head, "As far as I know she doesn't hang out here. Instead she eats before the matches due to her being a sayian."

My eye brows raised, "A sayian?"

Olibu nodded, by this time he was in the know. However he explained, "She is a tad new, don't know why she is here in other-world to be honest. She is a tad head-strong and a bit.... Rude. Can't see how she had a heroic spirit."

I shook my head, while Olibu continued, "From what I heard she had a team, but their leader saved them before they were killed. Though if Fasha made it here you'd have to wonder what happened to her leader."

I pushed Olibu's hand of my shoulder and sighed, "Who knows or cares, her life story isn't what important. It is her skills that matter."

Gohan nodded, "Piccolo is right, Olibu. If he wishes to win he needs more specific details... Heh."

A smile was shared between the two and I shook my head. Was it in human nature to be horny? I slumped my shoulders, I missed Eins. He was human, but he was always too focused to think about the things other humans did.

I can't even talk to Kame when I am dead. Which just left other weirdos like King Kai. If this Fasha was at eating before the fights I should be able to find her there. Maybe I can extract some information there, I wanted, no I needed to win to get the prize. That way King Kai will preform this stupid witch ritual to restore my magic power.