
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Otherworld Tournament pt 1

-----piccolo pov------

"Haha! A namekian fighting for earth. It's truly amazing! I've seen a few like yourself up here."

The human shook my hand fervently. This man was apparently Olibu, a hero from the old era during the Spice reign. It was before my time and even my father's time. I shook his hand back. "It's a complicated history."

Olibu nodded, "HA! I bet! Though that's the least of my concerns." Olibu nodded along, "When I was alive I was the only real contender for the strongest, I even help start the tradition of a guardian of earth. So I need to ask you, are you sure you can participate?"

It was Gohan who answered, "Heh, if we weren't I could barely imagine otherwise."

Olibu nodded once again, "Good, normally the other-world tournament has a special rule each time. This time you got pretty lucky. The rule is one can not use more than 25% of their power in a attack. This is to help the fighters practice restraint, control and skill."

King Kai interrupted, "This is actually the reason why I am somewhat confident in this tournament. Since it is mostly individuals with high control or precision. Something humans and namekians have a large advantage in."

I had to agree with that. We had met other fighters and heroes of the universe in the otherworld who were still training or lounging around. Some really had a total lack of control when it came to ki. "Well, I have something to win this tournament for."

Olibu smiled, "King Kai mentioned it yes! I am glad to help you in this endeavor. Though I hope your friend in space is okay."

I shot a glare at King Kai, it seems he blabs a little to much. Not that it mattered thankfully, before I spoke Gohan spoke taking my chance.

"Eins is a good kid, but i would like to ask you something about mortal arts. King Kai had described them a bit and I hope ask you something about them."

Olibu nodded, "Sure what is it?"

I shot Gohan a glance and knew what he was thinking, I managed to ask it for him. "Is one such mortal art the method to break apart ki?"

Olibu thought for a second, "Hmm, I suppose if you skew your understanding slightly one of the mortal art techniques could be used like that. Though the true purpose of the technique is to unlock potential, or even use ones mortality as power. It is rather potent in a battle to the death, but 8 out of 10 times you will mostly die after the battle."

Mine and Gohan's eyes shot open. before we had a chance to think King Kai interrupted, "No, Einstein has no records of the mortal arts and re-invented them all on his own simply by listening to the children's stories about Olibu."

Olibu had his own eyes shake between the three of us. "Your friend managed to re-invent and actually use my mortal arts? It takes a truly astonishing level of control over one's ki within their body to even use my techniques. Let alone re-create it."

Gohan nodded and spoke, "Eh, Eins is a very special boy. At a very young age he managed to always astonish those around him."

King Kai nodded, "Tch, yeah I bet. I have been watching him through telepathy and I found out what the reason for that is."

Gohan's eyes gleamed with pride, "Oh? I always tried to find out. What is the cause of his ki?"

King Kai shrugged, "He's a blessed few talents in the universe. Every race in the universe has something like it. For the sayian race you met its the legendary super sayian, green aura and stuff. For a namekian its innate god ki, which I might add is bullshit. Finally, for humans its called Dowsing Ki, it gives heightened senses when it comes to ki and those senses give other unique effects."

That explained a lot actually, though it also gave me other questions. I looked over at a purple man that was walking over. He looked similar to King Kai, so I pointed. "I think you have a friend coming over King Kai."

He looked over and frowned, the purple Kai waved. King Kai responded with a grumble, "West Kai..."

West Kai responded, "Hehe, so you wish to be thrashed in the tournament again? I suppose your lucky this time North Kai, my strongest fighters are still in personal training. So I will have to watch South or East to bully you this time."

North Kai mocked back, "Ah, yes so many strong fighters from extinct or dead planets, truly my misfortune."

West Kai grumbled, "Yeah such fortune."

I felt this was gonna be a long argument.


I stepped onto the stage, we finally getting this tournament underway. The Kais argument took a truly tortuous amount of time. Thankfully the Grand Kai stepped in and got it underway. I cracked my neck, I was the first fight. So it would be best to make this a good show.


This Itiba was something like the turtles on earth. It seemed South Kai was using a the special rules for an advantage. Starting of the fight I tested a few attacks. Itiba didn't dodge and only blocked. Getting an idea of my opponent I got serious.

"You can't break my defenses with weak attacks, Hehe, I am the perfect tournament."

Rolling my eyes, if he only relied on defense and had no technique. I could beat him, with a swift motion I kicked toward his feet. He smiled laughing, "That won't work I am un-"

Crushing the ground beneath him he lost his footing and stumbled I pushed him back and he fell onto his back. The turtle man struggled rolling in circles unable to get up. Sighing I begun pushing him out of the arena.

"You bastard, this is unfair! Fight me like a man."

I pushed him out of the ring and he fell over again. The announcer responded instantly, "NORTH KAI'S PICCOLO WINS BY A RING OUT. Ehm, WHAT AN INTERESTING FIGHT!"

---------So author's note here VVVV--------

So this explaination of the mc's power or whatever is kind of a cop out. However I think it works , I personally don't like the idea, but honestly I don't want the mc to be secretly half alien or some shit.

So yeah MC is essentially like the human version of Broly, though his specialness isn't like Broly. I do think this is a good plot point though as I can just fill in the gap whenever I need be.

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