
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Mortal Arts

-----See Chapter 13 for where this is being explained. This explanation is in Piccolo's dialogue. Though this aux chapter is from a 3rd point of view, so like King Kai or something.------

<The first mortal art is one's living will, or a person life turned into ki. It is as if one turned their ki into the one's very soul. It wasn't just the the energy that made up one's body, but their potential and life span. By using this power one can achieve many things. From unlocking one's potential freely and allowing one to burn their life span for a boost in power. While using this boost one absorbs ki at unbelievable rates in order to refill the burned off life span. Though Eins, you have already mastered this honestly in your own efforts. Except surprisingly in reverse order by using your control of ki to reverse engineer it.>

Piccolo could perceive Eins nodding. So the explanation continued, <The second mortal art is focused on the body. Most human martial arts go through the first steps of this and break through the human limits. Becoming super human in the process, but this process has 9 steps in total. Gohan and you have broken into the second phase while the other humans are all past the first phase. The second phase consists mostly of a person's ki becoming denser. Third phase is condensing ki into a person's organs, bones and muscles. Condensing your ki into each makes you stronger and is essentially steps 2-5.>

Piccolo gesture off offhandedly. Sighing he knew Eins couldn't actually see him so he continued. <That's a brief summary of the simple steps of the second mortal art. For steps 6, 7, 8 and finally 9. They are tougher, as step 6 requires you to shatter your entire body and let it heal, naturally or through the 3rd mortal art which I'll explain in a bit. Step 7 is a process Olibu called creating a Ki Gliding system. A new organ that is created along with an entire circulatory system for ki to pass through your body quicker. Step 8 and 9 are similar, but match in intensity. From what I understood it is something exclusive to you humans a useless organ called the appendix? He just said this organ will rupture increasing your ki by ten fold or something.>

Eins winced, those other steps seemed a little painful in his eyes. Eins responded with a nod and let it Piccolo pass onto the next technique in the series. <The 3rd Mortal Art is pretty simple. It is essentially Ki transferring and ki healing. You can artificially boost ones ki temporarily if you use this mortal art. Pretty sure you have this one down with the transferring, but the healing takes a bit of explaining. You use your ki and condense it into a physical object. After that you wind it through the injured area. I believe humans have a more technical version of it now a days. So just imagine it is like that stitching technique you learned during your studies.>

Piccolo didn't give much description, but honestly Eins didn't need it. As soon as Piccolo said it was similar to the medical books he studied for school. Eins knew exactly how to implement it. Eins already had the exact idea how it worked. The ki essentially became a solid fluid that both penetrated the skin stitching it together and soaking and fusing the wound back.

Eins asked about the next one. Piccolo on his side of the King Kai telepathic call looked at the note Olibu gave him.

<The 4th is honestly what I can only call ki alteration. Uh, Olibu said he is still mastering it in the afterlife. Examples of what it can do is accelerate ki massively so a energy attack that may move at a certain speed if the ki is altered in it, it will instead speed up as it moves. It actually has some pretty similar principles of elemental ki. In fact those techniques might be derived from this technique originally. To achieve this you must focus our ki through the your ki gliding system. After that you can essentially achieve what ever effect you want through practice.>

Eins shook his head, didn't all this count as practice? He didn't say that though. Instead he let Piccolo continue. <The 5th and final mortal art is actually a series of attacks. I'll just list them and how Olibu described them. I guess he wants you to figure them out on your own from that, since these are basically the culmination of the 4 other arts.>

Eins spoke freely, "Yeah that makes sense." His voice this time disturbed Lemo and Cheelai slightly, but they didn't wake. Instead Piccolo's voice came through the telepathy. <The first one is dubbed Bulsgari, it is a small orb the size of a coin that grows due to set conditions, whether that be distance, speed, or absorption of ki. The second is Fenrir a defensive technique that acts violent and wild. It is useful during large scale or constant attacks. The third is Callisto a beam type attack that pierces through the most dense of defense. The 4th is dubbed The Behemoth an accumulation type attack. Olibu claimed it is the world cracker technique. The final technique he created using the mortal arts is called the Tarasque. The only thing he wrote for this one is that it should be used as a last resort. As it is a type of support technique.>

With Piccolo done, Eins was left to ponder over the notes he had written down. Though looking at the time, Cheelai and Lemo would wake up soon. So it was time for Eins to speak. Explaining his plans to both Piccolo and King Kai. The two would then relay it to Gohan.

------remember this aux chapter is after 13 but before 14. Chapter 14 will continue from the last paragraph sorta.------