
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Dark Forest pt 3

"So you ate it?"

I nodded at Cheelai's question. She puckered her lips, and shook her head. I didn't understand the meaning, but I continued. "From what I can tell the core of the bulb was supposed to unlock my hidden potential or something, but I already have that unlocked. So instead I got a boost to my power-level."

Lemo plugged he generator in as he spoke. "Wasn't that from the plant that drank stomach acid?"

I nodded again as I scanned the area for any more of the energy dragons. "This is true, but at the same time it wasn't the core that drank the acid it was the plant."

Lemo nodded as well, "I can't fault him for that."

Cheelai shook her head as she stood inside the ship. "This thing doesn't have any personal space."

Getting into the ship I pointed. "The toilet is in the middle, there is two beds, but the chairs do recline."

Cheelai sighed, but slunk over to a chair and sat down. I went to the console and switched on the power. Lemo stepped behind and started looking at the console. "Are you guys ready?"

Cheelai gave a thumbs up and Lemo nodded, "I loaded all the supplies we had."

I hit the engines and blasted into the atmosphere. Cheelai and Lemo stumbled to buckle themselves in. The soon realized the ship kept the gravity. Lemo spoke in some shock. "You have gravity stabilization in this thing? I thought you said your civilization wasn't advance?"

I shook my head, "Honestly my species could've left our planet a long time ago. Humans just never put all the technologies need together to go into space. We have a bunch of other marvels too, like those capsules on the wall are the storage. Just press the button and it decompresses."

The two sat in shock as I smiled shaking my head. I felt like I was gaslighting them when they look at me like that. "Humans aren't particularly strong though, we have some geniuses that surpass the norm. However the collective isn't that amazing, hence why I want to protect my home at all costs."

Lemo nodded, "Truly commendable, I would have to agree. Your home seems nice, but what are your plans?"

I scratched my chin, "Well, You and Cheelai I guess need to think about it first. Cheelai is a thief and was a prisoner. So she can't go back without hiding, while you just lost your entire crew."

Cheelai laughed, "What do you mean? There is three survivors?" Cheelai helped up two different outfits that matched the Frieza force style.

Lemo and I had raised eyebrows, so Cheelai explained what we suspected. "I need to hide, so why not hide in plain sight? So I'll just join Lemo as a 'crew member'. After all its not like the Frieza Force registers every remember." She looked at me, "So Eins, care to join the plan?"

I thought about it, I couldn't kill every warrior, no in fact that was impossible. At this point I no longer really was angry about my friends deaths, but more worried about the future. I looked at Lemo who sighed, "I am fine with helping you guys."

I nodded then, "Very well, guess we are the survivors of the crew. Me and Cheelai will go undercover, but I have to ask. Aren't you worried about my plans?"

Cheelai shrugged, "Helping you means saving a lot more people. It is the right thing to do, no matter who you are."

Lemo made a longer sigh, "I do not care really, after so many years in the rear guard I just want to retire. However Frieza Force members don't have that right so..."

I laughed, "Thanks. In this case I think we should head to a space station. Scrap of the logos on my ship so we can blend in better."

Lemo shook his head, "Actually keep it, it can pass as the the logo of the old Cold Force ships. If people think its an older ship we are more likely to not be questioned. Minimal funding is a pretty common occurrence so old ships are pretty common in certain places."

Cheelai nodded, "Great! So that just leaves the fact we need some privacy. Let's go to a merchant sector and buy some curtains."

Lemo frowned, "Neither of you have have accounts though which means it will be my money."

Cheelai held up a little green thumb, "It will be much appreciated."


"NAAAAIIIILLLL! Prepare the dragon balls."

I sighed, "Grand Elder, we cannot Frieza's men are guarding them. Why do you even wish to gather them, Grand Elder?"

Guru laughed, "Trust me Nail, soon you will have the chance to gather them. A great force is coming and they will require the dragon balls. When the time comes translate their wishes and escape this planet."

I raised an eyebrow, "You have seen a vision? is this visitor the one Guru?"

Guru nodded, "Potential unleashed, with a strength greater than the Frieza force elites here. They will grow quickly the moment they land on namek. Speak no further of this Nail, you know what you must do."

I turned away, Guru was referring to much more than just the dragon balls. I turned one least time, "I will miss you Grand Elder, I will save our people."

He stayed silent and I took off for the nearest village. it was time to use the Namekian fusion with the remaining warriors. I can only hope it is enough...