
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

A dead world

The planet was falling apart. Even the dirt was no more than sand and it sunk under my feet. Despite Turles eating the fruits I began looking for more. The fruits grew only on the lowest branches.

Even then with Turles eating something like 5 of them the overall amount of fruit was small. I plucked a total 6 fruit, the 6th or if counting the 5 Turles ate the 11th. Was the biggest fruit the size of my head. I looked at the tree as the leaves seemingly begun flaking off into space. The sky was covered in them making a dark cloud.

If the Tree sucked the life out of the planet it was planted on. I had to wonder how it would spread to other planets. However the answer was given to me after I bit into one of the smaller fruits.

It had no seed, I looked at the biggest one and frowned. One seed one tree. This tree was a true parasite. I continued chewing the fruit in my mouth and it was strange.

I felt my ki being stimulated and I could sense my lifespan nearly triple. It gave me an epic boost in power due to that as more of my lifespan increased the more ki I gained. However with such fine tuning to my own ki I was weird out.

Cheelai looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What does it taste sour or something?"

I shook my head, "No, actually its sweet. Do you want one?"

She thought for a second before picking one up. "Kinda freaky."

She bit into it and she smiled. "This is pretty good. I even feel stronger!"

I nodded, that's because she was. Her power level became closer to that of the peak of humans, reaching 1000 or so. The increase in her power was more the natural effect of the fruit instead of the boost I got. However as I used my ki sense and looked her over i felt the same strange change.

In Cheelai though it began burning off and wasn't retained. So returned my sense on myself as Cheelai finished eating the fruit. I wouldn't tell her I had just used her as a test subject. Instead I focused on the oddity within my ki.

There was a clump of what I thought was ki. It didn't move like ki and it sort sat near my heart. It gave me some worry, but after circulation my ki around it really seemed like a clumping of dense ki I couldn't recognize. Honestly if it wasn't for my astounding ki sense I wouldn't even notice it.

I scratched my head before shrugging it off. Since I could move it with my normal ki it seemed fine. It couldn't be anything bad since it dissipated in Cheelai.

I looked at the Larger than normal fruit and frowned. I sighed and pitted it. Sure enough a single seed retained within the fruit. I pocketed the seed and I ate the remains of the fruit and felt more of my ki surge up. My lifespan increased and this time I even felt my muscles tense and shift.

It then struck me that it just helped me skipped a phase of the mortal arts. I nodded, that was amazing. I looked at the other fruit and then shook my head. I wouldn't eat the rest. With only 3 remaining I wanted to save them. So I threw them in the fridge and walked over to the ship's controls.

Sitting down I called out to Cheelai. "Where you wanna go now?"

I nearly jumped when I felt her kiss me on the cheek before sitting down. "Where ever you want to go. After all I got some free time."

Her smile was wide and I couldn't help but laugh. I rolled my eyes, Cheelai was so simple sometimes.


"So did you get all that Piccolo?"

I stared at Bulma and sighed. "Yes, Gero's lab is in one of the northern mountains. He will have a sub lab and is likely creating android with orphans. Finally I should keep the..."

"The AKSM, The Artificial Ki Suppression Machine. It will severe a large portion of the artificial ki that Gero's androids will make. It can also track them."

That part was the most useful in my opinion. The androids couldn't be sense by ki. So we needed Bulm'a device. Gohan was fiddling with the device on his arm. "Your genius is stunning as always Bulma. Are you sure your IQ doesn't exceed your fathers?"

Bulma rolled her eyes, "You got my instructions on how to use it now buzz off so I can analyze more of this thing." She pointed backwards to Android 19 which was in pieces.

Gohan turned and waved to me. "Let's go talk to the others before we set off. The more numbers the better."

I had to ask, "Have they been training?"

Gohan shrugged, "I know what you are actually asking, they won't drag us down. I passed along the Mortal arts to them to. So they shouldn't be that far off from where I am at."

I nodded and trudged off, "You gather them then, I am gonna head to the Lookout."

Gohan called out to me, "You know they won't blame you or anything."

I waved and flew off, it wasn't about them blaming me or even about them trusting me. I just didn't get along with them. I didn't like groups, we could fight together, but it was always too loud with them.

Once I get to the Lookout I'll try to relay a message to Eins. I was curious to what he was up to and frankly After so much training we needed devices to weaken the androids. It made me worry, so best to have a back up plan.