
Dragonball- Humanities Peak

Kaz, your average 15-year-old, socially inept weeb, suddenly wakes up in the middle of a forest in the body of a ten-year-old with a magic Gi and healing powers. However, unlike normal teenagers, this was actually the first time he had left his house, and he strongly "disliked" his parents, so he got over it pretty fast. He spent a year living somewhat peacefully (most of the time) and training using exercise regimens he remembered from the internet. He quickly notices that he was able to train at inhuman speeds with seemingly no limit. The speed can be chalked up to his healing powers repairing his muscles the second they tear during training, but the no-limit thing confused him. And when he finally decides to venture out of the forest (kind of), he finally figured it out. Right in front of him, towering thousands of kilometers into the sky and reaching well above the clouds, was Korin's Tower. ------------------------------------------------------------------- There will be no romance involving the mc, as he couldn't care less about that. However I will be writing a lot of romance between the side character (at least Ill try to). Also, the mc is one of those types that doesn't like to kill his enemy, I know that a lot of people don't like that, but there is a good reason for it. They are in the world of Dragonball after all, and death basically has no real consequences, so he thinks that its better to either make them his friend, or seal them away, because killing them will just make them mad and more of a threat when they inevitably return (Frieza). Please leave criticism, just make it constructive, and don't be an Asshole about it. Thanks for reading. Cover art by LordValmar

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20 Chs

Chapter 14

Seikuken is a technique that's used to control a fight within the user's range. This means that the user can react, deflect, dodge and block anything that enters within their range, which is normally arms length but can be extended with a weapon. It forms an invisible "shield" around the user in which they can defend from any angle including from behind. This combined with the Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock results in any and all attacks that may enter within Kaz's range being deflected back at twice the strength no matter the angle, and with death concentration on top of that, Korin has no chance at all if he tries to land an attack on Kaz.

"Heh, so this is that secret technique you had been working on for all of those months huh?" Korin noted while looking at the "Barrier that appeared around Kaz. Of course, there wasn't a real physical barrier there, but as someone who has lived and practiced martial arts for hundreds of years, he could still "see" it.

Korin then ran forward and kicked again, aiming for Kaz's face. But Kaz easily deflected it back at him. They then started trading blows once again, but this time almost none of Korin's attacks landed on Kaz, with most of them hitting Korin instead.

Realizing that this wasn't working, Korin decided to change tactics. Korin then went in to attack again, but this time when Kaz blocked, the image of Korin began to flicker and disappeared.

And in the next instant, the real Korin appeared behind Kaz, aiming a kick at his back. 'So your technique lets you react faster to anything that enters your range. Interesting, I haven't tried anything like that before, I'll have to look into it. But even a technique like this won't let you block an attack that you don't know about.'

(Remember, thinking and talking in Dragonball doesn't actually take time so this was all thought in less than a second.)

However, just as Korin's attack was about to connect, Kaz's arms twisted around with inhuman flexibility and deflected the attack. Korin was sent back about two meters by this.

"What? How?" Korin asked, surprised that Kaz seemingly had eyes in the back of his head. (Kaz doesn't know how to sense Ki yet and Korin moves quietly, so without vision, he shouldn't have been able to notice him.)

Korin was going to wait for an answer, but Kaz just stared at him with calm eyes, not being dumb enough to reveal how his ability worked in the middle of a fight. "Ah, I see, you have to keep completely calm to be able to use this huh? And you know talking makes you panic. Oh well, no technique is perfect, I will be able to find its weakness in no time." Korin commented and went to attack again, this time using multiple after images.

Unfortunately for Korin, no matter how many after images he used, he wouldn't be able to land an attack on Kaz. You see, Kaz wasn't just using Seikuken... he was also using the Ki echolocation that Gohan had used during the exhibition tournament.

This is one of the reasons that it took so long to learn the Seikuken to its current, very basic form. He had to learn to use that echolocation skill (I will call it Ki location from now on), and not only that, he had to learn to control it to only detect the area within his range as to not waste Ki. The other reason was that he had to make himself flexible enough to extend his reach and use the full range of the Seikuken, and, as flexibility training is some of the most painful training, it took him a while to reach a satisfactory level.

Korin was still trying to find the weakness of the technique, and at first, wasn't having any luck, but after a few minutes, he noticed something.

Korin, wanting to test his theory, jumped back out of Kaz's range and just stared at him.

Kaz was confused and a little frustrated, but before he could ask what Korin was doing, Korin saw something that confirmed his suspicions and started laughing. "I see, you haven't been able to master this technique yet, in fact, you're still a beginner! You have to remain completely calm to be able to use this technique at all, and any spike in emotion will throw you off. Just now you got a little frustrated, and that shield of yours started to distort."

"Not only that, but you can't move while using this either can you? If you moved too much the adrenalin would throw you off so you have to stay stationary. At your level, you can move your arms and torso, but anything else will throw you off. Am I right?" The cat asked as he mischievously grinned.

Kaz didn't say anything, trying his best not to panic after being found out, but it was obvious that he had failed as his barrier immediately disappeared as he lost focus. Korin took advantage of this and immediately attacked with all of his strength, sending Kaz flying into a pillar and almost over the railing if not for Kaz reacting fast enough to grab it.

"Don't worry kid, I'll help you refine that technique of yours while we fight. Now, lest start again." Korin said as Kaz slowly climbed back into the tower with a pale expression. However, this expression quickly disappeared when he had to start fighting again immediately while also using Ki to heal his injuries.

They then fought for the rest of that day and even late into the night. But that wasn't the end of it. Even though he had already been training under Korin for almost three years now, that didn't make him more of a genius than Goku. So instead of just a few days of this, it took Kaz a full month to finish his training.

Fortunately for him, he had already known about needing to learn how to read an opponent and predict their movements, so he had started doing this to the best of his ability from the very beginning, and this let him learn it faster than others. Otherwise, he would have taken much longer than even Roshi.




Age 749 September 9th

After a month of near constant fighting, both fighters were exhausted, especially Kaz. Kaz had taught Korin the Wim Hof Method a few years ago, so he had the same level of proficiency as Kaz did at this point, and Korin had preformed it and ate a senzu bean before they started fighting everyday. This gave him ungodly amounts of stamina and endurance before a fight, making it even harder on Kaz. But despite this, he still managed to get exhausted mentally since he hadn't been this active for years.

But Kaz had it even harder, he didnt get to use the Wim Hof Method, he didnt get Senku beans, and Korin only allowed him to use his Ki for an hour a day or if he got severely injured. On top of that he was only allowed to sleep once a week and had to exercise all night whenever Korin slept. (Korin only did this because he knows Kaz can recover from anything using his Ki, and will only get stronger from all of this.)

As Kaz sat there that night, healing his near dead body, he noticed that despite not using his Ki much, he was starting to run out. He was only able to replenish his Ki by sleeping, and eating if he couldn't do that. And he could do neither.

'Damn this! Its taking more and more energy to repair my body every time I do it because of the strain put on it from fighting. And I'm pretty sure master Korin is getting stronger, otherwise I don't think it would have gotten this bad.'

Kaz finished healing, but he had only a little bit of his chi left, about enough to heal one more injury.

'I'll have to finish this fight today, otherwise I might die if I have to fight anymore. Though I doubt master Korin would be the type to push his student to death. But I also don't want to disappoint him, making all of the three years of training he had given me useless. What am I even complaining about it right now for anyway? This is a test, its supposed to be hard, especially if its a test that will grant me the title of a master martial artist if I pass.'

Kaz started scolding himself again, "Right! What the hell is wrong with you Kaz? Get the fuck up and get that water! Do you want to ruin master Korin's reputation as a master of martial arts by being a little bitch?! NO! Its just water, it shouldn't have taken you an month to get it anyway!"

Normally insulting yourself like this isn't a good idea and would normally just lower your self esteem, but for Kaz it had the opposite effect. He was scared of disappointing his first master, and that fear was able to reignite his determination.

Korin was once again listening, and he was ready to intervene and tell Kaz not to demean himself like that, but before he could, he suddenly felt Kaz's Yuki spike up. He stopped himself, and went back to bed, thinking about something.

And throughout that night, Kaz continued to berate and scold himself, further increasing his yuki. He was ready for the final fight that would occur later that day.


Ginger Town, the same day.

A young man, about the age of fourteen, approached a crime scene. There were at least a dozen police cars there, all of them surrounding a house. The boy was curious and walked a little closer to get a better look, only to be taken aback when he noticed all of the blood.

"W-What happened?" He asked another onlooker as he took a step back.

"Oh, kid, you should leave here, this isn't something you need to see." The man said and motioned for him to leave, but the kid didnt budge.

"Was there a murder? There's so much blood... everywhere! How could this happen?" He asked, trying to act a little braver, but his shaky voice betrayed him.

"Ah, I guess you already saw then. Sorry kid, some one your age shouldn't have to see something like this. Yeah, there was a murder. The women who lived here, she... exploded." The man said with a little sadness in his eyes as he knew the women.

"E-Exploded?! How did she explode? Did somebody throw a grenade in the house?!" The kid asked in shock, but he didnt look at the man, he couldn't take his eyes off of all of the blood spread across the streets.

"No, we would have heard it if it was a grenade or bomb. But it happened silently. Well, the explosion did. But she screamed before it happened. Her next neighbor over there was the one who called the police after he heard her scream, but it was already to late, by the tie they arrived she was already like this. Its been hours and they still haven't cleaned up the blood." He replied, forgetting that he was telling all of this to a child as he was also to focused on the blood to pay attention.

"Oh my god! How could something like this happen? Who could do this? Is she the only one that died?" The kid started asking question after question and started panicking, looking around his shoulder to make sure nobody was there.

"We don't know, the murderer hasn't been caught, or even. Hell, we don't even know if it is a murder and not just some disease. And no, she isn't the only one. Four other women across the city have died like this in the past few months."

"F-Four of them?! Whatever this is has killed five people now!" The kid started shaking a little, but then he clenched his fist.

"You must be knew here if you haven't seen anything about it on the news." The man commented, trying to change the subject.

"Y-Yeah, I just got here today. I came here because my master died." He told the man, but he still couldn't take his eyes off of the blood.

"Master? What are you, some sort of monk?" The man asked, a little confused.

"No, I'm a martial artist. A super strong one!" He forgot about the murder for a second to brag, but then immediately turned his attention back to it. "A super strong one." He mumbled to himself, before a look of determination appeared in his eyes

"That's it! To honor my master, I will find and bring this murderer to justice, mark my words!" He said as the shaking slowed and he straightened his back, ready for a fight.

"Yeah kid, sure, you do that." The man chuckled a little, not believing him. He then walked away, not wanting to see the horrific scene any longer.


This kids master is supposed to die much later, in like seven years, but for the sake of plot, I changed it. This is an AU anyway, so it wont matter much, but I'm still letting you guys know so you don't lose your shit. Also, could we get a few more reviews, this only needs five more before it gets the star rating. Thanks for reading.

Just watched the new Mxr Plays video (7/16/2021), I am a huge fan of them and what Youtube keeps doing is pissing me off. I know this is a weird place to complain about it, but I refuse to use Twitter, and I dont have any other social media accounts, so for anyone of you readers who has it, it would be cool if you could go fuck with youtube a little and complain about it. If you dont know what Im tlaking about, you should go watch a few Mxr Plays videos on Youtube, they are a great channel. Thanks for reading. (If you're reading this far into the future and the problems already been fixed, ignore this)

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