
Dragon slayer’s armor in another world

As the dragon slayer’s armor sat on the bridge leading to the grand archives it began to sink into the abyss along with almost all hollows and knights within lothric castle. They all eventually found themselves within a cave in another world full of other races and without the undead curse. Do note that I do not own anything from the darksouls series and this is all just for fun and because I like the game a lot I am currently having problems with writing on this app so it will take longer to wright chapters for this story so Know if the story is taking a long time to wright that is why

christian_pelonero · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

First encounter

<p>Running through a ravine in a barren wasteland is a small group of men In iron armor lead by a man in on a horse yelling "run and spread out or you will be burnt alive!" Right behind the group of men is a large dragon covered in red scales and black scales running down its back. The dragon was currently in a low glide above the men in armor with its mouth open with a red glow coming from its mouth. Just as flames where about to come out of it mouth a figure could be seen running to the edge of the ravine getting ready to jump on to the back of the dragon with a great axe that sparked lightning in their right hand and a great shield in their left they jumped and raised their great axe as it began to spark more and more and right as the great axe landed on the back of the dragon the crack of thunder and the flash of lightning could be seen falling right where the great axe hit causing the dragon to fall quickly to the ground kicking up dirt and sand everywhere. The men in armor who where just running from the dragon turned around In shock as they saw a lone suit of armor standing atop the dragons back with its great axe plunged deeply into the dragons back with Scorch marks around the wound and in the armor's hand was a great shield that appeared to be made out of the same material as the suit of armor. As everyone stared at the armor on the back of the dragon the armor finally moved and ripped out it's great axe with some difficulty causing bits of flesh from the dragon to fly everywhere and cause the corpse of the dragon to move slightly do to the force the armor use to get it's axe back. Once the armor got it's great axe back it turned towards the group of people who where now looking at it in both fear and shock at what they just saw. The man who was on horse back eventually got in front of his men and got down from his horse to approach the the suit of armor "thanks for saving our asses back their sir. But I have to ask, who are you and where you are from." The armor simply starred the at man In from of him cause it couldn't understand their language not that it would be able to anyway since it was just a suit of armor. The man stood awkwardly as the armor had yet to respond. Growing more and more nervous the men started to back away from the armor leaving their leader to stand in front of the armor alone. Eventually the armor moved and simply began to walk towards the man in front of him. The leader began to panic and thought that the armor was going to attack him so he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword on his waste knowing that if the armor did attack he could do little to nothing about it but but a few seconds for his men to either run or help. As the armor stepped off the dragon and onto the ground in front of the leader the height different could be seen as the armor was standing at around 10 ft tall while the man was only about 5,10. The armor looked down on the man and stared at him for a few seconds and eventually looked at the men that he was leading and then just walked past them in the direction that they where running to before. As the men watched the armor get closer they all moved out of the way as to not impede the armor from moving. All of the men just stood around and watch as the armor left and the leader was about to yell something at the armor but decider not to in the end. Once the armor was out of vision one of the men approached their leader and asked "so what should we do now? He left the corpse and we don't know who he is and I don't think he would tell us anyways." <br/>"Just warn all of the forts and cites near by to be on the look out for him and try to find out what ever you can about him. Someone with equipment and skill like that can't just appear out of nowhere."</p>