
Dragon shall roar

what will the formal human do when reborn as the shame of all dragon's the white dragon of five colored dragons with the system to absorb any dead things and gain its qualities, power, lifespan all you could think of come and find out on "Dragon shall Roar ".

Basabaka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


"System is being bound"

As these words came from the robot emotionless voice he couldn't control his excitement and started to jump.

Which attracted the other two white dragons attention.

Ed " if it weren't for the fact the dragons Can't kill dragon beast as they would decrease the the chances of dragon being hunted".

Felina" it's a pity that we can't kill him because more dragon beast there are the less adventures are willing to hunt dragons and will only hunt dragon beast most of the time ".

After that they started to sleep because a new born dragon needs a lot of food and sleep.

They didn't care about dragon mother body being decomposed the dragon will not have their bodies decompose for decades because of magical power in their blood.

After hearing their conversation he felt embarrassed and saw that they were sleeping even though he was speachles how could they sleep when their was a hundred meter tall dead dragon body.

He felt shocked when he noticed the dragon body who he figured it might be his dragon father or dragon mother.

But he soon adjusted his focus to system.

"System what functions do you have"

He asked the system in low voice but it sounded like a someone trying to speak in deep low voice

" Host! System has only one function that is absorbing which can absorb the a dead body and use the body and it's magical properties to increase host's power and increase host's life span ".

" System what lifespan could you increase I am a dragon now ! I have near endless life".

He said with disdain in his voice

"Host you didn't get inheritance memory's so even though you have your wings and horns you are just a stronger dragon beast a dragon beast can at most live from 30 years to 50 years ".

As he heard this he became sad because he thought that in his previous life he didn't have anyone behind so why not enjoy this nearly endless life of a dragon.

But he became happy after remembering that system could increase his lifespan.

While he was thinking his stomach growled with hunger as he looked at the shells of the only egg remaining.

He moved and took a small bite of it and was shocked and happy it tasted cooked chicken meat.

He started to devover the shells as he talked with system.

" hey! System since I am a dragon and my dragon mother or father is there dead so do they have gold or not".

"Host I didn't expect you are think of gold when your mother dragon is dead ".

"Oi! I was just curious! "

"Yes host there is indeed gold but I don't think you or your siblings will be able to get it any time soon ".

"Why is that?".

He felt curious since the mother dragon is dead who could stop him other him from getting gold other then his sibling".

" Host every dragon will put a barrier around his treasure and you need to be a teenager dragon to be able to break the barrier"

"Oh.. that kind of makes since".

"Also host goodnight". Said system

"Huh" before he could question or say anything his naturally needed sleep took over him".

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