
Dragon shall roar

what will the formal human do when reborn as the shame of all dragon's the white dragon of five colored dragons with the system to absorb any dead things and gain its qualities, power, lifespan all you could think of come and find out on "Dragon shall Roar ".

Basabaka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

succubus blood

He started to move deeper in the cave as he went more deep in cave he saw a faint golden lights.

Looking at this he knew this must be the right place.

He moved forward after walking for a while he saw multiple small peaks of gold , diamonds and weapon's all around the cave.

Looking at it he felt so much excitement that he run forward to jump on the treasure.

When he reached close he felt that he had hit in to wall .

After rubbed his head which was hurting from hitting a invisible wall.

"Did mother dragon put a barrier here..well i am a dragon so there is no surprise she could put a barrier to her gold but I have to say I underestimated the greed of dragon's for their treasure."

"Sigh ~ well there is no point crying I should go back and see if there is any beast's with intelligence but weaker than me."

After that he took another glace and moved back to the entrance of cave.

Elf village

"Everyone has anyone gained information where the dragons cave is ?"

"No cheif we haven't!"

Replied a young elf man to the village head's as the elf people around him nodded their head signaling they have not gained any information.

"Okay you guy's go back and prepare food for your self it's already time for dinner"

Said village chief as everyone returned to their house.

"Hope it's really a dragon it will help us a lot by becoming dragons dependent"

"And judging by its claws prints it should be more than fourty meter tall"

After mumbling to himself the village cheif went to his house.

Elf house

"Hey sis how big the dragon you think is ?"

Said one of the two elf sister who found the dragons claws prints"

Rose "Sis he should be more than 30 or even 40 meters tall "

Lusia" how big do you think his lower half be ?"

Said Lucia while making a lewed expression on his face.

Rose"stop talking we have a litte succubus blood it doesn't mean we should let it control us we should control it !"

Said rose with a serious expression on their face.

They both were elf girls who had a little succubuses blood in them.

Lusia was a litte Loli elf who looked like a 15 year old girl with red hair and green eyes with cute face and body.

Rose was the elf girl who looked taller than lusia and had red hair and green eyes same as lusia but unlike lusia who was sometimes not able to control his succubus blood she had full control over it .

Lusia "sis he should have the size of multiple meters right!"

Said Lucia as saliva came out of her mouth.

Rose "okay stop making trouble.i am going to sleep"

She said as she went into room.

But she couldn't sleep as lusia was making some private noises.

( Guess what noises lusia made hehehe)

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Everyone please give a review and save the novel see you next time bye-bye