
Dragon Rebirth

The dragons have come and gone since the Pliocene epoch when Wooly Mammoths roamed with humans during the ice age. For many of the I and E generation in the Americas and parts of Europe, it was something to avoid being taken by them to their world. But many knew the stories they told, the things they saw and missed, and in this world of social media, the child coming home, reborn as a shifter. For 16-year-old Nathan that was his reality. For 11 years he's not only avoided getting grabbed but helped others avoid a similar fate. But a black dragon was watching him grabbing him only to lay low in the nearby woods, something they did to pick out who'd they take. It did that for 10 years, more than 3 times longer than usual. His actions and the amount of time he had avoided them made him a sort of celebrity in his town in the midwest. But one day that black dragon made its decision, he was to be her hatchling. When they're usually marked the child could turn to protective mode, running from home to prevent drawing attention to other children for the picking, and that's what he did, right to where they last landed. Luck, choice, a possible spell in those claws, whatever you may think doesn't matter. A black dragon never misses its mark. With agility unsurpassed by the other types they're almost impossible to avoid. But these dragons didn't breathe fire, were a threat, nor in any way the size of a 747 max. All they had that was unique from other creatures was a highly evolved brain with the intelligence of a human and a heart of platinum.

nathan_sasser · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 2 assessment of the new world

"Who's poking me?" I said as I begin to wake up. I woke up to realize the dragon was trying to wake me up. As I look around the dragon was trying to get me to stand up and come with it. I came with it to the entrance of the cave and the surroundings looked just like a forest on earth, but completely untouched by man. "Wow this is beautiful and the air is so fresh," I told her. She then directed me to a shifter that was staying in her cave. His snow-white scales reflected some of the sunlight. When I sat down with him he started talking about what the dragon had in mind.

"She's surprised at how long you kept this up. Your one of a kind and your form should reflect that in my opinion. But ultimately it's her scale color you're getting," he told me.

She then started to fly off again, but to where was unclear.

"Where's she going?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but I do know she was getting some children for some injured friends of her. They'll turn them and at least you won't be lonely," he replied. "I'm going to check on a friend of mine that's here. I'll be back in a few hours.

Suddenly I heard in a melodic tone: "Don't run you'll be fine and soon your troubles will be gone."

"What are you?" I asked the strange creature

"In time you'll know, but for now why don't we settle down," she replied as she tried to hug me.

I backed up a few steps before letting her hug. If I was going to be here anywhere from a few weeks to up to 2 years I thought I might as well get used to the creatures here.

"Where's your captor?" She asked me

"she went to get something; I'm not sure what though," I replied. I went not too far from the cave and laid in the grass in the sun. "Well if you're going to be staying with me for a while you might as well get cozy with me, I told her.

She laid down next to me as she said: "That's what I intended to do. I can't wait to feel those dragon hard scales against my own and your warm body too," she replied.

"Yeah, I bet any sort of reptile would love the warmth of a mammal, like me," I replied. She just looked at me in slight confusion and curiosity before snuggling up with me.

after a few hours, I heard the scream of a young girl and saw her heading back to us. "Oh well look at that, she's back," I told her. We headed in and I saw the girl calming down unusually quickly. "Well who are you," I asked her.

"My name's Lily, I was traveling across Asia and Oceania until I got grabbed in Tokyo," She replied.

The dragon then pulled me to her. I look up at her face and see the joy in her eyes. "It's time isn't it girl," I said.

"Where's she taking you?" Lily asked me.

"Wherever they take them to be hatchlings so that they can dawn their scales. I trust you'll be in safe hands with her," I replied

"With who?" She asked me.

"With that snake creature over there. I'm sure she'll keep you happy and fed while I'm in the egg," I replied

She then carried me to an unusual location where I stayed through the night, but before I fell asleep I told her: "If you're going to put me in the eggshell, do it while I'm sleeping. At least I'll be unaware until I hatch."

After that, I wasn't sure what was happening outside of my mind. Like I asked of her she did whatever she did to turn me in my sleep. My body now constantly in pain, probably from whatever was taking place, my best guesses were that where the pain was, is where my body was likely turning to scale.

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