
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 13

Very quickly 2 months passed since Clay first formed his aura core. During this time his main focus has been deepening mastery over the golden dragon technique. His hard work earned a massive boost to his cqc skills. Even reaching the point that seasoned pros have trouble fighting him. He has even started to plagiarize moves he saw in manga anime and stories from his previous world. However yet another problem reared its ugly head. At close range he can bullie everyone else ,but at a distance he would be lucky if he could get a hit in.

In the beginning he thought it would be fine but now it has became a major issue. Good news much like most of his problems the solution comes in the form of a skill. First off he started to study the silver dragon technique more. Then he started in on practicing his earth magic spells.

"My darling Eve to honest I am not sure if I should really waste my time learning magic" ,he asked sweetly.

"Darling, I know you think that with the silver dragon technique magic is pointless but you would be wrong. Firstly with magic you need a clear image of what you are doing. For example the spell stone bullet if used through your earth magic ,then you just need more mana and rearrange it's structure to enhance its effects. With your silver dragon technique requires you to hold a clear picture however you have more control over it" Eve explained.

Clay listened to her as it dawned on him how foolish he has been. Originally he thought it would be fine if he focused on one or the other. As she went on to explain more he realized that only by using skills together can he true maximize his potential.

"Thanks for the advice Eve from now on I will make sure to look for all possibilities" Clay apologetically said.

He couldn't help but feel ashamed not using every advantage he has received. It may not technically be that serious but if he had been even a little unlucky he would be dead by now. it disgusted him to no end that his own fate was again left to luck.

As Clay started to think about more ways to combine skill Eve watched him with a smile. As someone that has reached such a high level she knew more than a few things. For example if Clay wanted to keep get stronger then sooner or late this would be necessary. By thinking of his skills as pieces of a puzzle he could remove any limitations or weaknesses.

It could be said that Clay has already taken his first steps to the top however that is a story for later. For now he began exploring all of his current abilities. To start he used the earth magic spell rock bullet. It was both one of his easiest and simplest spell. The spell would create a rock before launching it towards his enemy. Nothing too impressive however if used properly it could be lethal.

" Okay so this is my first earth magic rock bullet. If I am correct in my understanding of the spell I can increase its size and power by pouring more mana in. The issue is that it's speed will always be the same" Clay pondered.

As a proud enjoyer of japanese media Clay understood one simple truth. No matter how strong an attack may be it is pointless if it never hits the target. Ever the problem solver he came up an idea to speed the attack up. Since the silver dragon technique took an element in it basic form and controlled it so why couldn't it be used for this. In a training room that Freya had built for him Clay was standing with an expression of intense focus. Previously he4 thought it would be easy to implement his idea but boy was he wrong.

When casting a spell he would have magic circuit from in his mind. Each circuit is made from an amalgamation of ancient words called the divine language. It was said that it was a language that gods used to conmune with each other. Now when used as a spell it became a means to give orders to natural forces. Clay was no different problem is he having trouble casting a spell while controlling another element.

Everytime he started to gather wind elemental mana the magic circuit would become unstable. Before you could even do anything the circuit would collapse. By this point he already had one of the worst headaches he has ever had in his life. Of course his determination out weighed the pain in his head. Unfortunately his will had no effect on the results.

"Damn it, why am I having such a hard time doing something so simple" Clay's anger filled voice hissed.

Luckily for the sanity of everyone else there was no one near by to hear his words. His goal may sound easy on paper however in reality it is actually high level stuff. Basically he is trying to control two sperate elements without completely fusing them. In simpler words he is drawning two pictures at the same time.

Eve watched Clay silently as he sat down Indian style. Although she wanted to help him she didn't because she knew all too well how important it is he does this alone. This moment could be said to be a test to see how well he will be able to walk his path. As he grows stronger he will need to rely on past struggles to move forward so removing that would hurt him.

As Clay breathed in and out slowly a silver mist started to surround his body. The more time that pasted the thicker it became. If anyone else where around they would be shocked. His current state was something all mages would dream of. It was unique connection with one's mana called mana harmony. For a mage controlling mana normally required thought. Meaning unless they intended to do something it won't happen.

Even high level mages could not fully escape this limitation. That is unless they were to somehow enter into mana harmony. During this state there would be zero need them to think about what they wish to achieve. In other words it was a state that made conscious actions in to unconscious actions. At Clay's current level though he could only partially take advantage of this state. Meaning he could only use it on one action at a time and only when his mind is really calm.

Minutes later he once again slowly raised his hand as he casted rock bullet. When the rock finished forming he manipulated wind to swirl around. Following the wind's flow the rock started to spin. Finally he summoned some wind to push it forward while maintaining its spin. It wasn't long before a loud boom reverberated throughout the training room. Startled Clay opened his eyes to see his spell actually destroyed the wall. For prospective the wall he destroyed is supposed to strong enough to block act from a rank 3 with minimal damage.