
Dragon Online

Kyle Turner is a teenage boy who has always felt out of place. Unlike his peers, he doesn't possess any special abilities or magical powers. While others around him are accepted into the prestigious Mage Academy to train and one day defeat the tyrannical Beast King, Kyle is left feeling inadequate and alone. One day, as Kyle was going about his mundane life, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a starting message: [Dragon system online] [You have tamed the blue dragon] [New user details are now valid] [All abilities currently (lv1)] [New ability gained: Blue dragon flame] "What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle muttered in bewilderment, unsure of how to process this unexpected turn of events.

Danespl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Weekly Raid

Anna had been closely observing Kyle and the others, stalking them like her favorite celebrities. It was amazing how much attention Kyle attracted daily; it hadn't even been a week since they began.

She was puzzled by Kyle's behavior—despite his impressive fighting skills and defense, which could have easily defeated Bryan, he continued to act weak.

After a tense moment, Kyle stormed out of the classroom, leaving Eddie and Jake behind. They decided to head back to the hostel. As they emerged from the Second Year building, Anna approached them.

"Would you like to join a sect? It offers protection similar to a gang, but you can rise through the ranks and even become the sect leader," she explained.

Eddie and Jake paused and turned to her.

A sect is a secretive and exclusive group, bound together by a shared purpose and code of conduct. Its members unite under a common goal or ideology, undergoing rigorous training and mentorship to hone their skills and abilities in pursuit of mastery, fostering a strong sense of belonging and loyalty.

There were three strongest sects in the academy: the Brigid, Sereal, and Tehran sects. The others were considered weak, and it was challenging for a student to gain entry into the top three. Kyle was actually planning on joining one, but he had other priorities at the moment.

"So, which one are you planning on joining?" Anna asked.

"We don't know yet. Let's wait for Kyle to calm down; he's currently boiling with anger," Eddie replied. With that, he and Jake left Anna behind.

She shrugged and headed toward the arcade.

Although Anna was a slacker, she was an intelligent one—she knew when to step back, unlike the others.


Kyle stormed toward the training ground, fury etched on his face. Upon arrival, he grabbed a wooden sword from the weapon stand and snapped it in two, taking one piece with him as he stormed out of the room.

"No one should mess with me. I've suffered enough, and I'm not going to take it anymore," he murmured.

Blue flames began to flicker along his hands, merging with the wooden sword and transforming it into a fiery weapon. He sprinted up the staircase to the second-year rooftop. Once there, he scanned the area, moving closer to the edge in search of Bryan or any of his gang.

Kyle spotted one of the gang members dragging a beaten student outside.

The boy shouted, "Hey, everyone! Gather around, this—" But before he could finish, Kyle hurled the fiery wooden sword at him from the rooftop. The sword pierced the boy's stomach, causing him to collapse to the ground, blood pooling around him as his clothes soaked through. The boy fell unconscious.

Students nearby gasped, some rushing to help the injured boy and carry him to the medical room. Kyle grinned, relishing the chaos.

"Continue! Why did you pause, bastard? Wake up and call your shepherd to beat me up! Darn all of you, I will kill you one by one!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Other students turned their heads toward the source of the shout, spotting Kyle in the distance. Though his face was obscured, his distinctive white hair gave him away. Without hesitation, Kyle turned and dashed down the staircase, formulating a plan to escape the second-year building unnoticed.

He quickly approached a classroom window and jumped out, summoning Kerg. He landed on Kerg's back, and the dragon instantly took to the sky, invisible to anyone below thanks to its special stealth ability.

As Kerg soared above the clouds, the air settled around them, and the landscape was blanketed in mist. Kerg hovered in one spot, and Kyle stood up, raising his head to gaze into the distance with a wide grin. He looked down at Kerg, whose wings continued to flap rhythmically to maintain their flight.

"Let's head back down, Kerg," he instructed, gesturing left, where he calculated the first-year building lay. He intended to land behind it, away from prying eyes.

Kerg dove toward the ground at blinding speed, landing softly. Kyle dismounted and dismissed Kerg, feeling a rush of adrenaline.

"Now, how do I solve the last problem? I need to hide my hair or dye it somehow," he pondered, his mind rose with possibilities as he plotted his next move.

He slipped into the hostel, keeping his head down as he opened the door. Inside, he spotted Jack and Eddie lounging around, but he ignored them, heading straight for his bed. Once there, he pulled out his screen and began scrolling through posts, trying to make sense of the content.

One post caught his eye: "Weekly Raid Support - Apply now through the link. Reward: 300 Pes."

Pes was a digital currency widely used in the Kingdom, and 300 Pes was a significant amount. For someone like Kyle, it could last him a month, covering essentials like food and supplies. To earn that kind of money, he would typically have to sell about 40 low-rank beast orbs, which was no small feat.

"I should apply for this. I need money," he thought as he tapped the link below the post.

As the application page loaded, Kyle felt a surge of hope. This could be his chance to earn some quick cash and maybe even find a way to deal with his hair issue. If he could get the reward, he might afford a good dye job or some gear to help him blend in better.

He filled out the application which was just his name, rank, and ability. He submitted his application and leaned back on the bed.

Kyle lay back on his bed, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to clear his mind. Thoughts of the raid lingered, but he knew he couldn't just sit idly by.

After a short while, he sat up and pulled out his screen again. He began jotting down ideas for the raid, thinking about the skills he could bring to the table. He had some experience with low-rank beasts, and if he could leverage that knowledge, he might impress the team and secure his spot for future opportunities.

Jack and Eddie were still chatting, but Kyle tuned them out, focusing on his own plans. He sketched out a rough strategy for the raid, considering what roles he could play and what gear he would need.

Just then, a notification buzzed on his screen. It was a message from the raid organizer. "Welcome aboard! We'll meet at the training ground tomorrow at noon. Bring your best gear."

This was it. He had a chance to prove himself and earn that 300 Pes. He quickly made a list of what he needed to prepare.

Once satisfied with his notes, he glanced at the display wall showing a large clock. It was getting late, and he knew he should get some rest before the big day. He turned off his screen and set it aside, but not before taking one last look on it.

"I'll figure this out," he said to himself, determined. With that, he lay back down, letting the exhaustion wash over him.

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