
Dragon of The East: Noah White

Revered as the Dragon of the East, the invincible guardian of the eastern front and Demon of the Battlefield, Noah White returns to his home. When returning, he sees the same streets he once walked as a child yet now has the ability to see the stains of corruption that paint each wall of his hometown. At home, he finds a lot has changed. Since he joined the army, many people have risen to power while others fallen to decay. Taking over his family business, he begins to grow his new empire and is determined to stop the impending crisis that will soon reach his home.

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1 Chs

Noah White's Return

The battlefield was silent; not a single shot fired. In fact, it was even more peaceful than the warm cities of the country. Out in the endless fields of lively grass, not a single allied corpse in sight but a thousand enemy skeletons buried by the boundless ground, hundreds of soldiers stood attention.

Even the whistles of the cold iced breeze, attacking the soldiers bodies, could be heard in the unimpeded silence. For some reason, the soldiers seemed sad, yet they not tear was shed, all out of respect for the soldier before them. No, it was not a fallen soldier, one of those hadn't been seen from their allied side in a long time. Not one dared to attack the eastern front, after all, that's where the demon lurked.

"Farewell, comrades. I wish you luck in your future battles. One day, I shall return" Uttered with confidence and charisma, these words seemed to calm the soldiers hearts. After hearing it, the refined lock that took hostage of their heart was unlocked and warmth soon flooded back in; a weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

With that, the tall and dominant soldier of whom bid his goodbye to his great comrades, left the battlefield for the first time in seven years. It had been a long seven years that he fought fearlessly, peering into the eyes of death an innumerable amount of times, yet today, he could finally sigh in relief. Though, this relief was not an escape from the battlefield, over the seven years it had become a second home, and his subordinates his family. This heartfelt sigh was the relief of returning home.

Although his family had long perished, mercilessly killed when he was 15, where he joined the army a soon two years after, lying about his age, his hometown was still his home. In the vast city, there were still his long-term friends and the fiancée he had left for the nine years. Though, he was sure that she would have moved on, after all, it had been nine years and they were only young and rash when they got engaged. Her family never approved of Noah, to them he was just a useless good for nothing that had snatched their beloved Ava. Yet, he had never forgotten her, not for a single second.

Sadly, his heart had turned cold and in his eyes, he was a monster. In fact, he had become so icy cold that his enemies soon named him 'Dragon of the East', seen as a true monster of destruction. Yet, that name of fear was replaced by his comrades with one of revere as they soon called him by the same name, carrying an attitude of complete respect. He was glad he could spent his nine years of service with them. They too felt the same, having the youngest general and most feared of all on their side was something they would never pass on, not to mention the strong bond he held with his subordinates.

"Sir, we are coming up to Rylle. Do you wish to land afar or within the district?" the co-pilot asked in a polite and respectful demeanour.

"Afar will do. A small walk will be fine. I could do with the exercise" Noah calmly replied, treating the co-pilot with the same respect as he had been given. "If possible, I'd like to stay as low-key as possible. I don't wish to reveal my identity." Noah requested then continued to give a brief explanation.


In a matter of minutes, they finally landed in a less populated area. It was a small field, covered in tall green grass. Quickly, Noah was escorted off the black helicopter and sauntered out the field. Reaching the road, scarce of any people, he retrieved a phone from his pocket and dialled a specific number.

Soon, thirty minutes passed while Noah leant against a tall tree while spoke drifted from his cigarette. He had started smoking in the military after his first kill as a rookie; it helped him get over the trauma and soon he didn't need them yet he had already become addicted. Yet, he was only a light smoker so he didn't see it as anything severe. After all, the risk of dying from smoking and him being shot on the battle field were the contrast of heaven and earth.

Moments later, a black BMW came into view, driving swiftly across the deserted road. Spotting Noah's figure, the car gradually slowed, soon coming to a stop right before his position.

"Noah!" an ecstatic shout came from the car as the door was burst open by the figure. It was a tall young man with blonde hair and hazel eyes, painted with an exuberant expression.

"Hey, Callum. Been a while" a silent smirk appeared on Noah's face when seeing Callum approach him from the car. It had been an entire nine years since they had spoken, Noah hadn't even told him about him leaving for the army, Callum only finding out second hand by having to research. Even though so much time had passed, when looking at one another, old memories came flooding back and it was like they back in the past before Noah had ever left.

Looking at Noah, he realised he had changed a lot. The few childish features he still had when he was seventeen were gone without a trace and his aura seemed much more mature. Though, it was clear to Callum that Noah's body still inhabited the joyful friend he had known for a long time.

"Well. What are you waiting for? Let's go see the others. It's been ages. Oh and Ava.." before he could finish what he was saying, he was interrupted by Noah. From that, he decided he would drop the topic and avoid broaching the subject until they got back.

"Let's get going" Noah replied with a monotone voice before heading toward the car and jumping into the black BMW.

"Hey! Get out the driver's seat. This is my car!" Callum exclaimed, seeing Noah smugly relaxing in the comfortable black driver's seat in his car. However, Noah wouldn't budge and simply sat in the seat like an unmovable rock.

"Fine. You drive" Callum gave up and entered the passenger seat from the other side before turning on the radio, lowering the volume enough as so to be able to hear their own voices.

"How have you been? I know you joined the army, not that you cared to tell any of us. But everything since then was stuff even I couldn't get my hands on. Plus, you didn't call even once. Most of us thought you were dead" Callum tried to keep his composure while exclaiming his worries. It was a big shock getting the call from Noah. In addition to the fact that he had changed his number several times in the past nine years and still had no idea as to how Noah had been able to get a hold of it. But the fact he was alive was a huge weight off his shoulders and he was too happy and relieved to try digging too much into Noah's business, for now anyway.

"Well, anyway. Let's head back to Rylle"