
Chapter 2

The mighty walls of Darrlion's Capital stationed soldiers at the foot with light weaponry. The Capital extended between a semi-hill chain. The hills flourish the Capital with an abundance of water and resources. It also reduces risk of attacks from three sides, enemy forces needs to learn the way of highlands and none are better than Darrlion's army. However, the hills did not obstruct communications. Technical support sought out a tunnel way to cross the hills within an hour. The tunnel make another gate to the premises. The gates remain charged with powerful crystals, formidable to any attacks.

The front entrance was bigger. The huge silver metal gate opened and the Chief of Security appeared with his little troop. All to welcome the dragon slayer force.
Nothing at sight until a guard from the tower signalled his Chief.
Very soon The Captain of dragon slayer force, waving their kingdom's flag emerged out to the high surface. The Chief moved forward too. The parade reached the gates and the Captian met with the Chief in a pleasant way. They knew each other, they had passed the academy together.
The captain was happy, but his joy was not all dazzling, as the Chief looked back at the soldiers, they were not in a joyous mood either. The parade held a carriage and it was heavily guarded.
Adrian walked at the last, he didn't have what it takes to converse formally for formality. He glanced inside the carriage where the Dragon Mother sat in shackles and a huge metal box keeping the Dragon's head. She glanced back at him once she caught him watching. Always under his sight, for the entire journey she had him, a man she hates, the killer of her family keep her under check and help her in whatever need. Even though she asked naught.

The Chief accompanied the parade in their journey inside, several questions asked and the Captian was not shy to answer.
"The returning nights have been a disgrace for our troop."

The Slayer Force had prepared for the dragon but underestimated the Dragon Mother severely.
In the first night during returning, the Captain had to subjugate five soldiers from barging into her tent, their brains forfeited reasoning, all there left was a madman's drive of lust, their bodies burnt and drooled only by living within her aura. Nine nights, and she was guarded no less than a somewhat princess. Every night was a battle for sanity. The Captain felt it too, but he survived worser temptations. And then there was Adrian, unfazed, staying outside her tent and the fear of challenging him slowed down the soldiers, however did not stop.

At the same day, King Rudskar called for his court. Let the end of terror be congratulated with display. The Captain walked down the red carpet with a curtained box carried by four soldiers behind him. He changed from an armoured caveman of the morning to the honourable Knight of the kingdom, his hair shining to compete his silver armour and the wives and daughters present in the audience marvelled at such beauty.
Right beside the carriage walked Adrain, he wasn't that much of a handsome pupil. An average face, but if someone is attracted towards a nice built, he would be the better choice. He arrived in his red and black Knight ribboned suit. Medium long brown hair, a light stubble he did not care to shave and not-so-lively eyes. He searched for his comrade, and found him at the front row — Knight Commander Camlain, he waved with a broad smile to his gloomy friend. The trumpets stopped and the parade stopped.
The Captian stepped aside and gave way to the huge golden platform.

The Speaker standing beside the King spoke, "The Dark Fire Dragon, whose name brought fear to the common lives and whose devastation has made many of us it's innocent prey, the reign of the dragons diminishes with the efforts of our heroic soldiers, Eleven days ago The Slayer Force was sent out by our almighty King into the venture to end the terror, the dark shadow protruding over our kingdom and now, the result has come to us by The Slayer Force Captain — Milard Ghast"
The Captain bowed once and held onto an end of the curtain, "presenting to you my king" he shove off the curtain from the box, "The Dark Fire Dragon"
The hideous huge black head left a chorus of gasp across the court. Let it be a decapitated head, the compressing aura still lingered around the court.
Any movement and the fifty–sixty hearts quivered altogether, their body remembered the havoc once this monster brought. Sweat dribbled down the whitened forehead and the fists clutched.

The minister raised his voice to silence the court, The King commanded the two to step forward. He was huge, his silver hair and beard covered most of the tight face. The Captain and Adrain stepped forward and kneeled before the ruler. The King stepped down from his pedestal while a soldier brought two medals in a golden platter. They both were asked to stand, and when they did the King attached the highest Bravery Order medal to both their chest insignias.
For the dragon slayer, a reward money of ninty thousand gold coins and the position of Knight Commander.
For the rumoured dragon slayer, the highest position of Supreme Warrior. A royal position, which is passed to the strongest warrior and protector of the kingdom. Now it was — Supreme Warrior Milard Ghast.

The court dismissed to a party within dukes and nobles. The huge place emptied with The King, The minister, Knight Commander and Adrian left alone. His head held down in a knee.
"I have fulfilled your request Adrian, for your parents had served this kingdom with their lives, you as their wise has proved their name"
"My honour, m'lord"
"However, do you intend to set your course without thinking twice, Your special care will be provided like any other royalty"
"I am certain m'lord, and I must arrive at my duty whenever my kingdom asks for."

Adrian walked through one of palace 's pavement, alone at his best company. No drinks from the party, he kept any interaction minimum upto his ten minutes' presence.
His feets stopped, amongst the shadows walked forward Knight Commander Camlain. Two drinks in his hands.
"I couldn't let you miss these"
"Don't impose your drinking habits on me," Adrian let down his guard very easily.
"You don't need it, you're crazy already"
Camlain has been against his idea of refusing to reign the city as Knight Commanders together. Although the first crazy thing to do was rejection of the Supreme Warrior title. Camlain did not oppose this, as for Adrain since five years of their friendship, never seemed to enjoy important titles. Nor drinks. The glass of wine was quickly rejected.
"What happened to that woman?" Adrain asked.
"The great Dragon Mother, she is purely wicked, now kept in dungeon till night, she will surely become the king's whore."
Camlain had to gulp down both the drinks. Royal liquor are not to be wasted.
"When will you depart?" Camlain asked, the glasses turned downwards
"After an hour, It'll take till midnight."
"A toast to your peace," Camlain raised an empty glass.

The city was in a decorative mood, the surging evil had been subjugated. Adrian rode in his horse, his baggage attacked to a pile at the rear. He waited for a moment till the large gates opened as the guards saluted him, he strode away.

The loud clanking of chains echoed into the dimmed dungeon, at it's third level a row of seventeen prison — all quiet. A daily tour was made by guards, none of them could seize to stare at the shinning beauty who was kept behind the dirty bars, during the night as moonlight trespassed the barred windows just to shine on her, she glew like an angel.
Footsteps approached her cell, she counted four. A familiar face appeared to the other side. Captain Milard, he tapped a bar with a silver key, small grin in his face. He unlocked the cell, not an ounce of caution in any of his carefress movements. It was time to depart for her, time to amuse the King and deteriorate into his after night pleaser.