





My body is all bloody?

I can't feel my hand?

Oh yes it got seperated from my...

Shit I just lost my entire..... I can't talk?

Why is my throat gurgling on my blood?

Why am I jerking so violently? My eyes are not working properly?

All I can see are the stains of red and the being that did this to me.

Am I kidding?

Is this just a joke? But the pain is all over me! My hands are twitching, at least all that remained dearly of it, my jaw has slackened, I really think it had been broken off.

Blood is streaming out from every part of my skin, as though a werewolf had taken it's time to rip my entire body apart.

Yes this was my current predicament!

Only that this wasn't a werewolf but a Shintou spirit.

And a vile one at that fact.

I can't believe my life is streaming out with the blood leaving my body. I don't really have a life left to live but I want to live it.

I am an orphan but I deserve more.....

Isn't that what being human is all about, having some and desiring more?


The loud enthralling snare of the beast made a tiny rattle zipline through his body.

His eyes could only see this as a blur but his brain completed the image.

A huge scary beast, possessing six hands and on all six, having a hunched back with disgusting bones sticking out if it, a dark liquid type skin that gave a revolting stench, long claws on each of it's three fingers, a blank face having no eyes or ears with large maws with sharp rows of teeth to show for.

This was typically a Shintou spirit and his supposed killer making it's way to his corpse.

He tried to move but his body refused every command with an uneven twitch.

Without seeing himself he found pity on his being. 'To believe I am dying such an horrid death?'

He made effort to move again but twitched once more, however the Shintou spirit had gotten well weary of his good-for-nothing efforts and stomped two of it's claws into his side.

This made him force out a distorted shriek before shuddering a little.

This was basically a chicken's death.

'I feel like a chicken though.'

With one last twitch of his body, he finally went limp his life ejecting out of his wasted body.

'I guess this is heaven for me.'

[Not quite]

[You are a bloodline candidate and must become a dragon]

'What the heck is this? Why am I.... But I don't want to be a ritualist! I am ok with dying here it was painful enough.... Got my d*ck torn off, let me end it all.....'

[Thank you for your agreement]

'What the f*ck?'

[Do you think I will give you a choice]

[Returning soul to corpse activated]