
Ultimate Spatial Hell Forbidden Spell

Editor: Atlas Studios

Even Earth-Attribute Giant Dragons, known for their defenses, could not resist spatial fissures. Even Space-Attribute Silver Dragons would be permanently exiled if they were drawn into violent spatial turbulence.

The sky suddenly dimmed, and an extremely strong gravitational force attacked from behind. The Air Riders in the sky stopped midair, and their speed slowed down significantly. Some of the flying beasts that were not as fast were roaring and struggling to flap their wings with all their might. However, they could not overcome the strong suction behind them. The knights cried out in exhaustion as they poured all their battle aura into their mounts, but they were still unable to resist the force behind them and were dragged back little by little.

Lighter items on the ground swayed and flew into the air.

The black fissure elongated and expanded bizarrely, growing at a speed beyond anyone's expectation. Air Riders were constantly devoured by the black spatial fissure. Some of them were torn apart alive when they lightly brushed the fringes of the fissure. No one was able to defend against it. Its growth was unimpeded, and everything it touched became void. Nothing seemed to matter to the prowess and lethality of the space attribute. It would wipe out whatever was in its way.

The Air Riders of both the Sland Empire and the Tersi Empire had the living daylights scared out of them. Their speed of escape fell behind the speed of the spread of the 'Ultimate Spital Hell'. It was absolutely disastrous.


A spatial fissure the size of a slender arm brushed past a Giant Dragon with its knight just a few dozen meters away. The Giant Dragon broke into two soundlessly, and its desperate sharp howl weakened rapidly. The knight that was thrown off brushed by another spatial fissure and lost his head before he could be rescued. The headless body was also drawn helplessly into the fissure.

The flight formation of the Dragon Knights of the Sland Empire was thrown into disarray by the sudden appearance of the spatial fissures.

"Quick, fly away!"

"Use all your force!"

"Charge out!"

More than one Dragon Knight had poured all their battle aura into their dragon partners to increase even a teeny-weeny bit of speed. Howls from the airborne dragons continued, and all of them were desperately invoking their battle aura with bloodshot eyes. This was even more dangerous than the tangled warfare a moment ago. They would rather die bringing down the Air Riders of the Tersi Empire than be torn into pieces by the spatial fissures.

On the other hand, the Air Riders from the Tersi Empire were even more tragic. They were already lacking in combat power, and their flight speed and stamina were far inferior to those of the Giant Dragons. They were almost wiped out by the spatial fissures in the blink of an eye.

The commander-in-chief of the Tersi Empire nearly tore out his beard in the ground command headquarters. The forbidden spell was out of control the moment it was cast. The spatial mages could not control the movement of the power. Otherwise, it would have become a unilateral massacre on the battlefield.

The soldiers in the melee were shocked to find their bodies seemingly losing weight. At first, they were elated, as they realized they could jump a large distance and easily attack the enemy camp. However, they soon found themselves unable to descend once they left the ground. They seemed to be waltzing in the air toward the deep Ultimate Spatial Hell in the sky that was like a super huge hedgehog. As the engulfing darkness approached them, they screamed in despair.

"Hurry, get the mages to stop!" The commander-in-chief of the Tersi Empire quickly ordered after seeing a large number of his own soldiers being affected by the forbidden spell.

"We can't stop it! The forbidden spell is completely out of control! We're finished. We're going to die!" Divine Mage Master Magus, the leader of the mage legion, rushed to the front of the commander of the Tersi Empire, his voice completely cracked.

The leader of the mage legion of the opposing Sland Empire was just as desperate. The crux to forbidden spells was not in the intensity of the release but in its control. They were named forbidden spells because losing control of one equated to perishing together.

Those precious spatial mages were suspended in the air in their formation, and they had lost their cool and all color from their faces. Their bodies twitched as though they were hung in the air by their necks like chickens. Their magic powers were being drawn crazily by the berserk forbidden spell. Some of them could not withstand this squeeze and had even their vitality drawn away. They aged quickly as wrinkles, age spots, and white hair appeared and became shriveled, as though time was passing by at a fast pace, before finally turning into flying ash.

Ultimate Spatial Hell was indeed a forbidden spell worthy of its name of ultimate hell. It had expanded to about half of the battlefield in a dozen breaths from its initiation. Countless soldiers had been devoured and disappeared whole in the darkness of despair.

The Dragon Knights of the Sland Empire fell into despair and disarray. They zoomed around desperately to avoid the spatial fissures around them, trying to escape the range of the Ultimate Spatial Hell.

"Molin! Molin!" Molin heard someone shouting his name and turned toward the direction of the voice. His face changed. The Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon Messiah and Aca had run out of steam and were suffering from serious injuries, but they still had to carry a huge burden like Glenn. They were unable to endure being sucked gradually into a black spatial fissure.

Despite being caught in the claws of the Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon, Glenn's wyvern was not stupid. It flapped its wings vigorously to reduce the burden on the Fire-Attribute Dragon. This was why Aca had not abandoned the wyvern. However, the only son of the Minister of Civil Affairs, Glenn, had long lost his composure. His face was pale, and he no longer had the energy to make any more sound.

"Aca! Hold on! Throw that damned Glenn away! He's dragging you down!" Molin yelled at Aca. He just could not drop his good friend Aca, who he grew up with in the training camp, and escape by himself.

An unprecedented killing intention toward Glenn brewed within Molin. If not for the greed of this scumbag that dragged others down, his comrade Aca and his Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon Messiah would not have fallen into such a desperate situation.

"No, don't abandon me! Aca, I beg you! Don't abandon me. I'll give you a lot of money and beautiful women. I'll also get my father to confer you a knighthood, duke, earl, you name it! Territory and castles are not a problem! I can even give your family more benefits! You know my father is one of the four ministers of the empire. He can definitely do it. Don't abandon me, Aca!" Glenn ignored his daily rudeness to Aca after hearing Molin's words. He was so scared that his soul almost flew out of his body. He pinned all his hope on Aca and the Fire-Attribute Dragon, knowing that he would definitely die if he depended on the wyvern with its small, thin wings.

Glenn even let go of this past pride, desperately promising benefits for Aca in a teary voice, begging like a dog for a chance to survive.

Money and women did not count as anything, but the title of a knight would be greatly beneficial for the future of his family. A bitter smile appeared on Aca's face. This scum was really like a devil. How could he not be moved by such benefits? He had to fight for it for his family, even if not for himself.

Aca seemed to have made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and shouted at his Giant Dragon, "Messiah, use all your power and rush out today no matter what method you use! I will repay you! Charge!" Battle aura exploded out of his body again and poured into the Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon's body without any reservation. The Dragon Knight of the same attribute unleashed his biggest advantage at this moment.

The Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon gave a long roar, and the fireball under each of its wings that were assisting it became hotter and hotter before making a loud explosion sound. It chose to trust in and support its partner with all its heart.

"Gold Coin! Go save Aca and Messiah!" Molin shouted as he patted the dragon armor of the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon. He could see the speed of the Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon Messiah was gradually decreasing, unable to escape the gravitational force of the spatial fissure.

Gold Coin turned its head toward Molin and shouted, "You're crazy! That's a forbidden spell! I can't guarantee my own safety. You're courting death!"

"Messiah, use more strength. Quick! You idiotic dragon, you have to escape. I'll reward you handsomely!" Glenn shouted frantically, clutching at the last straw.

The Fire-Attribute Giant Dragon Messiah let out a series of howls in protest. It was doing its best, and its flames were burning at their maximum, making loud rumbling noises. Its pair of huge dragon eyes were full of despair as it roared desperately.

"Molin, if you can make it out alive, help me to take care of my younger sister Luna and my Onessa. Tell her to find a better man than me to marry. I give them my blessings! I will love her and Luna forever!" Aca's eyes teared up beneath his helmet as he shouted hoarsely to Molin.

Messiah had done its best, but it still could not overcome the strange gravitational force from the spatial fissure of the forbidden spell.

"Help! Someone help me! Aca, you bastard! I'll bury your whole family with me!"

Glenn went hysteric, and his ungrateful nature appeared again. He was desperately cursing at Aca and Messiah, completely ignoring the fact that they were dragged into this predicament just to save him.

"Save them! Quick!" Molin stared straight into the eyes of the Metal-Attribute Giant Dragon with unprecedented determination.

"Never!" Gold Coin roared. The knight partner that it had always scorned dared to order it with such a tone to use its life to do something so stupid.