
Dragon King Returns: Apocalypse

Five dragons descended to Earth through his technique. Still he couldn't stop the apocalypse. He walked the inhospitable land alone but he was certainly not unknown for his title of Dragon King resounded among all the Heavens. His family? Long lost. His master was no more. With no reason to live he fought to death, which struck him faster than he thought. Now, for some unknown reason, he will have the chance to start over again. Will he take back his title? Or will he prefer to protect his family at all costs? *********** Disclaimer: art cover is not mine, all credits to the unknown artist. The story, all names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. English is not my first language so if you notice something wrong please let me know. Help this novel stay free forever, support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/gmsnick

LegalDrugster · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

D-Day (1)

03. Abr. 2030

In the last hours before the apocalypse a deafening silence took over the world. Nikolas could feel that his family was tense, calmer than usual. He himself couldn't help but be anxious now.

Few people dared to leave their homes, it was as if they were waiting for something. Many stores were closed, schools gave their students time off and all security institutions were called in to maintain order.

On the TV, they acted as if nothing would happen: The journalists announced that the hacker came from somewhere in the south of Brazil. Moreover, they also stated that some of the 'Doomsday Parties' had been canceled because of attack threats. In another time, that would have been shocking, but not today.

Yet the most homogeneous fact in the news was that the warning was fake. Some things didn't change.

Reginald turned off the TV and got up from the couch. He was wearing a simple white T-shirt and black shorts. However, what caught the most attention was the medieval sword he carried at his waist and a gun on the other side.

"Fake my ass!" He grumbled.

Suddenly, he heard small steps on the stairs and looked up to see his older son coming down.

Nikolas Drachen had small black eyes that matched his messy hair. The pajama he was wearing was now weirdly big for him as he lost too much weight but had no time to buy a new one. The dark circles around his eyes showed that he had been up late last night.

Reginald Drachen knew about his son's harsh training sessions but chose not to pester him about that.

"Morning, son." Reginald greeted and then added "It's past noon, can you please wake up your brother?"

"Already did it…" Nikolas nodded sleepy. He then paused for a second. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, we've spared some for you…Come and drink it." Reginald indicated to the kitchen where Emilia was currently cooking. "After that you should invite mr. Yuemura to have lunch with us so he doesn't feel lonely, he must miss his disciples after all..."

Nikolas nodded. In fact, although it sounded selfish, he had never thought about it.

"Right…" Nikolas grabbed a cup of coffee and drank. "Ah, how I missed this divine nectar!"

As the hot coffee went down his throat and energyzed him, he continued.

"I'm glad you two went along well, master is a good man after all, just a bit harsh in his training methods." Nikolas smiled. "I'll call him right now, there are a few things I need to explain before the apocalypse tonight…"


After the coffee, while his mother was preparing the lunch, Nikolas went to find out his ex-master.

He passed through the new 'farming land' which used to be an abandoned garden, and saw that the potatoes were growing exceptionally well.

[Two more months and we'll have enough potatoes to feed at least 200 hundred people for a time… Well, adding the food I bought, it should be enough until I can get a Heaven!]

Although the old abandoned house had been restored to some extent, and a small wall was made around it, the place was still full of flaws. Yet, master Yuemura had also decorated his new home to some degree, and new frames could be seen on the walls inside.

Most of the pictures showed the old and feudal Japan, his homeland. Beautiful painted landscapes that could calm your mind as you looked through it. Everything was so lonely, he could feel Yuemura's heart longing for his homeland. Why had he left? Nikolas had never asked his master about this, it seemed a delicate thing. One of the paintings especially attracted his attention and he stopped in front of it to take a closer look.

It was a simple image of some beautiful cherry trees on a hill. The grass was tall and the sky was blue, contrasting perfectly with the pink leaves of the tree. For some unknown reason, that image attracted him, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Nikolas was so distracted by the painting that he only noticed master Yuemura when he was already at his side.

"Master!" Nikolas slightly bowed.

"What do you think about this one?" The old man just smiled and asked calmly.

"It's beautiful! I can almost feel the wind blowing on this hill and the sakuras. But I feel something strange... it is as if my body and soul wanted to get into the painting, does that make any sense?" Nikolas answered truthfully, he had never felt like that looking at a painting.

"I made this one myself…" Instead of answering, the old man gave a long sigh.

"Oh, Mas…." Nikolas stopped midway as Yuemura raised his hand.

"I put my heart into it and my heart is within the sword." The old man then pointed to a taller grass and explained. "Look carefully and you'll be able to see the sword in these painting strokes."

Nikolas never knew that his master was such a good painter and indeed, not only in that taller grass but also in a few gusts of wind he could see sword strokes on it. Immediately he was lost in realization: although he mastered the katana he had never thought that the sword could be used in such means.

"You used your sword to paint?" Nikolas asked.


Yuemura hit the boy's head, it wasn't strong but still hurt.

"Of course not! What a dumb question! The brush became my sword when painting."The old man explained harshly.

"I don't get it!? Should I paint to improve my swordsmanship, master?" At that moment, especially after that hit, Nikolas felt once again like a pupil under Yuemura's tutelage.

"Yes and no!" Yuemura sighed. "What I'm saying is that you can find the sword in daily life chores as long as you put your heart into it!"

He felt that the wall that blocked him was getting closer and closer to breaking into pieces. It was as if a thunder had hit his head and he suddenly found some parts of the true meaning of swordsmanship!

[Find the sword in my daily life…. as long as I put my heart into it!]

"But, why did you come here anyway? I know that the paintings were not your goal." Yuemura interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh, right!" Nikolas smiled. "I'm here to invite you to have lunch with us."

The old man nodded.

"I'll just take my sword and my kimono… I'll be there soon, thank you!" Yuemura bowed and turned around, in his lips there was a small smile which Nikolas didn't notice.

Yuemura was getting accustomed to the idea that his newest disciple was actually a master that came from the future, how could it be otherwise? However, it looked like he still had a few tricks to teach the boy!

Nikolas left the house after thanking the old master. He was very reverent towards the old man, without him, he would not have survived in the apocalypse nor grown stronger.

[It was the right decision to have him by my side now!] Everything they've done so far made him even more sure about that decision.

"Well, it seems he is not quite there yet…" Looking at the back of his disciple, Yuemura muttered to himself.


The family gathered around the table where Emilia had just set lunch. All kinds of salads (which the boys weren't big fans of), roasted chicken and barbecue were at the table. Another seat had been added to the group to accommodate the sensei.

Erick reached for a piece of barbecue.


Emilia was quick as an eagle and hit Erick's hand with a spoon.

"Ouch mom! Why?" he grumbled while rubbing his hand.

"We must pray before lunch!"

He said nothing but closed his eyes and joined hands in a sign of prayer.

"Please God bless those who are not prepared to face such a calamity in the world. May Thee justice and immeasurable love take care of our people and protect us in the next days…"

During lunch, Nikolas was strangely silent, lost in thoughts. Suddenly at one moment, his fork went fast downwards piercing an quail egg while his knife precisely cut it in half.

His movements were weird and even somewhat robotic as he moved the arms in precise motions. All his family looked at him dumbfounded, only Yuemura understood what the boy was doing.

[Put your heart and sword in your daily life… Become one with the sword, become the sword!]

That was all Nikolas could think of.

Hello guys! Surprise chapter today because it's my birthday!

We are almost into the apocalypse, just one or two more chapters.


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