
Dragon Keeper: Lock & Key

LGBT+ Senior year is supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately for Wynn Esposito, he’s moved halfway across the world when his father gets a new job. But that’s not the half of it. Now in his new school, he’s being targeted for something he’s unsure about. He’s attacked one day in school and his world changes. He starts having dreams and the only way to remember them is to draw them. A student is brutally murdered, and Wynn is implicated along with several others though he barely knew the kid. Now he has to team up with the others to figure out who murdered the kid, all the while trying to keep romantic interests at bay. Wynn doesn’t want to get involved, but he can’t let his name get smeared or his reputation destroyed so he can’t follow his dream. He has to help them even if it means finding out things about his own family that had been buried for years.

Andy_Taggart91 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 8

Winter and Autumn flanked Wynn as they walked into Storm Winery, their family business. He hadn't wanted to come, in fact he'd tried to negotiate his way out of it. Then he'd been advised that his presence was actually mandatory. He didn't know why, but he knew better to ignore a summons from someone who could easily end his life.

He wasn't joking. He'd been given the crash course on their lives in the twenty minute drive that evening. They'd picked him up in Nathan's truck at seven and they'd gone across town, yammering the entire way. He'd listened to everyone piece together snippets of a history he was unfamiliar with.

He desperately wanted to deny their claims but he couldn't. The dragons in his sketch book matched the description of those they told him about. They thought he was some kind of key. What kind they weren't sure, but they hoped he could help them.

The winery wasn't what he'd thought it'd be. Georg Strom had immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1939 by way of Austria. He'd wanted to start a new life away from his fascist homeland, so he added an E to his first name and moved the R in his last and became George Storm. He bought a run down winery and started production again.

By the early fifties, it was a profitable business and was mass marketing several brand wines plus those people wanted specifically crafted. He married Martha White and they had three children, one of whom was Roger Storm. He was Autumn and Winter's father and current owner of Storm Winery.

Wynn stopped abruptly, Winter running into him. She looked at him in annoyance until she saw he was staring ahead. The large double doors that led to storage were very imposing. Made of solid cedar, they were the second prized possession of the winery.

She gently pushed Wynn to get him moving again. He was trembling. She looked at her sister. Autumn had noticed his face as well. It was almost as if he'd seen this place once before in his dreams. They weren't surprised by this. If he had, there was so much more he'd seen that he hadn't told them.

They linked their arms with his and wakled him through the doors. Nathan and Gray were waiting for them in the expanse of the storage building. Their faces were drawn with worry. Had they asked too much of him too soon? He was barely keeping up with all his dreams. Could they put this on him and hope he didn't break?

Gray went towards Wynn. the dark headed man stared unseeingly at him. When he took his hand, he seemed to snap out of it. He looked down at their hands then up into his face. Gray felt it, felt the difference already, but he couldn't let on. He couldn't tell the truth just yet.

What truth? Wynn wasn't his. He'd never been. The reaction he'd had when they'd first met had more than likely been the jolt Wynn's mind needed to become the Key they needed. Now as he held hishand, he knew the reaction he was feeling towards him would only be emotional. The dragons had chosen him for another, and Gray couldn't tempt fate.

He'd done that once, and he'd lost everything. He couldn't, wouldn't do that again. He didn't wnat something to happen to Wynn like it had Callins.

They stopped on the far side of a bonfire at the back of the winery. Nine people stood on the other side in various business attire. They were watching them closely.

"Good evening, Gray," the middle one said. His eyes traveled to Wynn. "This must be Wynn Esposito you've told me so much about."

"It is. Wynn, this is my foster father Thomas Sylvan," Gray introduced. "He leads the Wyvern Council."

Wynn looked at the man. He looked way too young to have a child, but then again Gray said foster father. He hadn't been adopted yet so it made sense.

He scanned the other either but the only face he recognized was Roger Storm. He'd seen his picture on the brochure his father had in the family study. He also worked for Storm Winery so he knew all of them.

"You look just like your mother, Wynn," Roger said. "Are youhalf as defiant as she is?"

Face cloding over in annoyance, Wynn turned to Autumn and Winter. They held their hands up in surrender. He saw where they got their attitudes from.

"We've called you here because there have been some serious allegations made against you, Wynn," Thomas said. His green eyes were serious, but it didn't match his face. He looked unsure but he had to go with the allegations to make sure things were investigated correctly.

Wynn frowned at them. "Me? What did I do?"

"That's what we'd like to find out," the only woman said.

"Your father has been here for a bit. Your family just came correct?" Roger said.

"Dad, that's a low blow," Autumn chastised.

"That's what we think as well." The other man was scrutinizing everything from his position beside Thomas.

Wynn was confused now. "What?"

"How is it that you come to school here one with, and a boy ends up dead?" another man asked.

It was starting to make sense. This wasn't a council meeting. It was a sentencing. They wanted someone to blame for the boy's death. Wynn was one of two new students at school, and the only one the same age. No one else had any issues with him.

"Hold on," Nathan said. He stepped up to Wynn's other side. "He didn't know Christian. There's no way in hell he killed him."

"Watch your mouth, son," the woman scolded.

"No, Mom. You should watch yours. This is a serious accusation. You can't just place his murder on the newest student. You need proof."

"We have it. Arnold, get Callum and his boy," Thomas said.

Gray's blood ran cold. Callum and his boy? Jarrod had told the Wyvern Council Wynn was involved with Christian's murder? Why? What good did it do him? Not a bit because Wynn didn't kill him. He'd been at home asleep. No, he'd been dreaming about it.

He looked at Nathan over Wynn's head. He'd had the same thought. Wynn's paintings may not be able to help the police, but they could convince the council. They were going to have to wait to show their hand. They needed to see what the Wainscott's had cooked up. No doubt this was Callum's plan.

Wynn noticed Jarrod looked sheepish as he followed behind his father. Something wasn't right about him. The Jarrod he knew was an ass. He bullied people to get what he wanted and he didn't take no for an answer. He was always ready for a fight or had a witty word.

This Jarrod was numb. He didn't stand out. He coward behind his father like a puppy who'd been yelled at. He looked two feet tall instead of six feet.

Wynn felt a pull to him. Before he'd been annoyed by the overbearing jerk, but now he saw the real him. He saw a kid who just wanted to be praised by the most important person in his life. He wanted to be loved.

"Mend the pieces and the lock will be shown," he muttered.

Gray and Nathan looked at each other. What had he just said? How did he know that ancient phrase? What was going on?

"Is this the boy you saw that night?" Arnold asked. He pointed straight at Wynn.

Jarrod stared at him, and Wynn swore he saw something flash deep in his eyes. Something akin to remorse, but it was covered up by fear when his father urged him to answer.

"Yes, that's who I saw," he said.

"You're lying!" Nathan retorted. "You know damn well Wynn was nowhere near Macon Park the night of the murder. You're just saying it so you can discredit Gray for having this position."

"What position?" Wynn asked. Nathan snapped his mouth shut so he turned to look at Gray. "What is he talking about?"

"We are known as a Scale, and we are magically enhanced humans who borrow our powers from dragons," Gray said. He swallowed the lump in his thoat. "I'm the Keeper, and the Daring Dozen as people call them are here to protect me."

Having heard a lot recently, Wynn carried it in stride. "So when I saw you like that…"

Gray nodded. "It's what happens when I delve too deep into the magic. I become a humanoid version of a dragon."

"And Jarrod wants it?"

"Everyone wants it," Winter muttered.

Gray brushed the comment off, turning his attention to the elders. "Wynn didn't do it, but I may have a way to figure out who did."

He opened the folder he'd been carrying and pulled out the pictures. Rage blistered through Wynn. He hadn't meant for those to be seen by anyone else, but if they kept him from getting in trouble, he would yell later.

"What are these?" Thomas asked.

"Wynn painted them the same time Christian died. He even time-stamped them." he pointed to the corner where Wynn had timed and dated his work like he always did. Even in his sketchbook.

He felt all their eyes on him. He shifted uncomfortably behind Gray to hide from the piercing stares. Why must adults look as if they were going to rip someone apart? Why did he feel he was about to be eaten alive?

"They are very beautiful even if a bit grotesque," Callum said. He couldn't look away from them. "But they hardly prove his innocence, or yours."

Anger rippled through Gray. "Are you saying I'm involved?"

Callum's gaze turned lewd. "You seem awfully close to him."

"Don't beat around the bush," Nathan snapped. "Say what you want to say."

"Everyone knows you and Jarrod shared that boy last time. What makes this any different?"

"Dad," Jarrod whined. "Don't do this."

"Why? Because last time your relationship didn't work?"

"Callins left because his dad got a better job. Nothing more," Gray said. He stepped forward. "Give me three weeks. That's spring break. If I don't have the culprit by then, I'll step down."

Autumn swore at the same time as Nathan and Winter started arguing with Gray. Wynn stared at the Keeper silently. Then he looked at the Wyvern Council. All of them were shocked, even Jarrod. Except Callum. Something about the way his eyes gleamed told the young man he was involved with plenty of things.

Thomas held his hand up, and the teenagers stopped arguing. "Gray, are you sure about this boy? You're taking a big risk if you're not."

The two teens looked at each other. Wynn nodded slightly. Though they were only together in name, the dark headed boy liked enough not to let him do this. He didn't want him to lose what he'd worked for. So he'd help him if he could.

"I'm sure," Gray agreed. "If I can't find who did this, I will step down."

He didn't wait for a dismissal. He turned and headed for the car, the others following him. Wynn stayed behind momentarily. He looked at the nine adults and one teen. He memorized their faces just in case they appeared in his dreams.

He stared at Jarrod, watching him lower his gaze out of guilt. Wynn would find out what he was hiding, but not right now.

He turned and followed his friends. They were waiting for him by the car. Gray looked at him silently for a long while. Then he got in the car and started it.

Wynn loked at Autumn before he climbed in the backseat. He wasn't sure what was going to happen, but he needed to find some answers. Gray was kind. He didn't deserve to lose his position.