
Chapter 009: Rapid Progress

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"Chen Er, when did you get to know Xiao Xiao? Why didn't you tell Mom about her?" Xiao Qingqing complained.

"Do you know me?" Feng Wuchen asked doubtfully, his gaze scrutinizing Ling Xiaoxiao; he was sure this was the first time he had ever seen her.

"Chen Er, you don't know each other? This young lady says she's from the Mainland," Feng Zhengxiong asked in surprise, yet to them, Ling Xiaoxiao seemed very familiar with Feng Wuchen.

"Uncle Feng, it's the first time Brother Feng and I have met," Ling Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"The first time?" Xiao Qingqing's face stiffened. What kind of girl delivers herself to a man's doorstep out of the blue?

Her aura is extraordinary, clearly concealing her true strength. With exceptional talent, she's younger than me and already at the Sixth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. Who exactly is she?" Feng Wuchen furrowed his brows in confusion. With his current insight, he could easily see that Ling Xiaoxiao was no ordinary person.

Amidst his confusion, Feng Wuchen asked, "Is there something you need from me?"

"I just wanted to make friends with Brother Feng," Ling Xiaoxiao said sweetly.

She came all the way from the Mainland just to make friends with Feng Wuchen? Who would do something so pointless?

"It's definitely him. The aura is unmistakable, exactly like it was two days ago. He's the perfect man for me!" Ling Xiaoxiao confirmed to herself, her cheerful smile growing wider.

Feng Wuchen was on the verge of tears. A girl he didn't recognize had come all the way from the Mainland just to make friends with him? He simply couldn't believe it.

Though he didn't believe it, Feng Wuchen couldn't see any ulterior motive in Ling Xiaoxiao, nor any sign that she intended to harm him.

"Exactly, exactly. Start with friendship and take it slow. Love grows over time," Xiao Qingqing eagerly agreed upon hearing this and hurriedly said, "Chen Er, what are you waiting for? Aren't you going to prepare a room for Xiao Xiao?"

Seeing the joy on Xiao Qingqing's face, Feng Wuchen guessed what she was thinking and felt a silent resignation.

The betrayal by Mo Ling'er still caused Feng Wuchen pain, and because of her, he wasn't looking to experience a second betrayal.

"Forget it, she's not Mo Ling'er. I can't overgeneralize," Feng Wuchen shook his head silently and then turned to leave.

The moment Feng Wuchen turned around, Ling Xiaoxiao affectionately took his arm, her sweet smile never leaving her face as she gazed at him.

"My lady, you don't have to be in such a hurry, do you? We still don't know Ling Xiaoxiao's background," Feng Zhengxiong quickly said after the two had left.

Hearing this, Xiao Qingqing laughed and said, "I really like this girl, but it seems she doesn't want to tell us. Xiao Xiao is no ordinary girl; she's probably a year or two younger than Chen Er and already at the Sixth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. We've never heard of anyone with such incredible talent in the Flame Empire."

"This girl's talent is indeed terrifying, and it suggests that the power behind her is also very formidable. Given the fearsome power behind her, if they wanted to strike at our Feng family, we'd be dead already. She won't harm Wuchen," Feng Qianyang asserted.

"After some time, we'll have Chen Er take action first and report afterward. We must win over this girl!" Xiao Qingqing said joyfully, as if everything was within her control.

"My lady, how can you say such a thing? Is Chen Er that kind of person?" Feng Zhengxiong asked with a bitter smile on his face.

"What? Didn't you do the same thing back in the day? If you could do it, why can't Chen Er? I really like Xiao Xiao. She's a hundred times better than Mo Ling'er!" Xiao Qingqing immediately retorted.

"But... but that's different," Feng Zhengxiong said, extremely embarrassed.

"Haha!" Feng Qianyang and the others burst into laughter.

All their attention was on Ling Xiaoxiao; they hadn't noticed that Feng Wuchen had made a breakthrough to the Fifth Grade of the Body Refining Realm.


"Brother Feng, I've heard about your situation. Don't worry about what they say. Once you become stronger, they won't have anything to say," Ling Xiaoxiao said with a light laugh as she clung to Feng Wuchen's arm.

"Who exactly are you? What is your purpose in coming to the Feng family? With your talent, you must have been nurtured by a major power," Feng Wuchen asked seriously, his eyes locked with Ling Xiaoxiao's.

Having gained the memories and extensive experience of the Evil Dragon, Feng Wuchen became extremely cautious and careful in dealing with matters that could pose a threat to him and the Feng family. He had to handle all potential dangers meticulously.

Seeing Feng Wuchen's serious and slightly cold demeanor, Ling Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "Brother Feng, I won't harm you. I can't tell you just yet, could you give me some time?"

Feng Wuchen couldn't detect any deceit in Ling Xiaoxiao's eyes, only grievance and pleading.

Looking at the aggrieved Ling Xiaoxiao, Feng Wuchen's heart softened. He was sure she wasn't lying and said, "Alright, I believe you. Go get some rest."

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Ling Xiaoxiao nodded obediently, not clinging to Feng Wuchen anymore.

Feng Wuchen said this, yet remained vigilant in his heart.

When a beautiful girl presents herself willingly, it's natural for anyone to be suspicious.

A day, then two, passed by, and Feng Wuchen spent all his time outside of meals relentlessly cultivating, making terrifying progress in his cultivation level.

On the third day, Feng Wuchen achieved another breakthrough, entering the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm without any obstacles.

Breaking through the Fifth Grade took just one night, but it took three days to break through to the Sixth Layer, highlighting the difficulty of cultivation.

"Going by my current pace, I can definitely break through to the Ninth Level within a month! And in that time, perhaps Yang Tian will have stepped into the First Grade of the Qi Refining Realm," Feng Wuchen said with a slight cold sneer, a fierce glint in his eyes.

As the premier prodigy of the Yang family, Yang Tian was the focus of the family's support, and they would ensure a full provision of resources. Moreover, Yang Tian was already at the Eightfold pinnacle of the Body Refining Realm, ready to step into the Ninth Level at any moment. Given his talent, with the aid of external forces, it was not impossible for him to reach the First Layer of the Qi Refining Realm within a month.

After a few days of cultivation, the Seven-colored Elixir had been exhausted. The breakthrough in the Body Refining Realm was crucially dependent on the Seven-colored Elixir. Even with the terrifying speed of Feng Wuchen's cultivation, he desperately needed the Seven-colored Elixir.

"Brother Feng!" As soon as Feng Wuchen stepped out of his room, he heard the sweet and pleasant voice of Ling Xiaoxiao calling out to him.

Seeing Ling Xiaoxiao running towards him, Feng Wuchen wore a helpless expression. Even though Ling Xiaoxiao didn't cling to him, whenever he came out, Ling Xiaoxiao was always the first one he saw.

"Brother Feng, where are you going? I'll go with you," Ling Xiaoxiao said with a smile, immediately latching onto Feng Wuchen's arm as she drew near.

"She can actually conceal her aura!" With just one glance, Feng Wuchen was shocked; he could not discern the depth of Ling Xiaoxiao's cultivation at all.

"Xiaoxiao's background may be even more terrifying than I thought!" Feng Wuchen speculated secretly.

"Let's go, I'll take you out for a walk," Feng Wuchen said indifferently, unable to harden his heart as he looked at the innocent and naive Ling Xiaoxiao.

Otherwise, Feng Wuchen would have been too lazy to bother with her.

A simple sentence made Ling Xiaoxiao incredibly happy; this was the first time Feng Wuchen was taking her out.

"Chen Er, where are you going?" Feng Zhengxiong asked as they passed through the front yard.

"Out to get some Spiritual Liquid," Feng Wuchen replied casually.

"You've run out of Spiritual Liquid? Has your cultivation made any progress?" Feng Zhengxiong was slightly taken aback; he knew Feng Wuchen had taken ten bottles of Spiritual Liquid from the shop. How could they be gone so quickly?

Was the Spiritual Liquid being consumed too rapidly?

"Hmm, Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm," Feng Wuchen responded, already walking out of the gate.

"Alright, that's good," Feng Zhengxiong nodded but then his expression suddenly changed, "Wait! What did he just say? Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm?"

Feng Zhengxiong was utterly shocked, turning his head swiftly with the intent to chase after them and check, but Feng Wuchen and Ling Xiaoxiao had already vanished.

Stunned for a full two minutes, Feng Zhengxiong finally came back to his senses, exclaiming, "He's advanced two levels in just three days? How could that be possible!"

With Feng Wuchen's Second Grade Martial Soul talent, he wouldn't be expected to advance two levels in three days, let alone three months.

Even with Feng Yuan's Fifth Grade Martial Soul talent, advancing a single level would take at least two to three months, if not more.

Could Feng Wuchen have lied about advancing two levels in three days?

Thinking back to the events of the past two days, Feng Zhengxiong had suspected Feng Wuchen might have encountered some fortuitous adventure. If Feng Wuchen wasn't lying, could the Feng family not soar to the skies?

The more Feng Zhengxiong thought about it, the more excited he became, and he hurriedly followed them out.

Feng Wuchen's departure from the house was a normal occurrence, but the sudden addition of an exquisite and beautiful young girl by his side was not ordinary.

Just after leaving the house, Feng Wuchen already regretted it, noticing that everyone on the street had their eyes fixed on them.

"Whose daughter is this, so beautiful! This waste from the Feng family surely has good fortune with women; it's only been a few days, and he's already found another one."

"She's much prettier than Mo Ling'er! When did Feng Wuchen get to know her? We seem to have never seen this girl before."

"I bet it won't take long before this waste is dumped again! Which girl is so foolish to choose a waste, such a pity."

The appearance of Feng Wuchen and Ling Xiaoxiao on the street caused a 100% turn-back rate, creating a huge stir and making countless people envious.

Feeling the odd looks from the crowd, Ling Xiaoxiao gave Feng Wuchen an awkward smile.

Feng Wuchen ignored these gazes and the comments, remaining calm and composed throughout.

On the other side of the street, a man was staring viciously at Feng Wuchen.

Sensing something, Feng Wuchen stopped in his tracks, frowning slightly, "Yang Xuan!"

"Feng Wuchen, you broke my younger brother's hand, today I will break one of your legs!" Yang Xuan shouted angrily, his eyes, venomous like a snake's, fixed deathly on Feng Wuchen.

"Afraid you don't have what it takes," Feng Wuchen retorted with a cold laugh, showing no fear.

To Yang Xuan, who was only stronger than Yang Bufan by one layer, and now that Feng Wuchen had reached the Sixth Layer of the Body Refining Realm, how could he be afraid of Yang Xuan?

"Don't think just because you got lucky and beat my brother that you can be arrogant in front of me! I am going to break your leg right now!" Yang Xuan shouted in anger, his fury intensifying at the sight of Feng Wuchen's arrogance.

With that, Yang Xuan bellowed and charged forward like a fierce tiger, with an imposing momentum that made the people on the street make way.

"Hmph! You think you and your Seventh Layer of the Body Refining Realm can break my leg? Dream on!" Feng Wuchen sneered back, ready to show no mercy to Yang Xuan if he was after death.