
S-Class Trials 2

Hargeon Port

Naruto followed his strategy and flashed to Hargeon and came ahead of the group who took the train to come to the port town. He leisurely walked through the streets of the town and set some presents for his competition. After everything was set, he shot into the sea and swam to Tenrou, enjoying the vast seas and its creatures.

As he reached the Sacred Grounds of Fairy Tail, he felt it. He poked his head out of the water to see the Island. The Island is special. Specifically, the tree is different. As a Wood Dragon God Slayer, he can sense anything from trees and this one has this unique smell of love to it. As if it is full of love and its purpose is to protect everyone. He is going to investigate this further. He felt few presences already, who were waiting for them.

He must give the old man some credit. He planned everything well. Making them come to Tenrou on their own is not a test till now after all. He hoped his fellow participates would enjoy the souvenirs he left for them at the shore.

As he reached the shores of the island, he walked sedately and sensed the magic levels from each of the entrances. From them, he can estimate all 4 entrances have High Magic concentrations. But he pinpointed the one he wanted and walked through the middle one from the right.

He saw the entrance close behind him and walked slowly towards the awaiting man. Soon, he reached a clearing, which is wide enough for a battle. He heard footsteps and turned to his left to see the man he came here for.

"Well, well. Isn't this interesting," said Gildarts, flaring his magic, creating pressure across the clearing. Naruto felt it and if what he could estimate from his last battle, this is 30% of his power.

"Beginning with 30% I see. Good. If you have thought of playing like last time, I would have kicked you out of the Island. Ready to get humiliated, Gildarts" said Naruto. His magic levels raising, eventually reaching Gildarts level with ease.

"Big talk, Kid. Prove it. I'm waiting for this battle for more than 2 years now. Don't disappoint me" he said and charged.

"Hey, that's my line," said Naruto as he blocked the man charge. They started a Taijutsu battle like last time and fought with kicks, punches and occasionally slashes. Gildarts was impressed by the increase in the physical strength of the blonde in mere 2 years.

"Good. You have improved well physically," he said and jumped back. He charged his magic and struck Naruto. Naruto allowed it to hit him. Instead of crushing his skin, it didn't even leave a mark on his skin.

"You should increase your output more, old man" suggested Naruto and flashed behind the man using the Hiraishin seal which he marked on Gildarts during their Taijutsu bout. Gildarts felt one of the strongest punches he ever blocked. He was thrown back and moved 10 feet back from just the block alone.

"That's hard. Kid. Looks like I should increase my strength" he said and increased it to 40%. The highest he fought the blonde with. Naruto felt the increase in strength. 'Ok, this is something' he thought excited. His blood pumping with adrenalin and magic surging in anticipation.

"Light Body," he said and his body was engulfed in orange light. He was glowing brightly and the pressure in the room increased a lot. Gildarts felt the tingling sensation of the Magic. He felt like all the light was sucked to form the body the blonde was surrounded with. It reminded him of Laxus's lightning body, but the sensation is even more powerful and he can feel the strength of it from here.

He covered his body with crush and the battle continued at high speeds. They would meet and fight with their body in their respective magics and shockwaves can be felt through the entire island from the fight.

With Others

After Naruto, Erza, Mirajane and Mystogan and others reached Hargeon. Because of their lack of knowledge, Mira stepped on one of the trapped spots and got electricuted hard.

"What is this" she shouted. This isn't painful or anything, but it slowed her relapse speed down, slowing her metabolism in the process and she lagged behind. If the person who did it is in front of her, they would be dead by the intensity of her look alone.

"What the fuck" she shouted and similarly everyone got their present at some point.

"Looks like the area is trapped" concluded Erza.

"Did Master do it?" asked Macao.

"Don't know, if we want to ask, we must reach the Island first" said Wakaba and his smoke came out making a shield.

Mystogan didn't answer as he is nowhere to be seen by the group but following behind them. He got a good view of all the spots where it is trapped and proceeded to move past them without much trouble. But he made a mistake in assuming that the traps were over and got paintballs with sleeping power in them in the face and started to sleep on the ground.

Citizens saw this unknown guy sleeping on the ground with his face covered. They took him to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

Soon, Wakaba, Macao and Erza made it through the traps and Cana was far ahead of them as she managed to stop the detonation of the traps using her card magic. They reached Tenrou Island one by one.

And being 4 members and travelling in groups, they thought they were first to arrive only to see an entrance blocked.

"What, when did he come" asked Cana, frustrated.

"I didn't see him on our journey so far" replied Erza. Seeing Macao and Wakaba approach, they both shot into a path of their own instead of deciding when the blonde boy came. Only one entrance remaining for the other 2 members as Mira couldn't make it because of her decreased metabolism.

Macao made it through the last entrance after a small rock, paper, scissors fight between him and Wakaba.

Cana found the empty path and walked through it and was found face to face with a big monster. She defeated it, but peaased out due to exhausion.

Erza found herself in a battle against Makarov. They are going at it from the get-go.

Macao found herself against Laxus which was devastating as the Lightning defeated him with no sweat. Laxus promptly left after that.