
Dragon God's Reincarnation!

In the beginning of Everything, There existed Two superior Existences. The Two Dragon Gods...While one of them created the worlds and life, other gave rise to Reincarnation, death and afterlife. Due to some conflict, The Creation Dragon God, Genesis Sealed his brother, The End Dragon God, Omega for thousands of years! Now, 1289 years later Omega has been completely forgotten by all people except his worshipers. Now he will blow up the cover on what happened 1289 years ago and rise to his rightful place once again. But will he discover something, Some existence that interfered with the incident all those years ago? To Find Out, Follow Us on a Journey Through The Realms As the Dragon God Takes back his Throne.

Alex_lucifer · Fantasi
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25 Chs

The Wolfsedge Trials

After the incident with the Prince,

Xuanqing proceeded towards the Wolfsedge Mountains,

But he was tired due to the pressure that was exerted on him by the prince's bodyguards.

and decided to camp up near a river that was flowing nearby.

<{Should I tell what happened with the Prince to the Lord?}>

Xuanqing was wondering.


Back in Érebos


Omega had come back and now

His Form was back to normal, His Normal Divine Form.

{Hey Brother~~, I have got my Collection Back**Smile**}

Omega was back to his playful self, Seeing him like that is almost unreal when his calamity form was that devastating that it left only the Area that was in the barrier remaining from the World Granburst#778796∆.

{And you destroyed most of its landmass just for some books?}

Genesis Pointed out Omega's mistake.

{Do you know how much concentration it takes to rebuild a world?}

{You should have just destroyed it all and allowed me to rebuild it from scratch.}

Genesis Complained.


{Oh Right brother, That Evil Dragon God..... Whatever his name was. He was far too weak to be a God Ranked.}

{I thought so too when I met him. What do you suggest}

It was then that Omega Pulled Out another cube and started moving towards Genesis,

{If you knew that He was not a proper God, Then you could've saved that girl and Killed him at that moment only.}

{Wait.. Don't do anything stupid again Omega, Listen to me,}

{Okay, tell me!}

Omega was not angry just a little upset.

{He Had the Girl when he first tried to Threaten me but afterwards everytime I asked for her, they said that she was in a secret location. Till today I have not found her.}

{Something Is Very Fishy here,}

{First, You fall for a human girl,}

{Then, The Evil Dragons Threaten You,}

{After that The Girl Completely Disappeared}

{Now that I Fought The Evil Dragon God, He turned Out to be A Psudo-God}

{All of this is too good to be a coincidence.}

{Wait, Wait, Wait....You are Suggesting That all of that was a set-up?}

{Yes, I think That She approached you with ulterior motives.}

Genesis Burst Out in Rage,

{(Don't Speak Ill of her!)}

{Don't Think that you're the only one who can get angry!}

Omega retaliated in a similar way.

{Calm down!}

{I am not suggesting that she was In on it, I am only saying that there's a big IF that she was the one who orchestrated this plan}

{**Now Calm** Okay, as you said the situation is very fishy but I don't believe that she is or was anything more than a human.}

Genesis was insistent on his point.

{As, in order to trick a Original God's Detection,

One needs to be on a level.....}

{**Both**At the same level as Us,}

{Man, this just got tricky}

Omega Sighed in frustration.


Back in the Forest,


Xuanqing Had almost reached the foot of the Wolfsedge peak,

<{Seem like this is the place...}>

Xuanqing proceeded to dash up the hill but,

After only a few steps, he is steps were unable to go any further,

it was a Mana barrier.

He tried to break through the barrier but his efforts were to no avail.

And out of desperation,

He made an attempt to call out to Omega for help.


A few minutes before at Érebos.


Omega Had Genesis Repair His palace and put all the stuff back inside as well.

{Well, let's figure out who she truly was later.}

Omega Sat down on a similar kind of couch that was in Genesis's palace.

{What about now?}

Genesis Questioned.

{Now.....You can go}

Genesis was stunned,


Genesis was unable to process what just happened.

{Your work is done for now, I'll look for you later, I really want to catch up on the anime and mangas I missed.}

{Do you not have to go back to Gargantua?}

{I will send one of my clones there, If I physically go there for Such Small Tasks, what kind of a god will I be.}

With that, Omega turned on the T.V and Laid down on the couch and Genesis Went back to his Aetherium.

{Hmm.... Let's do what I just said, and send my clone to Gargantua.}

[Create Clone]

[Type: Doppelganger]

[Race: Human]

[Rank: 3 star Silver Knight.]

[Innate Element: Dark]

[Unique art: None]

[Main Technique: Sacred Forgotten Sword Arts(Incomplete)]

[Durability: Until Cancelled]

[Special Attribute: Switcheroo, able to grow]

And soon , a misty cloud appeared, and condensed itself to form a figure that was much like the form Omega used on Gargantua just that, it didn't have ears that were pointed,

nor did it have his Golden eyes instead it had browns and his silver hair were replaced with black.

{Hmm....This clone should be enough to handle the clan Entrance test and take care of them both while looking normal.}

It was then that he heard Xuanqing's call for help.

{Go, it's your first task for the day}

and he opened up a portal for the clone to use and sent it to Xuanqing's Location.


Back in the Forest.


When Xuanqing was about to call out to Omega again.

A portal appeared in front of him and Omega's Clone.

Xuanqing Knelt down and Greeted the clone With respect.

<{Greetings to my Lord, thank you for answering my call}>

"Now, now don't be like that, I am just a clone of my master."

The clone spoke with a Softer version of Omega's Voice.

<{Hearing This I was not surprised, If My Lord has left for some business, he won't personally come back.}>

Although he was a bit upset but he managed with it.

"Now, tell me about the thing you wanted to say to my master"

The Clone asked.

<{Yes, See this, This barrier doesn't allow people to pass through. but I need to get a herb that is beyond this.}>

"Oh This,...This is not a barrier but a Formation,"

<{If it's a Formation then what does it do?}>

"This is an formation that encompasses The Rules of A Certain Trial and Allows you to start the trial."

<{I don't have time to take this trial, I need to get to the top of the peak As Soon As Possible.}>

Xuanqing was sounding very hasty.

"Not Possible, You can only climb this peak by taking trials,

This peak is divided into platforms situated at uniform height.

there are seven platforms here,

After clearing all you can advance to the next stage.

Every stage will give you points according to your performance.

And After the Last trial you can redeem all those for priceless artifacts."

Hearing all that Xuanqing was beginning to wonder who could've created this formation and how that person was able to keep it running all these years.

"Don't worry yourself over it, my master was the one who created this Formation."

The clone explained while he sounded very proud over it.


After some Explaining.


<{So, I just need to inject my Energy into it and I'll be teleported to the first platform.}>

"Yes that's right,"

The Clone was visibly tired, Xuanqing's curiosity was far more than what the clone or anybody could handle.

<{Okay, Here goes nothing!}>

And he began injecting his energy at any random point in the formation.

"Bye Bye"

The Clone waved it's hand at him as he disappeared.


At the First Platform.


[Welcome To The Wolfsedge Trials]

[Competitor: Qin Xuanqing]

[World: Shénlóng]

[Rank: Golden Core]

[Point: 0]

[Starting Trial No: 1]

<{Let's see What does this trial has in store for me!}>

Soon he was at trial Platform Number One.

It was much like the competition platforms in Shénlóng world,

With a Stage in the center of an large arena.

He was standing on that stage and Waited for the Trial to start.


Meanwhile in Érebos,


Omega was Laying on the couch and watching a really popular Fantasy Anime where The main character aims to become the Pirate King.*[∆]

When he got a Signal,

It was a signal that he had not had for even a hundred years before he was Imprisoned,

Someone had Entered the The Wolfsedge Trials or ad he called it The God Transformation Trials as the trials had a certain something that can increase the trial taker's chances of becoming a God Ranked.

{Hmm... let's see who is the one taking the Trial}

After seeing the Trial taker's appearance on his All Observing Modified Television.

{what is Xuanqing Doing there?}

{Ah well, he should be fine with those trials, Let's get back to My T.V}

and Omega Continued watching his anime.


Back at the trial Platform,

Xuanqing Was still patiently waiting for the Trial to begin.

"Hello and welcome to The Wolfsedge Trials!"

A Mechanical voice spoke on the P.A.

"The Current Number of Constellation Rankers Watching this trial are 20.5k"

"To all Are watchers, the first trial is now about to begin"

"please Donate Points to our Competitor if you wish to at the Donate button near your screens"

"If you want to place your bets, visit the Betting center "

Xuanqing was unable comprehend what the voice was talking about.

But he knew that one thing was certain,

The trial was about to begin.

"Let the first trial begin!"

and out of four gates that were in front of him,

Opened Up.

And the things that came out from the gates were Hundreds of Humanoid Wooden Puppets at the level of core Formation in Shénlóng world and at a Bronze to Silver General in Gargantua World.

"The Trial For Level One is~~~,

The Battle of 1v500!"

To pass the trial,

Xuanqing had to defeat all 500 puppets.

<{Quit the talking, Let's Begin already!}>

And So the Wolfsedge Trials Began!

----To Be Continued.

Next Up,

The trials have already begun,

But who are these beings called constellations and what will happen to Xuanqing in the Trials.

Find Out More in,

The Battle Of 1v500, The Unfair Fight?


* - One-piece

{∆} Author's Note.

[∆] - Well if it were UpTo me, I will also watch it again and again.


by Alexander Lucifer ©

For Sun God Entertainment.


the characters in this work are purely fictional,

any resemblance or similarities are coincidental.

Contact the author at Instagram :-

Alexander Lucifer :- @demon_g.o.d_

Sun God Entertainment :- @sun_god_entertainment.