
Dragon God's Reincarnation!

In the beginning of Everything, There existed Two superior Existences. The Two Dragon Gods...While one of them created the worlds and life, other gave rise to Reincarnation, death and afterlife. Due to some conflict, The Creation Dragon God, Genesis Sealed his brother, The End Dragon God, Omega for thousands of years! Now, 1289 years later Omega has been completely forgotten by all people except his worshipers. Now he will blow up the cover on what happened 1289 years ago and rise to his rightful place once again. But will he discover something, Some existence that interfered with the incident all those years ago? To Find Out, Follow Us on a Journey Through The Realms As the Dragon God Takes back his Throne.

Alex_lucifer · Fantasi
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25 Chs

Omega Joins the Forgotten Dragon Clan?

All the People except for Edward, Teared up at the mere sight of him.

And everyone dropped to their knees.

"Ah...The Forgotten Dragon Clan will rise once again"

All the Elders and the clan leader said in chorus.

{Yeah yeah... it's quite fascinating indeed!}

"What's fascinated my Lord?"

The Clan leader asked hesitantly.

{Hmm...When I saw the memories of one of the knights who were inspecting my seal, I saw that The Forgotten Dragon Clan is a one star sect. But Looks like you have hidden yourselves well}

"**laugh** Seems like nothing can be hidden from you lord god"

"What are you talking about, my Lord? We have always been the weakest that's a fact."

Edward asked in confusion.

{Hmm... little one although the disciples that I have seen are all around the levels of 2-circle with the highest being a 7 star 3-circle battle drake..}

"See lord, we are weak"

{well the levels I said we're for the disciples only}

"What you mean is..."

Edward was confused but still wanted clarification on this topic.

{Your Elders and clan leader are at 9 star 9-circle drake's and even War Lords, while your Grand elders are at Demi-God rank or the War God rank.}


Edward was Shocked into silence, there was nothing more shocking than this.

After all there were only The Pope of the Genesis Church, The Grand Emperors of the Four Great Empires and the Ancestors of the Four grand sects.

in total nine Demi-Gods.

Who would've thought that the weakest clan a one star clan would have 7 people on the verge of becoming a Demigod and Four Demi Gods.

"Now, it's not the time for shock, we need to reveal the news that the Dragon God has returned."

The 1st elder proposed the idea.

Afterwards, The 2nd elder, and the 4th elder raised their spirit bodies in agreement.

Now all the elders except for the Absentee 3rd elder and clan leader were in agreement of this proposal.

"What do you think Clan Leader?"

The 4th elder asked the Leader politely.

"I think that we should not, Reveal his existence yet."

The Leader Resolutely answered.


The 1st elder slammed his fist on the table in frustration.

"No need to get angry, If we Reveal Lord God's existence to the sect. they will become prideful and start to continuously offend the major sects."

{I agree with the clan leader}

Once Omega gave his agreement to the leader's point There was no more doubt.

{The disciples are very weak, in the higher ranking clans, The least powerful disciples are also at 4-circle}

{If our disciples become Haughty then it will be our downfall}

"Then What should we do lord god?"

The second elder asked.

{Hmm... I'll Take part in the Clan Admissions this time.}

After the mere thought of a original God, A being who can destroy all creations with a mere flick of his hand, participating in a Minor tournament made for admission into a grade one clan and that too in order to become a outer disciple.

All the once seated leaders of the clan stood up in an instant.

"Please think it again lord"

All of them pleaded in front of Omega.

{Don't Have weird thoughts!}

{I just want to see how your teachers are teaching the disciples.}

{And also Assess the new disciple's talent and character.}


After some discussion,


{So it's decided, I'll take the entrance test next week and become an outer disciple.}

"And lord god will not take any resources except for residence, and events."

The Second Elder added.

{And during inter clan events, I'll take care of the disciples.}

"Yes So it's all decided now."

The clan leader concluded.

And soon they all started to head towards the Omega's Residence which was created by his first follower thousands of years ago.

{Magnificent, so the architecture evolved to this state after I got sealed.}

"Sir, this is considered as an ancient piece of architecture"

The Clan Leader corrected.

{Oh, so you are so capable that you can correct me, maybe I should just go have fun fighting with my brother.}

"Please Sir, it was My mistake"


Omega looked Pleased, just like a child.

After they settled down in the living room,

The atmosphere around Omega became Serious.

{I have a very important thing to tell you all}

The Leader and elders were currently in the dark about what he wanted to tell.

{From this moment onwards, Edward is my direct disciple!}

Edward who was present in the room and was leaning with the support of a neighboring pillar. Heard it and immediately lost his balance with shock.

"Wh---What do you mean by that lord?"

Edward wanted to hear that this was a joke

But at the same time his Inner self wanted a little hope to succeed.

{I mean what you Heard, You'll be my Direct Disciple from this moment onwards}

"But Lord, You might've heard it already but I am completely Talentless, I couldn't even Promote myself from the trainee and apprentice rank ever since I joined the clan 7 years ago."

Edward tried to explain but Omega was resolute on his decision.

{Ohh... Little one, seems like you are something not even these Demi-Gods could see through.}

"What does that mean."

Edward was confused by that sudden statement.

{Little one, You are a Rare Galactus Drake, with true draconic body and blood of the Tiryu star. Which is only born when the parents are two beings at Demi-God stage or are nearing the Demi-God stage.}

"If I am So special the. how come I can't make any progress?"

Edward Sat in one of the chairs, holding back his tears.

{Of course you can't, You need a Heavenly Rank battle technique along with Demonic Dragon blood, One of each element. in order to go up a rank.}

After hearing this, Edward could no longer hold back his tears.

And The Clan Leader also had tears in his eyes.

"So, my Son isn't a Talentless Dragon,"

"**Shout** Do you hear it everyone, MY SON IS NOT TALENTLESS"

The clan leader's joy had no end to it now.

and all of a sudden, he bowed down in front of Omega.

"I, Artherius Ferazen Tiamut, the clan leader of The Forgotten Dragon Clan, Thank the lord God for accepting my son as his disciple."

And He Said to his son,

"Hurry up, Quickly refer to Lord God as your Master."

Edward Bowed down as his father did and said,

"I, Edward Tiamut V, Thank the Lo...Master for accepting me a his direct disciple and for giving me a chance."

{Yeah, well I am not giving you much of a chance.}

Edward was confused by this sudden statement by Omega.

"What do you mean Master?"

{Ah...well...I don't have Demonic Dragon blood with me}

"Oh, So what master means is that you don't have it at hand but you have it in the spatial storage, right?"

{Spatial Storage? When did I say I had a spatial Storage.}

Omega had a confused expression on his face .

"Oh, please Master I know you have a storage, from where you took all those coins out from."

Edward was starting to become suspicious of The scene he saw at the Clothing Store.

{Oh That , that wasn't a spatial Storage. I created those Draguma.}

After hearing that he created Draguma, people lost their balance. After all He was The Omega Dragon God, The Dragon God Of Destruction And Genesis Dragon God, is the Dragon God of creation. Creating Something from nothing is Genesis's ability.

"Lord, You can now use the Genesis Dragon God's Ability?"

The third elder asked with her feet preparing to run away in fear.

{Yes I can, While my Brother was garnering faith to consolidate his power to rule over his creations, I spent Around a thousand years just learning my own truth.}

"Your own truth?."

The clan leader asked while he swept back his dark hair from his reddish black scaled face.

{Yes, While I was in imprisonment I thought about it, what it is that makes us brothers different.}

"Well you Have the Powers of Destruction and he has the power of creation."

The first elder replied without hesitation.

{Yes, but we come from the same origin, Emptiness. yet we possess powers polar opposites of each other.}

{So I thought if we have the same origin, we should possess some part of each other's ability as well, should we not?}

{Consequently allowing me to possess 50% of Genesis powers and they can still be upgraded.}

Although Edward was Shocked by the sudden info. Still he remembered something.

"Then Master you can just create Demonic Dragon blood"

Edward asked his master without considering anything while having a smirk on his face.

At that very moment, Omega teleported behind Edward and pulled his ears lightly.

{You brat, If I Mouth Feed you all your growth then how will you become truly strong.}

{You need to go to the outskirts of the Forbidden Mountains and get demonic Dragon blood and if you can't find a demonic Dragon in the outskirts then earn some money from selling minor beast corpses to buy some blood.}

"Yes Master....I was too conceited, I was just thinking about the power not the ability to maintain it."

{Good, then for the next week I will train you myself, and after I become a disciple of the clan, I will give you only the directions.}



For the whole week, Edward's life was comparable to hell.

Day one:-

Omega started training Edward in his own Heavenly Rank Technique

[Sun God's Redemption]

The prerequisites to practice the technique were the difficult part.

He needed to Do 100,000 sword swings

57,809 push ups

300,000 Miles of running

65,892 Miles of flight

and lastly he needed to try and create his own aura.

All this was to be done daily.

This was not an impossible task as a Dragon's Physical strength is far greater than any other being (except for demons), at silver stage while still being at trainee rank.

Day two:-

After finishing his daily training regimen,

he was extremely tired. he wanted to lay in his bed but now he had to go for some mental training.

and for that he needed to sit cross legged and meditate in order to try and unlock his own soul space, which mages and knights unlock after 5-circle or platinum knight stage.

Day three:-

by now Edward doesn't feel tired from his daily regimen.

So Omega increased his quota.

now he has to:-

Do 500,000 Sword swings

100,579 push ups

700,990 miles of running

199,990 miles of flight

and now that he can create his aura a little bit

of aura, he has to increase it's volume enough to cover his sword.

Day Four:-

Edward has shown considerable growth within these four days,

he is now much more mature due to living countless lives inside his soul sea in order to forcefully open his soul space.

he doesn't get tired from the training but he still finds it difficult.

he can now cover his fist in his aura.

When His golden aura covers his fist, although temporary, his irises change their color from reddish black to golden white.

{Congratulations, You have finally entered the First rank of the [Sun God's redemption]}

"It is all due to your guidance, master"

Edward expressed his gratitude.

Day Five:-


Edward had advanced to the level of 9 star bronze knight and needed

the demonic Dragon blood in order to use magic.

Now he can make his aura cover his blade.

His next goal is to create a weapon using aura and add elemental changes to his aura.

He has partially unlocked his soul space.

it now looks like a small island with a single wooden house on it.

he has now become strong enough to be ranked as the strongest disciple in terms of physical strength.

{Hmm...now that you have enough strength. You can go to the Forbidden Mountains.}

"will I be fine with my current strength master?"

The current Edward was much more confident and mature than the Edward before the training who was a pushover crybaby.

{Yes you can!}

{Just make sure you return before the entrance test starts. I need to help you assimilate with Demonic Dragon blood.}

"Yes! Master!"

And he used his Enhanced speed to dash out of the window and transform into his Draconic form,

He was a Black dragon with a mix of purple, blue and red scales on his body.

Day Six:-

it's the next day after Edward left for the Forbidden Mountains.

During this time Omega spent

His time on Learning about the forgotten dragon clan.

The power heirarchy in the clan was:-

Four Grand Elders from the Tiamut family

Clan leader from the Tiamut family

Seven elders

thirty five teachers

Inner clan disciples

outer clan disciples

working class disciples.

the test that would be conducted day after tomorrow.

is for Outer Clan disciples, but those who don't meet the criteria set for the outer sect disciples

but are still better than the rest will become working class disciples.

Day Seven:-

This morning, Edward returned

he was haggard, his clothes were torn but his body was unharmed due to his scales.

he immediately rushed over to the training room reserved for Omega and him after returning back to the clan.

Omega also thought that If he hasn't eaten anything, then he will have a higher chance of absorbing an higher percentage of the blood.

{Now then Little one, remove whatever's left of your shirt, hide your scales and sit cross-legged.}

Edward followed his master's instructions and did as he said.

After he sat cross legged and had hidden his scales,

Omega started pouring demonic dragon blood on his body, starting with the flame element then the aqua element, earth, air, light and then dark as such.


After two hours, of pouring


After two hours, Edward's assimilation with the Demonic Dragon blood was a success.

{How many?}

"What how many"

Edward didn't quite understand what he meant.

{How many percent have you assimilated with?}


{**Begins Laughing from slow to loud laughter** Who would've known that the first disciple I take in would be such a monstrous talent}

"It's quite ironical master, I, who was once known as the Talentless Dragon is now a monstrous talent in your eyes"

{That was just because they didn't understand your situation properly}

Omega said while giving Edward a head pat.

{Well it's almost time for the Entrance test to begin}

"Let's meet up after the test ends, master!"

And Omega dashed off towards the Hilly forest where the test is to be held. after all if he just teleported there it would seem quite suspicious to the examiner.

and he transformed into his Draconic form and flew towards the site...

----To Be Continued

Next up,

Omega has finally reached the examination site, but what is the situation here , there are not only dragons but beings from many humanoid races and even humans, now that got his interest....

Find out more in,

The Trials Begin!


1 Draguma = 10 USD.


by Alexander Lucifer

For Sun God Entertainment.


the characters in this work are purely fictional,

any resemblance or similarities are coincidental.

Contact us at Instagram :-

Alexander Lucifer :- @demon_g.o.d_

Sun God Entertainment :- @sun_god_entertainment.

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