
Dragon Frontier (MT)

[Machine Translation of [Dragon Frontier (ESP)] Exile... Many would think that this would be a cruel fate for the youngest prince of the kingdom of Bahamut, although this was nothing more than a ploy of the royal family. Treated like trash by the inhabitants of the kingdom, it only made him mature faster, recognizing the danger he was in. Only one mistake could cause the destruction of the continent, so choose your decisions well, player, please help the hero to reach the good end. [Interactive story, from time to time I will announce a poll to choose certain options, one route will be the canonical route of the story, the others will be alternate endings (if the canonical route is not chosen), these polls will be one week long and will be uploaded in Pa - treon]. [Double chapter every Sunday] [You can support me through P*tre*n]. pa treon.com/GenoXX

GenoXX · Fantasi
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33 Chs

3: The Mystery of Elisabeth

I am Elisabeth Norma, first daughter of the Norma family of the kingdom of Bahamut, and honestly I have a secret that no one could believe, I am a girl from another dimension, or rather, I was reincarnated in this person, and the most amazing thing about this, is that I was reincarnated in the world of one of my favorite games, [Dragon Frontier], it is a kingdom building style dating simulator.

As for the plot, it's simple, it's a game where you can choose between 5 different factions, the humans, led by the third prince, Ren D. Bahamut, the "jester", although he should be known as the cheat character because his abilities are stupidly unbalanced, all thanks to his unique ability, [Tower of Babel], a power that gives him knowledge of everything in the world, as long as it has existed before, in other words, knowledge of my previous world shouldn't show up in that bullshit ability.

Oh, sorry, I am rambling, Ren is a good person, a handsome young man who was treated like crap by everyone in the kingdom, not knowing that they were all falling for the illusion created by the royal family.

As for the plot of this route, it is simple, you have to help Ren build Neo Bahamut, and resist the waves of enemies, as for why Ren is such an unbalanced character, this is due to the difficulty of the route, not only because Surt is an area with unimaginable dangers and supplies, but because if you don't help him correctly, it is possible that the traitors of the kingdom discover his movements and send their army against him, which would mean that the kingdom of Bahamut, the only line of defense that protects Ren, would end up having fewer soldiers during the attacks, which would derive that the kingdom would fall before the combined forces of the other kingdoms, turning this route into something almost impossible to complete.

The second route is that of Leo, the prince of the beast empire, and bastard son of Apollo, the emperor, who seeks revenge against his father for killing his mother after discovering that he had been born. This route is relatively simple, because it consists of Leo rising in rank in the military to be considered a hero, for this he has to be victorious in his battles against the kingdom of Braum, with this he will manage to get the necessary support to create his faction, and thus give a lethal blow to his father, taking control of the empire as the new emperor. That was the summarized plot, as for the interaction with other protagonists, he is a secondary antagonist in Ren's route.

The third route is that of Anabeth, the queen of the elven kingdom of the ancient forest, this is arguably the easiest route in the game, after all, it consists of simply expanding territory through the forest and defending against attacks from the other kingdoms, nothing that a person with the minimum of reasoning could complete. As for why there is a female protagonist, it's because [Dragon Frontier] is a game with a lot of freedom in terms of the player because you can choose the sex of the avatar, as well as if you want to go on a homosexual route, although this quadruples the difficulty when trying to capture a target because these are straights.

The fourth route is Fiora, the first princess of the kingdom of Braum, a skilled swordswoman who was raised as a man, as the king was unable to have male offspring. She is a skilled and precise warrior, to the point of being the second-strongest protagonist in the game, as well as Ren's fiancée. During the plot of the two protagonists, they meet and help each other in different scenarios, which means that they will end up together if the player does not play his cards right, it could be said that this is the only canon couple in the game.

The fifth and final route, is that of Erika, a slave who is bought by the protagonist. As for capturing the character, she is the easiest to capture, but finishing her route is complicated by different factors, the first one is because she is the most beautiful woman in the game, which means that many bad people will try to get her in every possible way, that's why the player has to be careful with the options he chooses or which side to join, for example, if you choose Leo's side with Erika in the team, Leo will feel a huge lust for the slave and will give you the option to offer her to him, if you choose no, Leo will kill the player and take the slave by force, and if you choose yes, then he will force you to watch how he subdues your partner, which means you are in the shit, unless you choose a few options before, which will make you manage to escape with Erika, but during the rest of the route, Leo will send soldiers after the player to capture his prey. On the other hand, if you choose Ren, he will feel compassion for Erika and offer her the option to free her from her slavery, which will make her fall in love with the prince, in case Erika refuses to accept the prince's kindness, he will smile at the slave and feel a huge appreciation for the player for treating his companion so kindly, which will make the player have the support of one of the biggest monsters in the game.

To sum up, Erika's route is the only route that can interfere with that of the other protagonists, and depending on how the player treats her, it can derive into multiple sub routes of the other heroes.

Finally, there are multiple sub routes with each protagonist, in the case of Ren, if you choose the wrong options, the probability of killing his father and brothers will rise exponentially, and if that were to happen, then Ren in anger, will use his [Tower of Babel] to take revenge, awakening the final boss of the game and becoming the new demon king.

It could even be said that Ren's route is the canonical line of the game, because his true ending and his bad ending are the ones that connect to the two sequels, [Dragon Frontier: Savior] and [Dragon Frontier: Eclypse].

There are other secret heroes, although their stories do not directly interfere with that of the protagonists of the main routes, unless the player chooses some punctual options, which could cause a relationship between the two heroes, or even with the player.

Back to the point, Elisabeth, the first daughter of the Norman family, is a woman who reincarnated in this game with the ability [Otherworldly Knowledge], which does what its name says, she can acquire the knowledge of her old world, as long as she completes some quests.

By the way, Elisabeth is one of the sub heroines of the game, the fiancée of Eric, Ren's best friend and a girl who according to the lore of the game, is a whore who opens her legs to anyone who manages to get her interest, that's why Ren hates her with all his might, and when the player manages to enter into a relationship with her, he gets Ren's hostility for obvious reasons. As for her ending, depending on the player's choices, in her good ending, she loses her title as a noble and lives happily with the player, leaving behind her whore attitude, in the neutral ending, Ren takes away her noble title and banishes her to a distant village, place where she marries a farmer, in the bad ending, she is turned into a prostitute, and in the tragic ending, she stays in Bahamut's kingdom during the attack and is abused by the invaders to death, yes, that's how disturbing her ending is, although this is obviously not shown on screen, but is mentioned in a letter Ren receives.

Long story short, she, as Elisabeth, is in deep shit unless she does what every sane person would do in her situation, become the complete opposite that the original Elisabeth was, as well as interacting with Ren during her childhood.

She followed this whole pattern, and that leaves us with the current situation, her traveling with her fiancé and being one of the prince's close friends, oh, and she has to admit that these two are stupidly handsome, especially the prince, though she's obviously not going to do anything with this, after all, as time went on, she managed to fall head over heels in love with Eric, though she wouldn't lie that there were times when she dreamed of being taken by the handsome exiled prince.

"Are you okay?" - Eric asked as he looked at her with concern when he noticed how she had fallen silent.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about the past" - Elisabeth replied with a small smile. There were times when she would wish to confess that she was a person who had been reborn in this world, although it was obvious that people would treat her as a heretic, or something like that, after all, the inhabitants of the kingdom of Bahamut, were just that stupid.

Eric shook his head, after all, this was a normal occurrence.