

Sorry this is so late, I am pretty busy and I got my covid shot recently, I can say right now that all my books are on a temporary hiatus. Enjoy the story.


Finn immediately entered a state of rage hearing Doragon's order. His roar echoed throughout the entire grassland. Both the caravan and slaves froze in fear as large drops of sweat slide down their oily faces. Finn flapped his wings harshly boosting himself towards the caravan. The human slaves coward and covered their faces for their impeding doom. However, there was no pain to the slaves confusion. Some brave humans raised their heads to see a miracle. The dragon... went right over them and attacked the caravan.

Finn first landed on the grand and swiped his tall immediately killing 1/3rd of the slave traders. He then breath several fireball lighting everything ablaze. Several of the beastmen took out their blades and spears trying to attack the dragon. However their efforts were futile as they can't get past the tough red scales.

Some used mystical spells and laughed several balls of lightning and rock. Others turned into full beasts and tried to attack Finn. However one tail swipe completely destroyed the attack. Beastmen were slaughtered left and right as plumes of black smoke rised up into the sky.

The lion beastmen who is the leader raised his great sword causing his sword to be covered with fire and struck down Finn. To his dismay there wasn't even a single scratch. He was immediately swiped away by a giant red claw almost killing him as he impacted the ground.

"Captain!" A female bird woman cried, in her rage she turned into a eagle and flew straight at Finn. She yelled in fury and swiped at Finn with a fierce glow. There was a sound of metal clashing that rung throughout the battlefield. To the bird woman's shock, she also didn't even leave slight mark.. Finn then swiped his tail and batted the bird woman out of the sky.

Just as the beastmen despair a male rat beastman noticed Doragon who was riding Finn.

"Oh spare us great one! We didn't mean to stir your wrath! Please let our low lives go!" The rat beastman cried. The other beastmen heard his cry and noticed Doragon as well. Immediately the battlefield was filled with screams of forgiveness.

Doragon watched all of this in slight fear and nervousness. He had never killed someone before, not in his entire two lives. He didn't even realize that he made the order to kill until Finn attacked. Now that there was helpless cries of agony filling his ears he couldn't take it anymore.

"Finn stop" Doragon ordered. Immediately Finn stopped attacking the beastmen to their relief. They was still suffering with fear after the terrifying experience. Several of them especially the dog beastmen peed their pants making a disgusting smell.

Doragon turned around and saw the human slaves cowering in fear. However that didn't hide the awe and surprise in their eyes.

"Finn let me down" Doragon asked. Finn lowered his head allowing Doragon to jump down the 20 meter tall dragon. Everyone watched the small cloaked figure slowly walk towards the human slaves. Doragon scanned the surrounding slaves and saw their condition more closely. Some had scars running down their arms and legs with others on their faces. Some lost a finger while others lost some toes. few even lost an eye ball. But most noticably, all of them had a thick metal collar. Doragon turned around and saw many scattered chains lying throughout the battle field.

"Humans... tie up the beastmen with chains scattered on the ground, If they dare resist my dragon will kill him" Doragon ordered. Everyone was surprised by the immature voice. Instantly all slaves scamper to get the chains on the ground. The beastmen could only comply with reluctance as they are tied up by the slaves.

"Bring them me in a straight line" Doragon demanded. The human slaves brought each one infront of Doragon. He inspected every beastman closely until he found the lion beastman. Although the lion beastman was severely injured he still had a will to fight and had a wise aura.

"Where is the key to their collars" Doragon asked in a harsh tone. The lion widened in his eyes in shock.

"Umm... my Lord, to whom collars are you referring to?" The lion beastman asked in a respectful tone. He was in a dangerous situation currently and the only chose was to do whatever the opposing party says.

"The collars of the slaves" Both the slaves and beastmen widened their eyes in shock.

"But sir..." A wolf man tried to plea.

"I don't want to hear it" Doragon denied, in reluctance the lion beast man reached for his left side and handed out key. The key was completely blood red along with silver lines coming from top to bottom.

Doragon grabbed the key and started to release each human slave one by one. As every collar was released a bit more hope appeared in the slaves eyes. This continued until every slave was freed.

There was a moment of silence before loud cheers erupted from the humans. They cried for finally releasing the collars that marked them as a slave. They all quickly bow down towards Doragon.

"Thank you oh Lord Dragon!" They cried. Doragon was baffled, he didn't think they would bow down to him, in fact no one has ever bowed down to him. He turned around and saw the beastmen was also a bit baffled, especially the lion beastman. He then faced the Humans and sighed.

"You are slaves no longer, from now on you are a free men and women" Doragon said, the human cried even more profusely.

"Thank you very much Dragon Lord" They cried once more. Doragon sighed again, he knew from experience what is like being a slave. These human slaves should have it alot worse then him. But then the humans said said something he would never expect.

"Please oh Dragon Lord! Please take us under your wing!"



FerretLovercreators' thoughts