

Doragon calmed his nerves as he slept reached out of the gaps of the cage and quietly open it. He then sneakily crept out and walk towards the door. After he opened the door however Doragon had a sudden thought. He then quietly crawled over to Trixy and took the mysterious bag under her bed. He immediately put it in his warehouse and leave before he closed the door.

He knew this prison as if there was a pair of eyes behind his head. He knew every floorboard that creaks, everything that make noise when touched, and where the sensors are as well. From the countless escape attempts earlier before he quit, they took some measures as putting in magic invisible sensors. Too bad they underestimate him so much they didn't think that he could learn.

He slowly walked into the living room and lifted on of the floorboards. Inside was a sack and a odd knife. Doragon tilted his head in confusion, he knew that there was a sack of coins in this server department but the knife is completely new. Doragon didn't mind it however as he put everything into his warehouse.

The kitchen was his next target. He knew that the mother just restocked on food so he slowly crawled under the sensors and open the cupboards. There was ham, cheese, bread, and more. Doragon had never seen so much food in his life. Even in his old world he only kept a minimal amount of food.

Doragon then proceeded to stuff everything into his bag. Albeit be it food, seasonings, cooking utensils, basically everything that can be taken. When he finished there wasn't even a single thing left. He slowly exited the kitchen and passed a suspicious door. He knew that this door lead to the basement, although he does not know what is down there. Curiosity got the better of him as he opened the door and headed towards the basement. He was currently walking down a staircase almost completely in the dark.

He was never allowed to go down there as he was warned he would be killed. As he finally reach the bottom there were several torches. Doragon's eyes widened however as he looked around the room in shock. The walls where covered with colorful potions and rocks. A bookshelf full with books that appeared to be magic books. There were several armors on armor stand along with it's corresponding weapon. In the middle of the room however was 4 wands and a sword.

'I guess three of these wands was for the cat trio' Doragon guessed, he didn't care however and showed no remorse taking them. The room was completely spotless when he was done. He quickly but quietly walked up the stairs and out the basement. He slowly walked towards the front door and sneaked outsidex but not before taking Binter's coat. There he brought out the knife he got out of the basement. The blade was completely black with a magenta handle that appeared to be made out of crystals. He quickly used it to cut the leather strap off of his neck. To his shock the knife smoothly cut through the leather.

He tried multiple times to cut this leather strap. Although he never used a knife he used very small sharp objects to try cutting the leather. Normally ordinary leather would be cut, however it appeared to be magic infused so it was impossible to break. However, that didn't matter as he was finally free from that wretched and humiliating collar. He slowly rubbed his neck as he enjoyed the sense of freedom. But he knew he didn't have the luxury of time. He had to get away far enough to summon his dragon without waking up the cat family.

Doragon immediately started to run, although he wasn't really fast with his small legs. 10 meters, 15 meters, 20 meters, and more. He continued to run until he couldn't see the house anymore. D smiles in anticipation as this was his first summoning.

"Finn!" Doragon call out, instantly a burst of fire appeared in front of him. A large red claw emerged from the flame. Doragon watched in aw as the Flame Dragon slowly walked out of the fire. When the flame dragon completely revealed itself the fire disappeared leaving only a giant dragon and small human child.

"Hello?" Doragon said, Finn slowly lowered his head towards Doragon. He was completely red except for the underside scales which was yellow. it had two skeletal wings covered by fire. It also had two white horns protruding out the back of its head along with red hair that went down his neck. Most noticably was the bright red eyes.

Doragon reached out his hand and patted Finn's nose. The dragon gave a expression of enjoyment as it gently pressed against his hand. After a moment of silence Finn completely lowered his head on the ground. This allowed Doragon to climb on its head and sit right between it's two horns. He grabbed each with hand as he prepared himself.

"Fly" The moment Doragon spoke a sudden gust of wind hit him. There was a sound of wings flapping alongside of the harsh winds. Doragon closed his eyes as he held onto the horns for dear life, until it suddenly calm. Doragon slowly opened his eyes and was shock at his new surroundings. He was currently on top of the clouds. It was completely bright as there were three huge moons reflecting light. It was rather colorful as moons was different colors. One was deep blue, one was bright green, and the last was crimson red. Doragon had bewildered expression as he sees this beautiful scene. He had never seen such beauty in both of his lives.

He then looked down to see Finn also enjoying the sights above the clouds. Doragon started to laugh in joy.

"HaHahaha" The pure sense of joy flush over him as he embraced the night sky. Finn also sense Doragon's joy and roared in joy as well. They then slowly fly out into the horizon.


A/N: To be honest I think this is my most favorite chapter yet. I hope you also enjoyed Doragon's joy as well. Enjoy the story!

Stay tuned for more!

FerretLovercreators' thoughts