
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Komik
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31 Chs

Reaching the Shoreline

Chapter 9

Reaching the Shoreline

After the comic event was over I hoisted him once again and started running. Goku ran side by side with me while Bulma rode on her bike. We made it in quite easily with no trouble at all. It took us only 3 hours and some in total to get him here.

"There it is! I found it!" Bulma yelled. We were standing on a hill that was surrounded by tall palm trees and a mass of other greenery. The beach was just below them and beyond that was the ocean.

"Look! Look! We're really here!" Goku shouted as we and Bulma moved down. "It's huge! And blue! And beautiful! Hahaha! Whoa!" A light breeze from the ocean blew over them making their hair lightly waver. "The sea," He said mystified.

"Isn't it beautiful Goku?" Bulma asked him, feeling the same sensation of wonder.

"Yeah, it's incredible. I never dreamed that a place like this really existed" He replied.

Turtle waddled forward a bit more in front of them and took a nice look whiff of the sea water's scent. "I was starting to wonder about it myself. It's been so long. Thanks for bringing me back." He said with tears in his eyes. I really felt a little bad for him seeing his tears. Now that I think, years on his own would have been quite tough for him.

Turtle all but sprinted into the water, crying out with joy. "Thank you so much!" Turtle spoke up from where he'd been playing in the ocean.

I smiled. "No problem! Ha-ha-it was a lot of fun!" The sun started to shine a bit more bestowing its warm rays on them. Bulma felt so relaxed in the new temperature that she stretched out her arms and took it in a bit more.

"You sure do live in a big place Turtle" Goku complimented naively.

"I never would've made it if it wasn't for you," He nodded, "Thank you again. Well, I better get going" Turtle said as he made his way into the water. He happily hummed at the long-familiar feeling.

"Any time" I replied feeling nervous that he wasn't going to give us presents. If that happens this trip would have been a waste.

The turtle swam out a bit more but not before turning to them once more. "Would you mind waiting here? Please! I have a gift I'd like to give you to repay you for all you've done for me" he said.

Goku and Bulma both looked confused. "A gift?" they wondered, while I sighed in relief.

"What kind of gift could a turtle have, huh?" Bulma actually asked.

"You'll see. I'll be back soon. Please wait here" With that, he turned around one more time and swam off to Kame's house place probably.

Bulma just hoped that whatever he brought back wasn't going to be something worthless. She'd be quite upset if he made them wait here for who knows how long and that turtle gifted them some kind of shell as repayment.

"You think he'll be coming back Baali?" Bulma questioned me. Maybe she was worried whether or not we had actually been scammed into helping out Turtle finding his way home and would be leaving with nothing more than the lost time that could've been used for carrying on with their very own agenda.

"It better be back within the next hour or our next job will be hunting it to the end of the world… and instead of that bear having a steaming hot bowl of turtle soup for each night in the next week, it'll be you and I, Blue" I responded with a bit of a snickering laugh, joking around almost entirely.

I wasn't upset. Moreover, I knew he would be returning with Roshi in the meanwhile Goku getting curious tasted the saltwater which he didn't like one bit. I had to stifle a laugh at his expression. A chuckle or two still escaped my mouth.

So basically it was half an hour of us, here, by ourselves, doing whatever we could to kill time. Goku had no problems entertaining himself. As for Bulma… well it could've been worse, that's for sure. She'd take this than dealing with any more monsters or bandits….or bandit monsters.

I turned to Bulma getting an idea. "Well, Bulma, how about it? Feel like a day at the beach?" I asked her.

"Sure! Why not? But I didn't bring any swimming costume" She said shrugging. With that, she turned back and threw a capsule after taking it out from her pouch which turned into a chair and umbrella.

Bulma settled in on the beach while Goku and I went off in the water. Just imagining the sight of her in a two-piece lounging on a chaise in the sun was damn sexy. Still, I was very glad that the water was cold. Otherwise, she would have noticed my dick being erect on seeing. I wanted to see her tits again but she didn't get in the water no matter how many times I asked her.

I was sure that her gown would be seeing through if it was wet. Already I could see the outline of her boobs if I concentrated hard enough.

I played around in the water, doing laps and flips and dives, before relaxing on the beach. I built a city out of the sand and then rampaged through it like Godzilla or Kong, to which Bulma giggled.

After that, I just laid back in the sand next to her. Rest was just as much a part of training as working out. It was good for me to just take a day off every now and then. I even took some peeks at her while she just laid there basking in the sun.

About 10 minutes later, there was a beeping from Bulma's bag. She went to check, while I just stared at her jiggling bum. Her eyes shot wide open, I noticed when she walked toward me "Baali, Another Dragon Ball is moving… towards us!"

I perked up. "Huh. Maybe that's the gift Turtle's master wants to give us" I said knowing Roshi will be already having it.

"This is just the best day! Woo-hoo!" Bulma jumped up and down in joy. My eyes tracked her jiggling bits for a few seconds before I rushed into the ocean and began swimming off my desires, cramps be damned. Man, Goku must be just been asexual instead of brain-damaged. My body had no problem reacting to my naughty thoughts. I just wondered how he did it with Chichi on the wedding night in the canon.

Now, if only my growth spurt would come earlier than 17-20 as it did for Goku in the canon. That would be nice.

A couple of minutes later, I went back on the ground when I felt a little cold. Roshi was going to be here any minute now. Still, I knew Roshi will be asking her to flash him. I didn't want that. I already had a plan to take Dragon ball off him without Bulma flashing the pervert.

"Bulma let me do the talking okay. I just have the bad feeling about this" I told her. But she wouldn't listen to me. She said she was the older one so she would talk. In the end, I admitted defeat and decided to step in when he makes the demand. That way I become a hero.

Speaking of which, Bulma noticed a dot on the horizon and made it known "Hey what's that?" I looked in the direction. A turtle appeared on the horizon. There appeared to be someone on his back. I noticed that easily

Goku easily recognized them "It's the turtle but someone's on his back," He said mirroring my observation.

"Wow, it's like you got supervision or something. That's pretty cool Goku." She said

He pointed a finger to the ocean, and sure enough, there they could see something swimming in the water, leaving a white trail behind it, and someone standing on its back, above the surface of the ocean. What they didn't know was that I had stretched my senses. Normally I kept my sensing in check with only a few feet of range. But now I was stretching my range.

I was trying to gauge his level and pretty sure I sensed him. He was quite powerful. Judging by his KI, he was twice as much as powerful as Goku although his speed will be slow due to that shell on his back.

"Hey Turtle…over here!" Goku yelled out to them.

"I wonder what he's brought back for us" Bulma wondered out loud

"Sorry to keep you waiting! I had to go get my master!" Turtle said. "Hey, you guys! This is my Master. He's here to give you a gift!" the Turtle said when he got closer.

Master Roshi the Turtle Hermit walked off his underling's back and onto the beach. He looked exactly as I 'remembered' him. Short, bald head, white thick mustache with a long beard, red-rimmed sunglasses, tropical outfit, gnarly old wooden staff/cane, and turtle shell on his back.



11:40 pm: Reached the beach after covering 120 Kilometer.

12:10 pm: Roshi came into the picture


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 48+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (484)

Turtle: 0.1

Master Roshi: 86