

In the morning of the next day

Cain and dad in the garden of a home

They are a wealthy family, they live in the city

~ Cain, we will start training, are you sure, you able to do that.

If we start I don't stop that even if you beg me ~ dad said

Cain shook his head

Dad saw that

~ ok, we start with a simple training to Don't break your body

But this training is hard and painful ~ dad said


Skip time .... 15 ..... 755

Now Cain is training for Budokai

Cain was don't interested in it

But when appeared the demon king piccolo

and watch on TV something called a - ki -

his dad told him if he wins in Budokai

he will teach him

ok, even without his dad he can learn this easy because

1 - his talent it's a high level

He learned martial arts from his dad at 5 years

But his dad who called genius

He needed 20 years to learn them

( his talent as Vegeta or a little better )

2- his meditation

that made his mind and understanding better

now if he retraining his martial arts he needs 3 years


But he doesn't want to waste a time

because a teach easier if you have a foundation

like our study in school

It's easier


When people were without a school

Ok, it had pros and cons

But a study now easier from before


[ this old bastard he is dare to set conditions,

anyway, this monkey (Goku ) is interesting ] cain though

Cain now does push-ups

[ now I more powerful than my dad,

but when he using ki he can see through and predict my movements.

If I learn ki, my power will rise a lot ] Cain thought while had a scary smile

~~~~~~~ skip time

Now Cain and dad going to Budokai

~ don't underestimate your opponent

there may be a user ki ~ dad said

[ ok ] cain answered without emotions

When they arrived in Budokai, the weather was rainy

Just cain was registered in Budokai


Cain now in a ring and his opponent is a Tigerman wear karate clothes

~ hey kid you must withdraw or may you cry from pain ~ Tigerman said

Cain was silent

~ you ... ~ Tigerman upset from Cain's silence

~ start ~ the referee said

A Tigerman rushed and shot punch ( right )towards Cain

Cain was standing, normal.

Suddenly Cain move a little to the right

and move his index finger to Tigerman's neck.

Suddenly a Tigerman fell unconscious.

Silence resolved for a few seconds

~ ... Cain won the match ~ the referee said

Cain already went out of the ring.

Now he meditates

something similar happened in other game for Cain

Cain merged between medicine and martial arts

So he can see a weak point easily

and he doesn't need a special fight mode

Martial arts mimic the animal's way of attack

This way is strong but had cons

Including you can't give all technique power

because you are human, not an animal.

Cain trying to create a mode called { Cain mode }

( Note: like Yujiro mode from baki anime )

That will be mode just Cain can give all power.


Hey friend

Dragon ball before Z

Was martial arts anime

( a mind training, meditation, and techniques of battle )

But in Z became a real chonin anime

without real depth

just level ki and super Saiyan

In super they try to replay a depth ( by god technique )

So I tell you Cain will focus more on the technique than power