
Dragon Ball Recollection

30 years after the tournament of power new brand of warriors brew. These warriors must work together to become the next strongest to protect the home they call home. It isn't going to be easy but they must work together to be able to defeat any foe that may come to past. They must do this without the help of the Z-Fighters.

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5 Chs

World Tournament

It was the thirty fifth world martial arts tournament. A tournament where fighters from all around the world would come and compete in the event. For our normal hero's "The Z Fighters" all of them were competing. This story isn't about our normal hero's though, but our new ones. Four young new warriors have emerged all with different purposes of being a part of the tournament, but all four would soon leave with something different. As the sun started to set the tournament was about to start and Ninjin was looking around scouting his opponents in hopes of looking for someone he thinks would be a possible threat.

As the announcer begins to direct everyone to where they needed to be, he calls for all attention as the bells ring. He begins to go over the rules explaining what is allowed and what was not allowed during the tournament matches. Across the platform Rukai was looking around sharply analyzing the other competitors. He slowly starts to smirk as Ninjin had caught his eye and he became exhilarated.

"Alright! The thirty fifth World Martial Art Tournament is about to begin! Everyone please sit back and watch closely as our participants move out to their respected areas!" The announcer says."Attention martial arts participants, I will call you by number and you will dig in the box for an opponent. So, let's begin!"

The announcer called out the first number and it was Yamacha. After his name was called, he walked to the announcer and had a smug look on his face. Yamacha digs his hand into a small box and the fighter name he pulls out would be "Pamphlet". Yamacha didn't know who he was, but he knew he was going to win.

"Fighters please enter the arena and we shall begin to start the first match of the World Martial Arts Tournament! Fighters are you ready!?"

The crowd starts to scream in excitement once the announcer confirmed that the opposing participant was making his way to the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen give a warm round of applause for Pamphlet!"

Yamacha watches as his opponent slowly made his way to the arena as he grinned at him. Once on the stadium Pamphlet looks at Yamacha faintly getting into his fighting stance.

"Fighters are you ready!?" The Announcer calls out as Yamaha does the same matching the kids' energy.

"Here I come kid I'm not going to make this easy for you. Give me your best shot" Yamacha says.

"Bring it on!" Pamphlet says as the bell rings and he charges at Yamacha.

As Pamphlet would charge at Yamacha, Yamacha would cock his arms back in a motion of a striking move using his signature move wolf fang fist. Yamacha then dashed at Pamphlet striking him multiple times in the same spot before causing him to fly back for a ring out.

The announcer deems yamacha the victor of the match as he headed back to his stable.

"Next up on the list is Rukai who will be selecting his opponent from the hat of mystery"

Rukai walks to the box and drives his hand inside, he fumbles with the papers for a bit and pulls his hand out and gives the paper to the announcer. The paper has Krillin's name on it and the announcer calls it out,

"Krillin please come to the arena for your match against Rukai"

Everyone would look in the crowd for Krillin, but he was nowhere to be seen. The announcer starts to count down from ten to let him know how long he had before the match would be forfeited. Ten seconds have passed and Krillin is still nowhere to be seen so that means the match goes to Rukai.

Vegeta: "Where the hell did that blasted human go"

Goku: "Let me try and find him with instant transmission"

Vegeta: "Tsk..."

Goku puts his fingers on his head and he thinks for a minute before finding krillin's energy and notices another strong energy near him that they had never felt before.

Goku: "Everyone grab a hold of me Krillin might be in trouble!"

All the Z-Fighters look at Goku and run towards him putting their hands on his shoulders. All of them vanish in midair and right along with them Zombie would grasp the cloth of Yamacha pants teleporting with them. Ninjin and Rukai noticed that all the fighters had disappeared from the tournament and looked at each other shrugging it off. Krillin flies into the ring crashing and creating an explosion making everyone, but Ninjin and Rukai fall to their feet. Not too long after a tall dark figure would pierce the chest of Krillin with its knee killing him.

The Z-Fighters fly in after him shooting Ki blasts at him as Goku punches the figure in the chest transforming into a Super Saiyan, but it had no effect on him. Instead the figure grabs Goku by the head and slams him into the ground trying to crush Goku's skull with his foot, but Goku rolled out of the way. Vegeta grits his teeth charging up a Final Flash blasting the figure, but he just stood in place taking the final flash unaffected by it. The figure then looks at Yamacha suddenly an explosion sparks from the area in his surrounding killing Yamacha.