
Clean Up

Reiss floated over a deep cylindrical pit, while back in his normal form. The rage he built up over the years was finally released and he felt a sense of relief. He no longer had Babidi in his mind trying to tempt him with power. The only thing that worried him was the fact he used way more power than needed to fight Dabura.

Raditz stood, undamaged, on the very edge of the pit blasted by his son. The Saiyan used an energy barrier to block the force of the explosion the moment he saw his son prepare to fire. The disheveled Supreme Kai and Kibito laying next to him were not so quick with their defenses. The emperor could tell with a short glance that their wounds were superficial. Piccolo, like Raditz also managed to protect himself in time to avoid the explosion.

"Have you calmed down!" Piccolo asked. He didn't want to have to fight against an ally, especially after that display of power.

"He's fine." Raditz answered, "He just needed to vent, it seems."

"You call that venting!" the Supreme Kai climb to his feet. He tried to vigorously dust the debris for his clothes. "We could have died!"

"You and your assistant might have died, but I think the rest of us would have been fine." Raditz calmly said. "However, what concerns me most right now is the condition of Majin Buu's container."

The Supreme Kai's angry expression quickly changed to shock as the realization that his ancient enemy potentially could have been freed dawned on him. The Kai didn't wait for Kibito to get on his feet before rushing to the edge of the pit to see if he could locate Buu's orb. As he peered into the dark hole, where Babidi's ship was buried, he hoped the universe was on his side.

"Reiss, just so you understand." Raditz glared at his son, "If you released Buu, I will devise a suitable punishment for you. Now that you are older I can get even more creative."

The formerly refreshed teen had his body instantly refill with tension after hearing his father's words. Reiss shifted his gaze into the pit with the same amount of hope held by the Supreme Kai. He knew he made a mistake when he let his emotions overwhelm his reason, but as long as he didn't free Buu, the mistake wasn't unforgivable.

Kibito felt completely shaken up when he managed to finally stand. His mind felt like it was covered in a fog, so he shook his head to clear it. When he got his bearings he saw his master standing frozen at the edge of a pit staring in. The only conclusion he could come to was that the worst had happened and Majin Buu was once again on the loose.

"Master," Kibito asked as he unsteadily approached the Supreme Kai, "Did we lose? Is Majin Buu free?"

Kibito held his breath waiting as he anticipated the answer he would receive. He tried to prepare his heart for the worst case scenario.

"No," the Supreme Kai's voice was almost a whisper. "The seal didn't break."

"What?" Kibito asked, unsure of what he thought he heard.

"The seal didn't break!" the Supreme Kai repeated louder. The words were like a mantra the Kai tried to use to pull himself out of his daze. His mouth cracked into a grin as he repeated the phrase once more.

Unable to contain his happiness any longer, the small Kai dropped into the pit to better examine the container. Reiss felt the weight on his shoulders lift as he watched the Kai dash across the pit to the round contain left in the bottom of the pit.

As he drew closer to the container, the Supreme Kai could see the few remains of his old foe Babidi. The wizard clearly had seen better days as only part of his head and arm survived the Super Saiyan teen's onslaught. The Supreme Kai was relieved Babidi had finally met his end after his father Bibidi caused so much chaos.

A device attached to the containing orb could be seen by the Supreme Kai. Out of curiosity the Kai examined the device, discovering that it was a gauge used to measure how much energy was needed to release Buu. The Supreme Kai nearly died of shock when he saw the gauge indicated that the seal needed less than five percent more Ki to break. The mission to stop Babidi nearly ended in failure, even though the wizard himself died.

"That close, huh?" the Supreme Kai almost jumped from fright when he heard Raditz speaking.

Before the Supreme Kai realized it, Raditz had joined him in the pit. The Kai didn't know if he was too focused on his thoughts to notice the Saiyan approach, or if Raditz was just that skilled.

"Yes," the Kai nodded. "This was almost a disaster."

"No doubt it would have been if left up to you." Raditz said before asking, "What are your plans for the orb now, surely you don't want it to stay on Earth."

The Kai gripped his chin as he thought about the Saiyan's question about his plans for the sealed Majin Buu. Although he and Kibito worked towards eventually stopping Babidi and preventing the release of Buu, they never planned for what to do if they succeeded. The Supreme Kai would like to destroy the monster once and for all, but he didn't know how to safely accomplish the goal.

"The only thing we can do is to hide Buu away again, in hopes he is never awoken." the Kai finally answered. "Kibito and I will obviously need to find a suitable planet."

"Why not destroy it?" Raditz asked. He knew the Kai probably didn't have the means to get rid of the creature, especially since he didn't know about Beerus, yet.

"It isn't that simple." the Kai explained, "Any tampering could set the demon free. Besides, the energy level need to unlock the seal is close to being filled."

"I've heard that you have a world in the afterlife." Raditz said. The Supreme Kai nodded confirming Raditz's statement. "Then the logical thing to do would be to take the orb there for safekeeping until a way to destroy it presents itself."

As far as plans went, the Supreme Kai didn't have a better one. Although, he didn't like the idea of bring Buu back to the Sacred World of the Kai. He still remembered vividly the destruction Buu caused the last time the monster visited his world.

"Even though access to the Sacred World of the Kai is difficult to achieve, I can't feel comfortable bringing Buu there even in its sealed state." the Supreme Kai wanted a better location than his home.

"We have no way to defend ourselves if he gets free before we are ready."

"Are you telling me the Kai world doesn't have any weapons?" Raditz asked. He knew they did have a weapon, not that it would help against Buu.

"There is the Z Sword!" Kibito happily offered. "If we can free it the sword might give us the edge we need to stop Buu!"

The rest of the group had joined the others in the pit, while Raditz and the Supreme Kai were discussing what to do next. The short Kai, instantly, remembered the legendary weapon the second his attendant mentioned it. He didn't know much about the weapon, but he heard it held a tremendous power within. Unfortunately, no one had been able to free the weapon from its imprisonment in a large stone on the Sacred World of the Kai.

Raditz wanted to grin over the fact they were finally following the trail he was laying down. The Saiyan wanted to free the Elder Supreme Kai without giving away the fact he already knew about the Kai being sealed inside the sword. Raditz knew the universe probably need more Kai to raise the Mortal Level. If he could get them to take a more active role in building up the universe, it would go along way towards universal improvement.

"Fine, we will store the container on our home." the Supreme Kai relented. "However if we can't free the Z Sword, we'll have to move it."

"As an added bonus, I'll help you." Raditz offered.

"It would be good to have him along in case something goes wrong." the Supreme Kai said to Kibito.

His attendant looked amazed that he would agree to bringing a living mortal to their home. Even if he had an issue with the order, his master already decided. It would be best to go along with the decision. The fact that their mission had come to an end was enough of a reason not to belabor the point.

"Reiss," Raditz said, "You and Piccolo should get back to the tournament. You guys can let the others know everything is under control here. We need take care of the orb."

Reiss and Piccolo agreed to relay the message to everyone still waiting at the World Tournament. The teen was happy he wasn't going to receive any discipline for his earlier blunder. Although, he was disappointed he would have to miss his chance to see what an afterlife planet looked like. He was always amazed that there were planets in the afterlife.

When Reiss and Piccolo headed off, Kibito used his Kai Kai movement ability to transport himself, the Supreme Kai, the containment orb, and Raditz to their home. After they appeared, Raditz looked around the strange planet, taking in the sight. The Sacred World of the Kai looked just as it was depicted in the Dragon Ball franchise. The Supreme Kai and Kibito led the way across their lush world to the location of the rock holding the fabled Z Sword. Raditz, drawn to the sight of the "sword in the stone" copy, quickly moved closer to the rock.

"Many have tried, but none has ever succeeded in-" Kibito almost bit his tongue in shock.

Raditz had already removed the sword from its rock housing with seemingly little effort.

"Got it!" Raditz said holding the sword over his head.

Kibito and the Supreme Kai looked at each other completely stunned that the Saiyan achieved what many failed to accomplish. They were under the belief pulling the Z Sword from the stone would be a fruitless task, but it happened. When the initial shock of the scene wore off, the pair was overjoyed to see the miraculous sword in full view. They crowded around the Saiyan to get a better view of the weapon.

"May, May I hold it, please?" Kibito trembled as he reached out to take the sword.

"Sure, knock yourself out. It belongs to you guys after all." Raditz passed the sword over.

The excited assistant buckled to the ground from the weight of the sword the instant Raditz let go. The Saiyan laughed out loud while Kibito tried to pick up the sword.

"Not that it wouldn't be fun watching you struggle all day, but I want to try the sword out." Raditz retrieved the sword, freeing Kibito from his struggle.

The Supreme Kai nodded at Raditz's request and extended his arms, releasing a wave of energy. When he was done, the Kai had created a four foot by four foot cube of black material.

"Since you want to test the sword, try it against this." the Supreme Kai pointed to the cube. "This is Katchin metal. It's one of the densest materials in the universe."

Raditz lifted the sword, brutally slashing down into the edge of the metal cube. The two observes looked on with pride, sure the weapon would slice through gracefully. To the pair's utter horror, the sword broke sending the blade spinning past them dangerously close. They couldn't understand how the blade could have possibly broken against the metal. It shouldn't have been possible, considering the legends behind the sword.

"It looks like you guys were misinformed about this sword." Raditz said amused by the pair's shock over the sword breaking. He was looking forward to how they handled what will happen next.


I was wondering if any artists were will to donate any art for the cover. I personally have no talent with art work so art design would be at the discretion of the artist. Anyone interested let me know.

draykancreators' thoughts