
Dragon Ball H, Greater Days +18

Davion was a 17 year old boy that died. He was supposed to have been reborn as a baby but was put in the body of Raditz.

RollenMajor · Komik
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14 Chs


This can just be seen as how characters interact with each other. There are some characters in the series of mine that has interacted but I never really flushed out a conversation between them. This also serves as an explanation for some shit in the series.

{Shoena and Maron}

Shoena doesn't like Maron too much. She sees Maron as a dog and Shoena hates dogs(remember she's basically part cat). She sees Maron as a clueless puppy because of how dumb she is.

"Is she retarded?" Was the first thing she asked Krillin in reference to Maron.

[Bulma and Shoena]

Bulma wasn't that accepting of another lover of Davion at first and Shoena only saw Bulma as a rival. She thought Bulma was another weak and entitled woman. That was until Shoena went to Caspule Corporation for the first time. It was the first time she learned that "Being strong isn't just physical". So she highly respects Bulma after that and tries to get along with her in her own way. They kinda have a Big Sister Little Brother relationship(Ya know how the little brother annoys the older sister just for the fun of it. That's how Shoena is to Bulma.) Overtime, they got along just fine.

[Davion and the way he speaks]

Some people dislike the way Davion speaks at times. So I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but Davion grew up in an area where people spoke like that as well so obviously he'd speak like them too. Environmental influence is what it's called. He isn't heavily influenced by it cause he was a Martial Arts Nerd (lol M.A.N) before he got off'd no insect. He also didn't primarily hang around a crowd of people who spoke like that. It just lingers on him so from time to time he'd change up his lingo.

[Roshi and Shoena]

...I think we all know what Roshi be up to. He's a pervert at heart. Shoena respects Roshi to a certain degree because of his martial arts background.

She often hits Roshi because of his "pranks" in their first meeting. Davion didn't do much about it because Shoena said she can handle herself. Plus, it was rare for Roshi to do it in front of Davion or when Davion was close by.

[Chi Chi and Tien]

Weirdly enough, Tien was one of Chi's Chi's sparring partners. The purpose was for her to get use to fighting stronger and faster opponents because she has the least amount of experience out of all of them. Tien was one of the only people comfortable with fighting Chi Chi. The others didn't want to out of "respect" for Goku.

[Krillin and Maron]

As you guys know, Maron and Krillin patched things up. I had mix feelings about keeping them together but when I was rereading and watching dragon ball(and reading the wiki) I found out that Maron and Krillin were suppose to have gotten married. So with a bit of development they'd stay together. Their conversation consisted of Krillin confronting Maron and how he felt like a toy etc etc. leading onto a "Do you love me Maron? Cause goddammit I love you!" From Krillin. Because of this, Krillin saved his own relationship.

[Chi Chi and Gohan]

Around a month into Chi Chi's training, Davion set up a phone call between the two to boost their morale(what is he a fuckin general??). Chi Chi and Gohan told each other about their experiences.

Her opinion on Piccolo training him was obvious to everyone "NEXT TIME I SEE PICCOLO HE'S DEAD!!" Which lead the listening Namekian to sweat in "fear". An angry mother would scare anyone.

Chi Chi apologized to Gohan for not being able to protect him. Gohan responded with the same thing "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect dad." Which ended up in Chi Chi crying. It was a heartbreaking scene for everyone there. Both sides felt like a villain for separating a mother and her child like this.

[Piccolo and Tien]

One day, Piccolo was brought to The Lookout to oversee Chi Chi's training and compare her strength to her son's. After sparring with Tien, he fought Piccolo to see how strong they both have gotten.

Afterwards, Tien asked if he could teach Gohan a technique that might come in handy later on. Come to find out, Gohan is a quick learner just like his dad.

[Bulma and Alien Life]

Bulma was tweaking with Davion's scouter to add a language converter into it's system. Accidentally, she changed the intergalactic intercom's frequency and it matched one that had some type of connection with Nappa's scouter.

She had a conversation with another Saiyan. A woman at that. It was something more note worthy. Bulma goes on to place this frequency in the scouter that she makes for herself to keep in contact with Davion when he's away. This Saiyan was Bulma's first intergalactic friend.

[Chi Chi and Korin]

One of Chi Chi's temporary teachers. "If you want to protect Goku then become Goku." Was Davion's phrase but what he meant was if she doesn't have even the slightest thirst for strength then she will remain weak.

To test her willpower, she had to obtain the Sacred Water. Honestly speaking, Davion poured some Ki into her. And she had to anticipate Korin's movements whilst getting use to this newfound power. It also helped her gain larger amounts of strength than she previously had.

She also was freaked out by Korin, a talking cat. Which is weird when there's dinosaurs, talking bears, green men who could blow up moons, and a fucking VAMPIRE walking around.

[Davion, Piccolo, Gohan]

Something Davion warned Piccolo about was Gohan's Oozaru form. He informed Piccolo that Gohan needs to be supervised and wearing a blindfold at night. Telling Gohan to not look at the moon would be stupid. He's a child, he's bound to do it. He'd like it if Gohan kept his tail(even though Piccolo's not the one to chop it off in the original story).

Davion also taught Piccolo a style of fighting that's only a work in progress but would fit Piccolo's style. Piccolo was very persistent in not wanting to be taught anything by anyone but Davion was even more persistent.

All n' all, they respect each other as warriors.

[Android 8 and Gohan]

One Day, Davion took Gohan on a stroll around the world and saw Android 8. Android 8 felt reassured by Gohan's appearance because of how he resembled his father but was saddened at the news of Goku's passing. They played the entire day until Gohan was brought back to Piccolo.

Davion thought it was healthy for Gohan's mental state to have some type of closure even if he was a toddler(Gohan is smart asf for his age. Guys he's FOUR YEARS OLD).

[Davion and Flower Shop Girl]

I introduced this "Flower Shop Girl" with the idea of adding a third original girl to Davion's harem but I didn't know what to actually do with her. The answer was right in my face though. Closure, she was his idea of a normal woman disregarding her size(she's 7 foot 9).

On the contrary, Davion was her excitement. Hearing his battle stories (that he gained via bodying dojos, sparring with the Z fighters, and Raditz's memories) added a new level of enjoyment for her. On one of their dates, Davion bought her Flower Shop from some loan sharks. After this, her mom accepted him as her boyfriend. His dad was persistent on not wanting Davion to be her boyfriend because he was a player. Davion made it worse by saying "Don't worry, I haven't fucked her yet." To this day, Flower Shop Girl's dad hates Davion.

If I were to give her a name. It'd probably be Blossom. Lastly, she's a foster child and her parents are humans. If you haven't guessed already, she's part Giant like the Ox King.

[Krillin and Chi Chi]

Krillin was a guide of Chi Chi, helping her match the Turtle Hermit Style. Since he was advised to show her the basics of the fighting style, it made everything easier. Krillin was no teacher so it helped him out a lot.

Chi Chi would often ask about Goku's adventure and how Krillin perceives Goku as a person. This newfound knowledge of Goku made her rethink her relationship on her part. The thought divorcing him was rejected instantly but by the way his best friend talks about her husband made her think that she didn't actually know Goku. On the contrary, when Krillin asked Chi Chi about Goku he got some answers he wasn't expecting. "Goku's good in bed? He remembers what that is??"

If you guys didn't know, Goku read a porn manga before in Dragon Ball but it was in a single panel. Other than that, Krillin noticed that he needed to help Goku in the area of treating a woman(not in bed). He wasn't a bad husband per say. He just needs some improvements.

[Davion, Goku, and King Kai]

Yes, they've spoken to each other thanks to telepathy. Goku didn't like the idea of leaving his loved ones in the hands of this unknown spirit. So he asked King Kai if there was some way he could get in contact with his "brother". Which lead to "He's in hell". Explaining it all was difficult for him.

"And the Shinigamis haven't dealt with it already??" Goku didn't know who these "shinigami" were. Regardless, Goku, King Kai, and Davion had a meaningful conversation. King Kai's hunch was that Goku doesn't have to worry about earth. But he didn't tell Goku that because he wants a successor for his techniques and he was afraid that Goku might stop training under him.

[Maron and Chi Chi]

They're sparring partners and students of Davion. Of course they'd have interactions. They're basically roommates. Unfortunately, they can't stand each other. One is seen as annoying, the other is seen as old and naggy. But when they spar, it's actually them venting to one another.

[Tien and Yamcha]

Something new happened, a conflict of sorts. Yamcha was confronted by Tien for being lazy. "WHY'RE SLACKING YAMCHA!!" Tien said. He didn't fuck with Yamcha not working as hard as the others. Well, that's how Tien saw it. Yamcha was depressed. So his movements were sluggish. Yamcha and Tien got into an argument over his performance and it slipped out. To cheer Yamcha up, they all went out and played baseball. Davion was not included in this.

[Davion and Bulma]

I know some people are pissed about these two being together and Bulma being in a harem. And I have NO REGRETS!! Future arcs are looking bright as hell because of this decision and I have something AMAZING in store for Vegeta so be prepared.

Anyways, No he did not pull out. And that wasn't the only time they did the deed. I know some of you were depressed at the fact that you guys didn't see an 18+ scene but that's not the PLOT of this story. I just wanted to add a bit of realism into this story. Even if it's just a tiny bit.

But I've already explained some of their relationship(ref. Chapter 6). For one month, He worked as a security guard for capsule corp. this was because Bulma got an email that someone was going to invade Capsule Corps. Davion saw this and wouldn't let it stand even though Bulma made a security system for shit like this.

Bulma also shared notes with Davion because he was interested in her work. Unfortunately, her notes were more complex than her words so Davion didn't understand the shit she wrote.

[New Timeline]

As you know, timelines in dragonball are complex but simple. Certain things can make new timelines. New applications, new entities, new options, but somethings might not make a new timeline as well. In this series, just see the new additions as the timeline not actually abiding by the original. I explain this just in case some people don't understand.


I hope this helped you guys understand everyone's roles and how they are as a character. ADIOS!!!:)