
Dragon Ball H, Greater Days +18

Davion was a 17 year old boy that died. He was supposed to have been reborn as a baby but was put in the body of Raditz.

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14 Chs

Exploration? Or Just A Meeting

The world shall be in peril in the following year. Our heroes can no longer have a frivolous life with their planet on the line. With this new addition to the team, how will our heroes fair against the strongest threat they've ever faced?

The Saiyan, Davion decided on helping the Z Fighters on their conquest of victory against the Saiyans currently approaching earth. Of course, his real objective had nothing to do with helping them. Before his soul was transferred over to this reality, he was a fighting fanatic. Anytime he had a chance to show off his fighting prowess, he'd take it. His spirit and body heighten his lust for battle. Hearing the entry of stronger opponents made his blood boil in excitement.

Not wanting to walk around in public with only boots and underwear, he asked Piccolo a favor before their departure.

"Hmph, you're asking the wrong person. I don't give clothing out to anyone." He then flew off with Gohan in hand.

"That failed." When he turned around to ask Krillin and the rest, he was called out.

"Hey!! If you need clothes then come to my place!" Bulma yelled over the engine of her vehicle so Davion can hear her.

"Uh, Bulma. Do you think that's the smart thing to do?"

"Yeah? Why is something wrong?"

"Yeah, we don't know what that guy's thinking or what he'll do."

"Krillin you worry too much. If he was really bad, wouldn't we all be dead by now?" Bulma replied.

"I mean…" Krillin was unsure about the whole situation.

"Bulma's right y'know. I don't sense any negative intent from that man. And if the odds are stacked against us, we'd be powerless to stop him from gettin what he wants." Master Roshi wisely said to Krillin.

"…Master Roshi's right." Krillin thought. "Even if we had Tienshinhan and Yamcha with us, we still couldn't win against him. And there's suppose to be people even stronger than him?!?" Krillin dug his nails into his palm and clenched his jaw.

Davion put a thumb up at Bulma. "Sure! I'll follow you guys there!" With that, they flew off to their designation. First, they had to drop off Krillin and Master Roshi at Kame's House.

"So this is where it is." He took a mental note of the location of Kame's House. Then, he flew side by side with Bulma to her house.

After Krillin waved them goodbye. He looked at Master Roshi with a look of determination and frustration. Unbeknownst to Roshi, Krillin bows to show his respect to his teacher.

"PLEASE TEACH ME TURTLE HERMIT STYLE ONCE AGAIN, MASTER ROSHI!!" At one point, Krillin was considered to be a rival to Goku. And as time passed, the gap between him and Goku widened. With these knee threats arising, he could feel the difference in power between him and everyone else. What's a hill to a mountain? And what's a mountain to a country?

Master Roshi contemplated. "So what I said earlier reached him in more ways than one." The old man smiled for a second. "Hehk, you want to start from the bottom again? Well, we've got some work to do then."

[Back at Capsule Corps]

Bulma's flying vehicle lands safely in front of Capsule Corps. Davion lands on top of the vehicle. Bulma hopped out.

He was led to the shower to take a bath as she went to go grab some clothing for him. He sung a tune to pass the time while he took a shower.

"🎵Yeah, Yeah, Yeah~🎵" Tapping his feet along the tub's floor, splashing the water as it runs down the drain. What was a hassle was washing all of the hair he had. It was literally EVERYWHERE! It was like 12+ inches of hair he had to thoroughly rinse wash, and rinse again.


"Hey! Here's your clothes!" She yelled so he could hear her over the running shower. She opened the door and placed his clothes near the sink.

"You'll have to stick with my...boyfriend's clothes for now."

"Aight." His tail was so convenient. He could use it to scrub his back down without the need of an extended scrubber or anything of the sort. He could even grab the shower head and let the water directly flow down his back from up close. It was great.

He caught onto something though. A conversation starter? Maybe? Or it might just be the nosy side of him.

Davion stepped out the shower drenched. He dried himself off with the towel presented to him. Getting dressed, he looked at his wet ass hair and decided to leave his shirt off. It'd be a waste to get it wet when he just put the shit on.


Bulma approached the bathroom again. "Why does he speak like that? Must be a Saiyan thing." She thought. Davion speaks in Ebonics most of the time. It's something he's been doing since he was young. It is a habit he hasn't gotten rid of.

She entered the bathroom and had a hair dryer in hand. "My name isn't Earth Woman, it's Bulma."

"Weird ass name."

That part got on her nerves. "This is what you wanted? A hair dryer?" So she ignored it.

"That looks like a weapon."

"It's not."

"Does it shoot highly compressed gamma rays?"

"No, it's a hair dryer. It dries hair."

"So what? It collects air and blows it out?"

"No, it has a built in fan inside it and something that heats up the air that the fan blows out to dry hair."

"So it is a weapon."


"Shii, I'll spin around to dry my hair then. You just trynna burn me."

"And what? Wait till you get tangled up by your own hair?" She giggled. "Then call for help when you can't get out by yourself?"

"I ain't dumb enough to get caught in my own hair."

"If you say so. Bend down, I'll just dry your hair for you."

"Oh yeah, almost forgot you were short." Davion bent his knees and Bulma kicked him because of the short comment.

[All This Hair]

While she dried his hair, a mental image of Davion smiling appeared in his mind. "So you gotta lover? Is it that small ass bald guy?"

"No, that's Krillin. You haven't seen him yet. It's not like we're going to be together for a while anyways."

"Sumn happen?"

"...Yes but it has nothing to do with you."

"If you ain't gon tell me then who you gon tell?"

Even though she didn't know Davion like that. He had a point. Who else was actively going to listen to her relationship problems? Her dad's always busy, her mom is air headed, and everyone else she hangs out with are fighting fanatics. This was one of if not the first time someone actually asked her about his love life or was even interested in her personal life at all.

She sighed in defeat. "He….cheated on me."

"Cheated? Like, he got with another woman?"

She nodded her head. "I found out that he's been getting with other women for a while now."

"Hm, if that's the case. Then it's probably two things. He's too horny or he's not satisfied with just you. I don't know if this exist on Earth but I believe in a polygamous relationship. If he simply wanted to be with multiple women then he shouldn't have settled down with one."

"I just don't understand why he'd cheat on me."

"Well, when I called you short, you attacked me."

"…You're an alien that could destroy the world on a whim. A hit like that won't hurt anybody."

"She's right, I saw the hit coming a mile away but was too lazy to dodge it. Plus I didn't want her falling because she didn't perform a low kick properly." He thought.

"Have you tried doin the the same shit to him?" Davion suggested.


"Have you tried cheating on him?"

"No, I've been busy with my father's company to do that. Why would I do that anyways??"

"To get back at him. He's broken your heart, manipulated your trust, so you should get back at him."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"A lot of the men around here are stupid or are meatheads. I can't sleep with someone that I'm not attracted to."

"Well then." He stood up straight and turned around. "What about me?"

Davion and Bulma made eye contact. "What about you?"

"If you wanna get back at him." He placed his hand upon her chin, tilting her head up to him.

"Wouldn't I be the best option?" What stood before Bulma was a man filled with confidence. She blushed lightly as he pulled away and grabbed his shirt.

"Preciate you dryin my hair for me. You're a scientist so replicate my scouta(scouter) and I'll stay in touch." He walked out the bathroom without saying anything else, leaving Bulma speechless.

[Taking Flight]

Before his training even begun, he flew to the nearest city in search of a gym.

"There's a city!" He descends from the sky and flies across the city to continue searching for a gym. As he was flying he saw a display of strength from someone with a black and red gi on. They were laughing an smiling while taking on a multitude of people at once. Intrigued, Davion placed himself on a wall behind the man and casually listened in.

Surrounded, the man wasn't in danger. In fact, the one's around him were exhausted but they didn't have a hint of injuries on them. From what Davion could gather, the man was going to give one million Zeni to whoever could land one hit on him.

Apparently, the card on the table holds that much money on it. What was unsettling to Davion was the man's attire. They had a hoodie on that was seemingly baggy, black joggers, and a mask that covered their mouth and nose.

"Are they a wanted criminal?" Davion tilted his head like a puppy.

"GYHAHAHA! Don't tell me you guys are tired already?" Their voice sounded kinda forced. Like a child trying to make their voice deeper than it already is but he shrugged it off. Some people just have weird voices.

A shadowy figure towers over the hooded man. "I'd like a go."

The man feels an overwhelming presence lingering behind them. An icy chill sunders down his spinal cord. His immediate reaction was leaping away to gain a good amount of distance from the presence he sensed. The hooded man lands in a way for them to face the direction of this presence.

It belonged to none other than Davion. He was smiling joyfully with a red and black gi on.

"What is this guy? That presence comes from him? That's absurd!" The mysterious man's thoughts were in a reck.

Davion read the sign that proposed the challenge. "1 million Zeni just to hit yo ass once?" He looked back at the hooded man. "Zeni gotta be money then. Bet!" He smiled deviously while cracking his knuckles one by one.

The hooded man got into a stance unfamiliar to Davion. Their right palm was facing Davion with their left as well. The catch was their positions. One palm was in front while the other (left, was in the back. The left arm was bent completely. His forearm touched his bicep as his torso was diagonally angled to the left. The right arm was extended outward, only bent a little. They were each at chest level. The left leg was had the most weight placed on it. The body slightly leaned more on the left leg than the right. The right was more extended than the left. They had a bit of space between them to distributed the weight of the body accurately between the two.

"It must be their defensive stance. I'll play along for the money." Davion didn't get into any type of stance. It adds to the unpredictability of his attacks. He slid his hands in his pockets while walking toward the man.

"Not using your hands? That arrogance will cost you."

"Whatever, I better get my money's worth after this." Davion reached the man and initiated an attack immediately. His body leans back while his knee is brought up. The sole of his foot is sent toward the man's chest plate. The man makes a motion with his hands as the foot was moving toward him. It seems like they were planning on partying the attack and slipping. By redirecting the attack, they send the power elsewhere which causes the attack to overextend their limb.

Their hand touch the leg but phases through. It was an afterimage.

Davion's hips were already open, his pivot foot twist and his foot was closing in on their cheek. The man steps back once and the side of their hoodie makes contact with the foot instead of their cheek. The force of the attack rips the hood off.

Davion spins around with the momentum of the kick and stands straight once again. "Okay, you quick wit it, huh."

The man's concentration grew.

"I underestimated you. I won't make the same mistake twice." They sounded girlier now.

"I knew it." In his hand was the mask they were wearing. The "man" noticed at the last second. They covered their mouth when they noticed the mask was in his possession.

"You're a woman." Davion said.

"I admire a strong woman but I see if I was right." With one step, he sent his kneecap into her naval(belly button). She spit up before being fainting. Yoshiteru caught her before she hit the ground.

"I won." He grabbed the card and flew off.

The people who were around were confused on the events that transpired. "So magicians are real??" They scoffed it off as Magic.

[Back at Capsule Corps]

A few hours later, he came back to capsule corps without the girl. Davion did have the card that held 1 million Zeni. He walked on in through her patio.

"Bulma! You there!?" He called out to her. The sound of a shower running hit Davion's ears. "Oh she takin a shower. Might as we-"


"Weird, thought she'd yell at me for comin through like this."


"Is she arguing with Yamcha in the shower? Talk about toxic." Diabolical, a diabolical idea popped up in his head like a light bulb. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up until it reached his head. He dropped his shirt on the floor and heads to the shower.

"Takin off anymore than this just gon make it weirder than it already is. If things go south then….. Let's do this." He knocked on the Bulma's bathroom door.

"Bulma! You there?!"

It went quiet. All that could be heard was Yamcha's voice.

"Bulma's who's that?" Yamcha said nervously.

She smiled as she turned off the shower head by turning the knob. "That's payback."

"Good one, Bulma. I get it now. I was wrong Bulma, I'm sorry."

Bulma zoned him out as she was drying her body and hair.

"Yamcha, we'll talk when you come over."

"Wait but you sai-" Immediately, she hung up.

With a towel wrapped around her body, Davion saw Bulma in her glory when the door open. His body temperature rised. He felt like he was melting just from being near her.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, the fucks goin on??" He was mentally confused. He's never felt like this before. In his last life he was a virgin so he's never made it farther than this. He'd usually just flirt girls into "submission". His acting skills were superb though so even if he was melting in the inside he could play it off.

"Sooo… can we finish from where we left off?" Bulma placed her left hand on his chest while looking at his concealed body with a feinted rosy tint lying on her cheeks.

Davion felt gritty. Any regrets he might've had were thrown out of the window. He was doing such a scummy thing but at this very moment, he didn't care. Davion just wanted to get in Bulma's panties.

"Hell yeah." His hand gently tilts her chin up. He leans down as she stands on her toes. Their lips meet in the center, indulging in a passionate yet lustful kiss.(I'll let nothing but imagination smack y'all)

[The first month]

A plateau might have been hit. For the last month, Davion has been flying around to find martial art teachers to learn from. He's went to dojo to dojo challenging the entire dojo to a fight. The fight in and of itself wasn't a form of training. None of them could stand up to him in speed or power so it'd be a wash if he tried even a little. The true training came from analyzing their way of fighting. This was also a great way to gain money. How? He'd gamble a large sum of money that he doesn't have to bait the teachers of the dojo. If they bite, he'd be taking a large pool of money home. Some accepted, some declined, regardless it's a win-win situation for Davion.

Because of this trench he's hit, doing the same things would do less for him. He was already pseudo satisfied with the current results. What he needed right now, was an opponent but there was no one currently present that could be a match for him.

"This is wild." The only thing rushing through his mind was the urge to get stronger. It was quite depressing.

For now, he sat in an unknown area around 100 miles away from Piccolo and Gohan.

"So this is the mind of a Saiyan. Heh." Getting accustomed to this body's biology must be the first order of business. This Saiyan urge to battle was getting annoying. Ironic because he thought this same thing about himself in his past life. Always wanting to fight after learning how to fight. Fortunately, it helped him look forward in life even when he's in his darkest times.

He was in an era of loneliness since there was no one strong enough to actually compete with him. Did this stop his training? No but it slowed down.

So adding an extra layer of enjoyment was in need. This extra layer was him finally becoming social.

As he pondered on his life in a meditative state, a sharp whip like sound pierced his ears. One hand rose up to the level of his jaw and faced the opposite direction from his body. Clashing with his hand was a foot around 7 in men's shoe size.

"Someone's gotten sharper in the last month." Davion commented.

The one who mysteriously attacked Davion was the woman he fought against for some money. This was one of his sources of entertainment.

This woman was like Chi Chi; strict, beautiful, and wanted to find a strong and battle hardened man to marry. Her name was Shoena.

"Your development surprised me. To think you'd grow so fast in one month."

"Enough of your flattery." One foot twist along the ground as she raised a knee. As her body follows her foot, spinning 360 degrees, she strikes with the twisting foot. Her hip is put into the strike, accumulating more power into her leg.

"Unfortunately." The back of Davion's left hand pressed against her foot lightly. This decreased the kick's momentum as his head turns and he moves to the side. His hand was extracted from her foot and Shoena misses completely. She catches herself as the man was getting up.

"Your strikes are too wide so it's easy to predict where and when you are going to strike. You also lack a connection within your combos."

She growled at Davion's commentary. "Spare me your lecture and recall your proposition."

"Oh yeah." He wagged his finger near his face in remembrance. "If you can land one hit on me in six months then I'd marry you, give your money back, and be your dog."

"That's correct. Having a strong man like you as my slave is nothing more than beneficial." She said with a crazy grin on her face.

"Then shouldn't you listen to me so you'd have a better chance at winning?"

"I don't need your pitiful lessons of martial combat. I shall be victorious through my own efforts." She said in a prideful manner.

This was candy for his eyes. A woman with a high amount of pride in her craft.

"Quite honestly, this was unexpected. My first interaction with a woman outside the main cast so happened to have untapped talent. I'm not even a certified teacher but I still think I could help her out in a sense."

"QUIT SPACING OUT!!!" A straight palm to the center of his face missed via a slip. Davion enters her range and placed one hand on her forearm. His shoulder slams into her solar plexus. Shoena's back arched from the blow as she gasped for air. Davion's exposed leg sweeps her off her feet. As she left the ground, his hand was placed on her pelvis. He rotates her body and slammed her onto the ground.

She was out of breath and dazed from the slam and shoulder bash.

He looked down at her while she was laid out. "You also have a tendency of leaving holes in your guard. Remember to always retract your arms and legs immediately after striking. That's the basics of martial arts."

"Now you told me to remember my part of the deal so I pray to Kami that you remember yours."

She scoffed at the mere sound of his voice. It wasn't a disdain toward him though. "I remember the details...vividly."

"Good, I guess it's safe to say that you can graduate from the first part of your training, Shoena. So I shall issue a test."

"HUH?!?" She arises from her laid position.

"I told you to spare me your lectures!!"

"Well too fuckin bad. Now this test is quite easy. You have to hunt one of the local land dragons."

"That's…..that's unreasonable!! No matter how skilled one is it is completely illogical to."

As she rambled, he tapped his scouter to see how strong she's gotten. "100? I guess she was at 30 when I first met her. But at this rate she'll get murked by a fucking saibamen." He thought to himself.

Davion then pulled out a lighter and what seems to be a blunt. "Sounds like a you problem." He lights one side of the blunt and inhales once the end was bright red orange.

Shoena growled at him again, bearing her vampiric fangs before walking off.

"She's right about one thing." He lets out a large puff of smoke.

"No matter how skilled you are, if you do not have the strength to back it up then you're fucked. I'll have to work her even harder at this point."

[Shoena's P.O.V]

With her cat like tail tucked, Shoena was displeased by her situation.

"Does he truly expect me to hunt a land dragon(a dinosaur)? That's preposterous!! Such an unruly and impossible task." Aggression filled her eyes for a moment but a realization occurs.

"And what does he mean test? Is he underestimating my power? Saying I'd struggle against a measly lizard?!" She was more infuriated at the thought of him looking down on her capabilities just because he was stronger than him.

"You bastard." She growled while turning into a bat. "One land dragon is not enough for me!" She flew off to find a land dragon from above.

If you guys are confused on his switch of mannerisms or the way he speaks. It’s linked to how he’s thinking and what he’s thinking. Like how goku sounds dumb some times but sound smart sometimes too.

RollenMajorcreators' thoughts