

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

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32 Chs

Chapter 7-Don't Worry, I'm Not Your Enemy!


"He is too powerful. Despite Vegeta's hundreds of attacks, none of them touched his body!"

"And he is just playing with Vegeta; he looks so calm."

Despite Vegeta's lightning-fast speed, Krillin and the others were well aware that Vegeta had launched numerous attacks in the last moment, none of which had managed to strike the man with the silver hair.

How quick he is is imaginable.

"Sou... you jerk, I will never be able to forgive you!"

Vegeta easily sidestepped hundreds of attacks at this point, and he went completely insane.

It is okay if this is typical.

However, having recently attained Super Saiyan status, I have not yet completely experienced the power of Super Saiyan.

What a disappointment!

Vegeta, who places a high value on herself, finds this to be completely unacceptable.


Vegeta's breathing began to rise after he let out a low growl.

There is also more of an intense golden arrogance surrounding the body.

Vegeta launched another attack after reaching a certain level of aura elevation.

Despite the fact that it seems a little stronger than before.

After all, one of the characteristics of Saiyan is its ability to erupt with comparatively strong power when enraged.

Vegeta is not Son Gohan, but when he gets angry, he can erupt in a way that is beyond description.

However, it does help him gain a little bit of strength after getting angry.

Simply put, such an advancement is completely insufficient to close the distance between him and Ron.

It appears that I may have overestimated my strength. Vegeta, the distance between us is too great."

"So, I am not interested in playing with you anymore!"

Before Ron could even finish speaking, Vegeta was standing in front of him.

Ron reached out with his right hand, touching Vegeta's chest with his index and middle fingers without swerving or avoiding.

Click! !

The battle suit on Vegeta's chest exploded instantly.

The body flipped upside down, like an arrow leaving the string.

With a burst of blood from his mouth, he instantly transformed out of the Super Saiyan form.

Vegeta lost all of his fighting ability with a single blow.

Here's where the gap is.

Ultimately, his fighting ability is limited to 300 million!

Boom boom boom!

The body eventually stopped after it smashed into four or five mountain peaks!

There is a startling mark on the ground.

"You are kidding me? How? "How is this even possible?"

Not only did Piccolo gape in shock, but Krillin and Tien Shinhan were left speechless.

"I did not think he would defeat Vegeta so quickly after he turned Super Saiyan."

At first, they all saw that Vegeta and that guy were very different.

But I did not expect the gap to be so large.

Vegeta launched hundreds of attacks without ever coming into contact with an opponent's clothing corner.

However, Vegeta was instantly eliminated from battle by that guy's single, simple blow.

"You two stay here silently!"

"I will head over to see how things stand. He should not be our enemy, according to my gut."

"That Vegeta guy is too rash and too egotistical, Tch." With a head turn, Piccolo addressed Krillin and Tien Shinhan.

I hope the guy in front of Vegeta was not offended by his careless behavior just now.

Otherwise, things could get really ugly.


Tien Shinhan and Krillin nodded dutifully as well.

For they all knew they could not afford to play around with this guy standing in front of them.

He could not possibly be able to defeat them all together if he could instantly kill Vegeta!

Saying that they do not even exist in the same dimension is not hyperbole.

Piccolo could only cast a nervous glance at Ron.

Then he said, "May I ask who you are?" in a very courteous manner.

In fact, he was still deeply embarrassed to say such a thing.

However, I am unable to take care of myself at this time.

"My name is Piccolo, and the two of them are my companions," Piccolo said after noticing that Ron remained silent. You were offended by Vegeta just now. Pardon his ignorance, please."

"a very arrogant person."

Ron did not want to add to Piccolo's politeness by making things difficult for him.

After all, I don't hate guys like Piccolo and Son Goku.

Piccolo has also always been extremely proud. He is able to say such a thing at this point, which is obviously diminished.

"Do not worry, my name is Ron. I'm not your enemy."

Ron went on.

Despite everything he has been through in the last few years, he is done needing friends!

However, there is no reason to oppose them.

"Oh! So it's Mr. Ron."

To Piccolo's relief, Ron clarified that he was not antagonistic.

"Come along if you want to see other artificial humans; I am going to show you!"

Ron's body jumped at the sound of his voice, turning into an afterimage that hurried into the valley.

Without pausing, Piccolo went straight after.

Because he always thought that the artificial man was a little off right now.

Future Trunks claimed that artificial intelligence possesses great power.

But Trunks can handle it all if it is just the strength at this moment.

This is just my own theory, though it is possible that other, more powerful artificial humans are behind them.

Gritting their teeth, Krillin and Tien Shinhan followed.
