

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

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32 Chs

Chapter 5-You Are Not Qualified To Talk To Me Like That!


"Hey, you guys need to get back to Kakarot ASAP so he can finish the special medication."

"You can also watch TV and drink milk when you get home. I am capable of caring for these puppets on my own."

Vegeta's mouth corners lifted as he spoke, casting a haughty glance at Piccolo and Krillin.

He does, however, now have the right to act haughty around them.

" What statement did Vegeta make?

"Is he unaware that there is someone else with more power?"

Krillin said, his expression doubtful.

The things this guy says are a little too self-respecting.

It appears that the only people who can fight are their Saiyans!

"I will return Goku first. In any case, I can not really help because I am the weakest of us." Yamcha stated in a proactive manner.

That may have embarrassed him to say it, but it was the reality.

He did not do any additional training during that time; his main priorities were practicing baseball and picking up girls.

Thus, the strength has not changed.


"Son is highly likely to spread the virus that is causing his heart condition. When you get here, you should also take a specific medication." With a nod, Piccolo spoke to Yamcha.

Later on, Yamcha sent Son Goku back, and Vegeta performed a wave as he delighted.

Vegeta shocked Piccolo and the others by becoming Super Saiyan.

Because, as they previously understood, having a calm heart is necessary in order to transform into a Super Saiyan.

Furthermore, Vegeta clearly does not have that illness.

However, Vegeta claims that he has an extremely pure evil heart.

All it takes to become a Super Saiyan is for him to have an evil heart.

The only thing that is unknown to him is the intense training he underwent to become Super Saiyan.

Naturally, Vegeta paired with Android 19 quite easily.

And nearly humiliatingly lost.

Android 20 can only flee after realizing Vegeta's strength.

Since number 19's strength exceeds Son Goku's, he has recently absorbed a great deal of his energy.

Vegeta handled him with ease as well.

Then he will never be able to oppose Vegeta; if he stays here, he will only perish!

Furthermore, he now understands how incorrect his earlier energy estimates for Son Goku and Vegeta were.

due to the fact that the energy Son Goku and Vegeta just displayed was far stronger than my estimation.

Vegeta was not in a rush to pursue.

Rather, he abruptly looked up at the nearby mountaintop.

He directly extended three fingers and launched an energy ball overhead.

It was only at that point that Piccolo and the others realized someone had been watching what was happening here from the top of the opposite mountain.

Surprisingly, Vegeta found out while even he remained unaware.


The energy ball burst as soon as it reached the summit of the mountain.

A flash of Ron's body occurred in front of Piccolo and Vegeta.

Not even Ron anticipated that the first person to discover who they were would go to Vegeta!

You should be aware that Piccolo is exceptionally intelligent and has far superior hearing and vision than the average person.

He did not seem to notice himself at all, as if he was too involved right now.

"Who is this guy?"

"Are you with the artificial people?"

Krillin and Tien Shinhan asked solemnly as soon as they saw Ron appear.

They never learned that he was hiding at the top of the mountain because this guy never let out a breath.

"That is not how it should be. He does not have that feeling of sin and evil, and it does not feel like him."

"Have you not noticed before how unique and recognizable the "RR" emblem is on the clothing of artificial people?"

With a shake of his head, Piccolo said.

Based on his attire, this guy seems more like a regular person on Earth.

However, this guy has silver hair, and while most people's pupils are black on Earth, this guy's are light purple.

This is sufficient evidence of his uniqueness from the average person.

And he could not see his movements at all when he suddenly materialized in front of them just now.

He most likely possesses extremely strong strength.

However, he felt nothing dangerous from his body, and he had always had very good sense.

It implies that he should not be around people made by humans!

I am not sure what his goal is.

"Hey, are you in the same group as the two puppet people made just now, or are you sneaking around on top of the mountain?"

With a pompous expression on his face, Vegeta gazed at Ron and posed a question.

Just after becoming a Super Saiyan, Vegeta's self-confidence swelled even more.

So ignored Ron's frightening speed just now.

"You talk so rudely!"

With a low voice, Krillin said.

"What does sneaky mean?"

"I stood there openly, it is just that you were blind and did not see it, why did it get into your mouth, but it was sneaky," Ron grinned, fixing his gaze on Vegeta.

"Had not your parents taught you that it is polite to ask people?"

Quite frankly, he is grown to dislike Vegeta.

This man's excessive haughtiness, conceit, and self-righteousness are some of the reasons.

Second, Ron was very irritated with me because I did not even enter their gate the last time I visited the capsule company.

Even though their rage has subsided, they still do not think well of Vegeta.

In particular, this self-righteous Vegeta at this time.

"Oh really?"

"It appears that you are not afraid of death because you are the first person who dares to talk to me like that."

"How dare you speak in such a manner to Super Vegeta!"

With a neutral expression, Vegeta lifted the corner of his mouth and spoke.

Now that he is Super Saiyan, he is eager to battle.

This careless guy would unexpectedly dare to provoke him.

"I fear death, of course!"

"But you are not authorized to speak to me in this manner."

"Believe not that you will become invincible by becoming a Super Saiyan!"

"Too many entities in this world are more powerful than Super Saiyan."

Quite bluntly, Ron told Vegeta.

Considering that many people are currently stronger than Super Saiyan Vegeta.

Vegeta is weaker than Android 17, Android 18, and Android 16.

The artificial monsters Cell, Son Goku, and Son Gohan will surpass him in a few days.

Super Vegeta then turned into a joke.
