

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

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32 Chs

Chapter 27-Ultra Instinct!


"This sensation?"

"Probably not, how could he master that realm, he is just a mortal?"

Seeing Ron sidestep Champa's blow once more, Vados's expression abruptly changed.

It appears to be astonished.

Ron appeared to have cast Ultra Instinct in the instant before he dodged.

However, that should not be the case because how could he learn something like Ultra Instinct if he was just a mortal?

However, I could sense something very familiar returning from his body.

Is there a chance that he is actually Angel?

It is simply not this time and space's Angel.

You have to be aware that while it is unlikely, things of this nature will still occur.

"If this is true, this guy is most likely Angel."

Vados got serious about watching the game.

Because Ultra Instinct and the moment Ron just avoided were so similar.

Moreover, he has silvery white hair.

This and Angel are remarkably similar as well.

Even though I can still feel that he is essentially human, he appears to have some Angelic traits.

"How do you prevent it this time?"

Champa's expression returned to its fierce expression after a moment of surprise.

Then the body reappeared in flashes.

Another unfancy punch delivered straight to the gut.

Ron had a very composed look on his face, and he easily sidestepped Champa's blow with another quick movement of his body.

"This is just not possible—it is not possible at all!"

"How is this possible to happen?"

Ron was evaded by the two successive attacks, and Champa's face turned somewhat uglier.

It is obviously not a coincidence that both attacks miss if the first one misses by coincidence.

The fact that this guy moves with such frightening speed is the issue.

able to quickly avoid his own attack.

You must understand that no one in the universe can avoid their own attack, with the exception of Vados.

Nobody is safe from his own assault.

It is infeasible for a mortal being to be comparable, even if I have reduced my combat power to an extremely low level!

"This little guy really seems to have mastered the Ultra Instinct,"

"How would a mortal like him know about Ultra Instinct's existence? And he has also mastered Ultra Instinct."

"But I should know something about it if it is Angel, even in another time and space."

Vados was a little taken aback at this point.

She was baffled by it and wondered how this guy had mastered Ultra Instinct.

And it is clear that he is quite proficient at it.

Even the Gods of Destruction are completely incapable of doing it, save from that Angel.

Only Gods of Destruction Beerus of the Seventh Universe has crossed the threshold into Ultra Instinct.

Since Ultra Instinct is the domain of gods, mortals are completely unable to interact with it.

More specifically, it ought to be the typical state of an Angel.

Does Whis give this guy any special training?

However, I have never heard Whis mention hiring apprentices.

He is obviously not as strong as Mr. Champa, but he is always carried himself with composure.

Furthermore, based on his prior statements, it appears that he is aware of the existence of Gods of Destruction and appears to be aware that Master Champa is one of them.

It appears that this little man has a lot of secrets and is incredibly mysterious!

Right when Vados was getting really confused.

Already, Champa had clenched his jaw and launched another assault.

It was a great embarrassment to him, the Gods of Destruction, that neither of his attacks struck a single mortal.

Again, Champa's body vanished in a flash.

Swipe! !

Several successive attacks were launched in a split second.

Every kick and every punch seems capable of tearing the room apart.

It is undeniable that the Gods of Destruction attack is horrifying.

Furthermore, he had not used all of his strength just yet.

Perhaps he fears Beerus, the God of Destruction, and Whis, the God of the Seventh Universe.

Since he is the God of Destruction of the sixth universe, he should never be able to enter the seventh universe, regardless of how long his arms are.

Moreover, Beerus and Champa are never in agreement.

Despite being twin brothers, they act antagonistic toward each other and are incredibly envious of each other.

Ron continued to sidestep Champa's blow after using Ultra Instinct.

The speed quickened as he became more serious.

Ron felt his speed was not up to par right now, even with Ultra Instinct cast.

Ultimately, there is not even a slight difference between him and the person destroying.

Champa may be the weakest God of Destruction, but that existence is unquestionably not comparable to the present!

brush! !

Champa swept out again.

It made no difference to his speed at all that he appeared so fat.

It was swiftly avoided by Ron's body retreating.

He managed to avoid Champa's blow, but the searing energy was hurting his chest.

"It appears that using Ultra Instinct to dodge is not an option."

I must put up a strong fight. I have no choice but to flee if I can not defeat him then."

Ron thought.

Even so, it is a very shameful thing to run away.

However, you will not hesitate to choose life over face if given the option.

People who have lived two lives will value their lives even more, after all.
