

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

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Chapter 23-Vados: He Is Not From Our Angel Family


"Lord Champa, you can relax about this."

"Lord Beerus is sleeping right now, and given his disposition, it will be decades before he wakes up."

Vados stated adamantly.

She has some knowledge of the affairs of the seventh universe despite being the Angel of the sixth universe.

Especially the sleepy Gods of Destruction of the Seventh Universe.

I recall that omni king Zeno hosted a peek-a-boo competition across the universe tens of millions of years ago.

For fifty years, Lord Beerus did nothing but hide and sleep. During that time, Omni King Zeno nearly destroyed every universe that had been in danger of extinction.

And all the Gods of Destruction detest Beerus so much as a result of that incident!!!

It is therefore possible to imagine Beerus' level of sleepiness.

"Anyhow, there is still time."

Champa spoke once more.

I never felt comfortable around Beerus, even when he was sleeping.

I wonder if that guy just woke up. If so, what should I do?

"All right!"

Vados also nodded.

I will not be able to enjoy delicious food at the end if things do not work out.

This is the issue that worries me the most.

Right before the two turned to walk away.

A sharp noise suddenly erupted, and a figure appeared across from the two.

And of course, this figure that materialized out of nowhere was Ron, who had just galloped over after sensing the presence of God.

He did not expect to meet Champa and Vados; at first, he believed that these two divine Ki should be Beerus and Whis.

"Is that really both of them? Why did these two come to the seventh universe?"

Ron also wore a horrified expression when he saw Champa and Vados once more.

since everything about it differs greatly from my imagination.

He believed he could see Beerus and Whis.

But now what was in front of my eyes was Vados and Champa.

"By the way, I recall that Champa and Vados in Dragon Ball Super searched for super dragon balls for over 20 years."

"Then, at this point, they emerged in the seventh universe, probably in search of Super Dragon Ball."

Ron soon realized why they had traveled to the seventh universe.

Ron finds the character of Champa in Dragon Ball Super to be quite irritating.

The typical kind of narrow-minded, ill-tempered, and lazy.

He thinks highly of Angel Vados from the Sixth Universe.

Vados has light blue skin, but it does not seem to take away from her beauty—in fact, it gives her a hint of exotic color.

Ultimately, certain white girls are also highly popular in real life.

"Nani? This guy—who is he? Why did he appear out of nowhere?"

Champa and Vados also had surprised expressions on their faces when they saw Ron.

since they never imagined that mortals would exist here.

"How in the world is this happening? Vados."

"Why did this guy just show up here, and based on his appearance"

Champa glanced at Ron before turning to Vados.

This guy, incidentally, resembles Angel quite a bit.

The same pale purple pupils, the same silver-white hair.

He realized this guy looked more like him, especially after looking at Vados.

"Master Champa, I am not sure either."

Vados gave a headshake.

She had never seen such a guy.

Simply put, something about him seems a little too familiar.

And the fact that he arrived here so quickly attests to the fact that he is also quite strong.

"Are you not aware of him?"

"However, he seems to resemble your Angel a little bit. Could he be an apprentice Angel from the Seventh Universe or something?"

Champa enquired once more.

The power of God also appears to be contained in this man's body.

Which implies that he is probably an Angel.

"He isn't!"

Vados gave a firm shake of his head and declared, "Merus is the apprentice Angel of the Seventh Universe, not him."

"And he is the only Angel like any other, among all the Angels and trainee Angels."

"So I am positive he is not related to our Angel family."

Despite the fact that every Angel is accountable for aiding a universe's gods of destruction.

There are therefore not many chances for them to meet.

However, the total number of Angels, including the apprentice Angels and those in that universe, is still quite high, and they are still quite familiar with one another.

They are, after all, each other's brothers and sisters and the Grand Priest's children.

Thus it makes sense to comprehend.

He therefore felt certain that this man was not Angel.

Certainly not from their Angelic lineage!

"So that is the reality!"

"It seems like he just looks like Angel based on what you have said."

Champa uttered a casual remark.

Nothing would have happened if it were not for Angel.

He could kill him directly.

It is impossible for Beerus to know that he killed someone in his universe because it is so large.

It is estimated that he will have no idea what is happening, even if he were to destroy a planet on his own.
