

ORIGINAL AUTHOR: DRAGON BALL LIST NAME: 人在西都:开局选择天使血脉 RAW: Chapter 210 Accidentally traveling through the world of Dragon Ball, Ron activated the god-level selection system. At the beginning, choose the bloodline to survive in this world. [Option 1: Freeze's blood of the devil! 】 [Option 2:Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline! 】 [Option 3: Enhanced version of Angel's bloodline! 】 [Choice 4: Ancient Demon Bloodline! 】 Looking at the choices given by the system, Ron chose the Angel bloodline without hesitation. The opening directly awakens Angel's normality, perfect Ultra Instinct... Ten years later, the Gods of Destruction Beerus descended on Earth. Beerus: "Son Goku, there is someone stronger than me in this world, his name is Ron!" Whis: "Ron is clearly Angel, but why didn't I know about him?" Vados, Makarita: "Only Ron is worthy of our Angel." ...

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32 Chs

Chapter 14-Super Vegeta Defeated!



With a worried yell, Trunks felt compelled to move quickly to assist Vegeta.

Naturally, Piccolo and Tien will not fall behind.

Because Trunks claims that these two artificial humans will wipe out the majority of humanity and destroy the planet.

This is now a crisis affecting the entire planet, not just Vegeta.

Thus, they can not just stand by.

Simply put, the three of them were about to stand up when the body of Android 17 materialized in front of them.

He then stated, "This is a battle between Vegeta and No. 18, and none of you are allowed to intervene," with a small smile teasing the corner of his mouth.

"It is okay if you insist on getting involved; then let me play with you!"

Number 17 felt like an unclimbable mountain at this point.

Trunks and Piccolo stopped as well.

Because they were aware that they could not be No. 17's opponent even if they teamed up—or even if they were four people.("~")

Thus, all they can be right now is nervous.

Conversely, Ron had no intention of approaching her.

For he knows full well that the numbers 17 and 18 are not what Trunks claims them to be.

The Android 17 space-time is more powerful than the 18th.

When it comes to this space-time, there is a significant difference between the 17th and 18th.

Since being set free, they have refrained from attempting to murder defenseless people.

And the 16th and 17th also have a great affection for small animals.

They can be described as two extremely compassionate artificial humans.


The mountain peak that was embedded with Vegeta exploded at this precise moment.

Vegeta emerged from within as well, looking a little ashamed at the moment.

The body was covered in scars of varying degrees.

Additionally, there was a bloodstain on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, you awful puppet, you truly caused me to experience discomfort! Not too bad!"

"You will never win my forgiveness, darn puppet."

With blood smearing his white gloves, Vegeta dabbed at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he had a murderous expression in his eyes.

It is acceptable to have lost to that bastard previously!

I never thought I would be so mortified by a woman!

He simply cannot stand it and will never forgive this.

18 sulked.

This man has a really unusual mouth.

I did not mean to hurt him at first; I just wanted to play with him.

However, he frequently said cruel things and lacked moral awareness.

I have to give him a good lesson if this is the case.

to avoid using foul language when speaking to others in the future.

Whoosh! !

Vegeta chose to take the lead once more this time.

because he was completely unable to control his anger.

There was gold flame coming from the clenched fist.

Vegeta is fighting with all of his might, so it is risky.

Still, there is still a significant difference in their respective fighting prowess.

While Vegeta's combat power is only roughly 350 million after recovery, No. 18's combat power can reach up to 450 million.

In fact, it is hard to tell who is strong and who is weak in the Dragon Ball universe, where the strength difference is only about 5%.

Both sides are capable of succeeding.

Even though there may be a certain gap, a battle that is 10% longer in duration will still occur between two people with different combat powers.

However, it is practically a crushing battle when the difference between the two is about 30%.

Absolutely no chance.

As of right now, there is only a roughly 50% difference in combat effectiveness between Android 18 and Vegeta.

Put differently, No. 18 possesses the strength necessary to defeat Vegeta by adopting a crushing stance.


Vegeta's fist struck No. 18 in the forehead within the next second.

But there was no change in No. 18's expression at all.

However, Vegeta's expression went blank.

Then his face took on a pained expression.

I noticed that No. 18's knee was already pressing firmly against Vegeta's chest when I focused in on the camera.


Vegeta spat out bright red blood straight into his mouth.

His expression was one of extreme disbelief right now.

How is it possible for this to occur?

Why was this how it ended?

It was beyond his grasp.

He has become the legendary Super Saiyan.

Why, though, was not he able to win consecutively?

No. 18 was unforgiving even though Vegeta was confused at the moment.

She gave Vegeta a hard kick to the waist that launched him into the air.



When Vegeta's body collided with the nearby mountain peak.

It is clear that No. 18 has more power this time.


Vegeta makes it seem like there is no chance of victory.

Trunks roared as he pulled out the long sword from behind him, avoiding number 17, and threw himself down in the direction of Android 18.

With a pout, Number 18 grasped Trunks' long sword with ease in one hand.

She gave Trunks a forceful chest punch.

Trunks instantly returned to normal after the body went upside down.

It is obvious that one hit eliminated him from the fight.


Piccolo and Tien tried to assist as well, but No. 17 easily defeated them.

Ultimately, the disparity in strength between them is simply too great.

No. 18, having vanquished all those in attendance, combed his blond hair.

No. 17 and No. 18 then turned to face Ron.

Since this individual was the only one who failed to attempt a shot.
