
Dragon Ball! Start With Selecting Super Saiyan 4

Murtadha_Ahmed · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs



Jebi God looked shocked, obviously he couldn't believe it?

Can Linze defeat Majin Buu four years ago?

In that case, that guy is too scary! Now that four years have passed, his strength must be even more terrifying!

And listening to the meaning of the ancestors, Linze has now mastered a more powerful Saiyan transformation form.

"Without the word "?", Majin Buu is very powerful, but there is still a huge gap between it and Linze!"

"Watch it!"

The old Supreme Kai believed in Linze very much and said to God Jebit.


Hearing the high praise of Linze from the ancestors, God Jebit naturally believed it very much!

And he also very much hopes that the words of the ancestors are true, so that Universe will be spared.


On the earth, Majin Buu absorbed Piccolo and naturally gained his keen hearing, and he heard the dialogue between Linze and Son Goku clearly.

"Hey, you arrogant fellow, listening to your tone seems to be able to beat me?"

Majin Buu appeared in front of Linze and Son Goku, looked at Linze confidently, and said.

"Of course, I only need a finger to wipe you out of this world."

Linze smiled and said to Majin Buu with a playful expression.

What Linze said is true. He who has mastered the destructive energy, only needs to say "destroy" to your Majin Buu, and he will completely disappear from this world.

Even if he has the ability to regenerate against the sky, it is useless.


"One finger can beat me!"

"Wow, haha! You really laughed at me. A human being said so innocently. It seems that you don't know how strong I am now! Only then can I say such laughable words."

Majin Buu heard Linze's words and smiled while hugging his belly.

It was like hearing the best joke in the world, tears came out of laughter.

"Laugh to your heart's content! Because soon you won't be able to laugh."

Linze looked calm, watching Majin Buu speak lightly.


"Arrogant things, your energy seems to be very strong, and it must taste good when it becomes chocolate!"

Majin Buu's voice fell, and his body rushed directly towards Linze.

Son Goku hurriedly hid aside when he saw this.

Because I've learned Majin Buu's power just now, after this guy absorbed Gohan, he became a strong metamorphosis!

His own super three form is not his opponent at all.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

call out...

Majin Buu's attack speed is quite amazing.

Originally, Son Gohan's strength surpassed Super Saiyan's three Son Goku, and now it is absorbed by Majin Buu. After the combination of the two, the overall strength is naturally stronger.

The slight side of Linze's body escaped Majin Buu's attack.

Although Majin Buu's current strength may be stronger than the normal Linze.

But Linze has mastered the flash time skill, Majin Buu can't beat Linze at all.

"Cut, I was hidden away."

Majin Buu frowned slightly.

Obviously, I also realized that Linze is unusual.



Then Majin Buu attacked Linze again.

But the attack did not hit Linze even once.

"Fast speed, what's the matter with that guy? He didn't even transform, and he was able to easily evade Majin Buu's attack."

"And... the moment he dodged, it was as if he had completely disappeared, and he couldn't even feel his breath at all!"

Son Goku looked at Linze in disbelief and muttered to himself.

Unexpectedly, Majin Buu, who was completely unable to contend with Super Saiyan, couldn't even hit Linze with a single punch?

This guy, it's horrible to improve in four years!

"Your speed is too slow, Majin Buu."

Linze glanced at Majin Buu playfully, then his body suddenly disappeared.


In the next second, Majin Buu seemed to have received a heavy blow, and his body flew straight down diagonally.


At the moment of landing, a huge sinkhole was smashed into the ground.

"Ok... so fast?"

"It knocked Majin Buu into the air in an instant! And I didn't even see Linze's movements clearly."

"No, it's not something that can be done quickly. It's like disappearing completely in an instant."

Son Goku's heart was tumbling with the stormy sea, watching Linze and whispering.

If it is fast, even if it is fast, you should be able to feel Linze's breath, but just now...

Linze's anger completely disappeared!

This is a bit too unreasonable.

"It seems that Linze has learned a new trick in the four years since he disappeared."


At this time, the ground exploded.

Majin Buu's body jumped up, his face was full of gloom and cold.

Obviously Linze's attack just now made him angry!

"Damn it, dare to attack me."

"I will never let you go!"

Majin Buu roared suddenly, and the purple flame burst out from his body.

The terrifying air wave spread out in circles.

"Sneak attack? Do you still use sneak attack to deal with your rubbish?"

Linze smiled, and his body disappeared again.

Then a knee hit hit Majin Buu's chin hard.

Majin Buu flew out directly again.

"I still can't see his movements, only at the last moment of the attack."

Son Goku frowned and whispered.

"It's normal, Linze's current strength is not what you can imagine."

The 18th on the side looked at Son Goku and spoke. .