
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

Lemon_Square · Derivasi dari game
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17 Chs

Hazardous Homecoming II

"So, we've got to get clothing, blankets, and some fresh ram's meat for the refugees. The Inquisition needs us to set up forward camps, eliminate the rogue templar and mage camps, seal the rifts in the area, and clear a route to uncle Den's farm. And lastly, visit my folks, cause I'm pretty sure ma would kill me if she found out I came to the hinterlands and didn't pop in for a visit. All in all, not too bad of a list." Malika says while jotting down some notes on a map.

"Oh is that all," Varric says with a smug smile.

"Yes, I too think that that is a rather substantial list for the four of us to cover. I'd recommend we begin post haste." Solas says, making his way south.

"We hear you chuckles. Let's go before he leaves us behind." Varric says falling in behind solas.

As they make their way south, they mark out a couple of spots that might make good forward bases for the Inquisition, and find a few abandoned caches of apostate supplies, before stumbling across the corpse of a young girl... A letter and locket from a lord appearing to be a part of that cult that boy we're looking for indicates that the lord and lady were star-crossed lovers who had decided to run away together. Deciding to meet at the cult where they could be safe together.

Malika huffs, "The daft girl, didn't she know it's dangerous to travel the countryside all alone? Do you guys mind if we take a break to dig a grave... It just feels wrong leaving her there."

"No problem, it seems like the right thing to do," Varric says.

"I think her spirit will appreciate your concern," Solas says grabbing the shovels from his pack.

"I agree." Says Cassandra, pulling out a blanket to wrap the girl.

After about an hour, they finally lay the young girl to rest and carry on south. Where they happen upon a couple of rogue Templars laughing around a fire.

"Ha, ha, ha, the dumb bitch didn't know what hit her. I still can't believe you stabbed her from behind like that." A heavy shield totting templar says to the other.

"What? She could've been an apostate for all I knew... But I do know we needed the coin!" The lightly armored dagger-wielding templar responds with a chuckle.

Malika's blood begins to boil.

"That is deplorable." Cassandra whisper's as she readies her sword.

"Just say the word," Varric says lining up a shot on the heavy Templar.

Solas simply closes his eyes and ready's a barrier for the party.

"I'm glad you guys get me," Malika whispers with a grin.

"Charge!" She yells at the top of her voice, shrouding the nearest Templar in a fountain of flame charing him inside his armor. The second takes an arrow to the side while Cassandra runs him through from behind.

"Good riddance," Cassandra says as the Templar crumbles to the floor.

"Huh, you and I finally agree on something seeker," Varric says as he begins to search them.

"Hey, I think I found something that might interest you. This looks like a map to their main base in the area, as well as an old elven wedding ring." Varric says handing them both over to Malika.

"This may come in handy, but we should keep going south. Gotta find that boy first." Malika says, and with that, the party continues south until a strange monument catches Solus's eye.

"It appears to be a templar. He's clutching a mage's phylactery to his chest. It appears he has succumbed to his wounds while awaiting his beloved's arrival." Solas says, removing the phylactery from the deceased templar. "I recognize the inscription as the name of a refugee mage back at the crossroads. I think she might appreciate its return."

"Good idea, hold on to it, I think I see the entrance to that cult's hideo-." But before Malika could finish that thought. The sound of fighting can be heard in the distance. Rushing towards the fray, they see several Templars attacking an inquisition scout, and what appears to be an apostate lying down on a blanket. The blood flowing slowly from her wounds. After dispatching the Templars it becomes evident that the scout and the mage had been planning a romantic rendezvous.

"Oh, Herald?! What are you doing here? I-I mean thank you for saving my life, but I should really go report back to camp so..." She turns attempting to leave before being questioned... To no avail.

"Hold up, what happened here, scout?" Malika says as she moves to block her path... Despite being barely up to her waist.

"I was tracking the mage... Yeah, she was probably looking for blood magic or something?" The scout responds nervously shifting her weight from side to side.

"Uh huh, and is that why that picnic basket has cheese, fancy wine, and two glasses?" Malika says with a smirk. Peering through her helmet.

"I'm sorry, please don't fire me!" The scout stammers out.

Malika chuckles, "Fire you? Screw that I'm offering you a promotion. You successfully seduced a rebel mage in the middle of a warzone. We could use someone with talents like that in Lillian's network."

"Really? That's amazing! I promise I won't let you down, Herald!" With that, the scout heads back to camp.

"That was pretty nice of you Mal," Varric says.

"Nah, she's just got potential is all," Malika says shrugging.

"Herald, I believe that is an apostate supply cache on that hill over there," Solas says nodding toward a small hill to our left.

"M'kay, mark it on the map for recruit Whittle. We need to make it to that cult. I think I see their entrance now." Malika says making her way to a woman standing outside an iron gate, barring the party's way.

"Halt, who goes there?" That woman says as we approach. "Wait, I know you, you claim to be Andraste's Herald? Is it true? Are you our lady's Herald?"

"I... I don't know..." Malika says, unsure of what to say...

"I know the rumors of your mastery over the rifts was just that, rumors." The woman says dismissively.

"Actually, that's true. I can seal the rifts." Malika responds.

"Can you now? We'll see about that." She says sarcastically. "Open the gate."

Malika and the gang head into the cult's compound. Where at the farthest end, they see an open rift.

"Is that..." Varric begins...

"It appears as though these cultists worship the fade rifts..." Solas says rather matter of factly.

"How stupid do you have to be to worship a hole that shits out demons hell-bent on killing you?" Malika says, heading towards the rift.

"My bet, the same amount of stupid it takes to go and seal a hole that shits out demons hell-bent on killing you." Varric laughs at Malika.

"Hardy, har, har," Malika responds, rolling her eyes as she prepares an ice volley for the demons starting to manifest from the rift.

"Time to return these corrupted spirits back to the fade!" Solas shouts, casting a barrier around Varric and Cassandra as they leap into the heart of the battle. After slaying the remaining demons, Malika goes forward to seal the rift. After doing so, she returns to hear words of praise and acclaim for her role as the Herald of Andraste.

"Looks like I won't be getting rid of that nickname for a while, well let's split up and look for that boy. I'll head up that tower near the stables." Malika says.

"You got it Mal," Varric says, heading towards a gate tower.

"Understood, Herald," Cassandra says, moving towards the tower behind the one Varric ventured off to.

"As you command Lady Adaar," Solas says moving towards the second gate tower.

After entering her tower she comes across the starcrossed Lord who was waiting for the lady found murdered on the side of the road.

"Excuse me, did you happen to see a young noble lady on your travels here?" The nobleman calls to Malika.

"I'm sorry... Me and my companions laid the young girl to rest." Malika says as she hands a locket and letter to the man.

After confirming it with his own eyes he collapses to the ground, "What am I to do? She was my everything... And I couldn't even be with her in her final moments!" He shouts as he slams his fist against the ground.

"You could stand with the Inquisition. We're fighting to stabilize the world that lead to the chaos that claimed your beloved." Malika says placing her hand on the man's shoulder and staring him in the eyes now that they are face to face.

After contemplating for a moment the noble man stands and salutes Malika, "If that is truly the aim of the Inquisition, then you shall have mine and all the blades of all the men under my command." Before getting up and making his way towards the nearest Inquisition camp to begin his journey to Haven.

Malika heads down the tower to meet with everyone as they report in, "What did you all find? I was able to convince the fiance from the girl we buried to join the Inquisition under Cullen's command."

"I found an intriguing tile and magical artifact in the tower I searched," Solas says while displaying his findings.

"I found the boy, he wasn't willing to leave but he made up the medicine he could with what was on hand and gave me the formula," Varric says while patting his satchel.

"I only found some useless armor and a bottle of alcohol," Cassandra says looking downtrodden.

"Good job everyone, let's get back to the refugees at the crossroads," Malika says while grabbing the alcohol and beginning to leave the cult's compound before being stopped by the woman at the gate.

"My deepest apologies Herald of Andraste, I was a fool to have doubted you. Please accept our servitude in your Divine Mission. We are at your full disposal, Lady Herald." The gatekeeper says bowing.

"Um... The best use you can be now is helping the refugees and maintaining order here in the hinterlands." Malika tells the woman after some consideration.

"Then that is what we shall do." She says smiling while waving Malika off.