Nero was searching the wilds for quite some time now and finally reached a certain place he had aimed for.
Scratching the back of his neck he looked at the small hut standing near a lake in this swampy forest area.
"About time I got some results...", grumbled Nero lightly and started to approach the place.
When he came ever closer he noticed a figure standing close by to a fireplace with a large couldron brewing something inside.
Stopping right in front of this person he looked at the elderly woman with dark greyed hair. She seemed to look frail and as if the slightest of breeze could knock her over.
The silence continued until Nero went over and sat down on a tree stump. He knew she was aware of his presence. That jsut proved itself with attention of the elderly woman shifted from her brew.
Her gaze fell on him with an interested look. It seems he did gain her curiosity to some degree.
"It is strange to see a young man lost in these wilds, neither being afraid to enter them. Even less so to not be suprised encountering this place.", she said in a raspy voice befitting her age.
Nero smiled while looking back at her. "Well, considering all those illusion spells that were supposed to confuse me stopped means you are finally agreeing to meet me, or am I mistaken?"
The woman paused looking at him with a newfound judgment. "So you know who you are facing, then. What brings you here, young lordling?"
"Information...And one of the people that would have it, is you. Since you are supposed to be centuries old and stuff." Nero was noth going to lie to this old woman. There was no reason to.
The old woman now chuckled. "It is a very interesting reason. Not many would take my age as a believable thing. And mostly other people that visit here seem to want only my head."
"Well, being Flemeth. I presume your fame already comes close to Andraste..." Nero said while a small grin appeared on his face. "Even though it is in a more negative way. But that is besides the point."
"...Why should I give you that information you seek?" Flemeth asked now. There was really no reason for her to indulge in his thirst for knowledge.
"The dreadwolf has awoken..." Nero only said those simple words and Flemeth suddenly enlarged her eyes.
"Ask away...But first..." She moved her arm and mana spiralled away creating a small film of a barrier of some sorts around them.
"Hmm, I guess the person eavesdropping on us is not supposed to know this?" Nero chuckled knowing well enough that Morrigan was close by and probably listening on their conversation.
"Now I am the one that is intrigued..." Suddenly the frail old woman had a chilling atmosphere around her that pushed away her frail image. He could swear he even saw her become younger with ashen white hair and amber eyes staring at him.
But it was albeit just for a fraction of a second.
"I need to know what role you are playing in all this...I can feel the Blight slowly approaching and I would like to know why you are aware of it. I have my ways of information gathering. And I know you have warned the late Kyng about it."
"Impressive, you are very well informed. Yet you still lack the most crucial parts. But I do not believe it is worth coming all the way here to gain this knoweledge. I will not tell you. Everything will just come along on itself."
Nero looked at her and tried to see through her mystery. He knew she was Mythals vessel just like Morrigan's child acted as one for the corrupted old god - the archdemon.
"Well, it was worth a try. Now then, since I am here I at least need to go back with something positive. My other request is of the arcane kind. I would like to learn magic properly."
"You could go to the circle of magi for that, no?"
"And let myself be imprisoned inside it for all my life? I think not."
"I do not have the time to teach someone in the arcane. Especially after you told me that the dread wolf woke up."
"Hmm, then how about this. Your daughter would also serve well enough as a tutor, don't you think?"
"How did you...?"
"I met her a while ago. Though it was in a transformed state of a wolf. And just by your reaction alone I guess I hit the target of your child being female. That makes me wonder, are some of the more dubious rumors about you also true?"
Flemeth stayed quiet and dispelled her barrier. "Child, come out. Greet our guest."
Nero smirked and looked towards the hut where the door opened and a young woman walked out with raven black hair put into a short ponytail behind her head and beautiful amber colored eyes that immediatelly could capture the attention.
Although for just a second because the attire she wore pulled his attention away. It let little to imagination showing a lot of skin.
What suprised Nero a little though was that she was wearing somewhat more than from his memory. Well, go figure with the weather here being rather chilling. Game design is always a rather untrustworthy lead.
Still, she filled out the clothes well and her beauty was nothing to joke about. It gave her an exotic wild charm that fit her.
"Yes, mother. I will do as asked. Greetings, traveler." Her words were short and her gaze was filled with curiosity. After all she would rarely be called up to meet guests. And this person was especially of the more interesting type. "Should I prepare dinner for a stay?"
Flemeth seemed to chuckle lightly with that question but Nero interrupted that quickly. "No, there is no need. I won't be staying much longer. I only wait for an answer."
"Morrigan, you will join this man and follow him."
"What!? Mother, what is this?", asked Morrigan back with a slight frown on her face. She was suprised. "Why should I follow a stranger out of a sudden?"
"Don't bother, child. I know you wanted to leave the forest for quiet a while now. Besides, you seem to have already met him. He figured out that you were transformed. So take this chance. You are going to be a tutor in magic to this young man."
"I...very well. I will prepare my things." Morrigan seemed to begrudginly agree. Her look at Nera became somwhat strange.
"That went better than I thought.", said Nero now. "My name is Nero, by the way. Its a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady. I will be in your care about the arcane."
"She may have a rebellious personality but she is well versed in magic by now. I am giving you somethign very important of mine. You should know that. So I take you do not disappoint my trust.", said Flemeth now.
"Don't worry, I will make sure that as long as she is in my care. Nothing bad will happen to her. You have my word..." There was an underlying tone in his words. Especially focused when mentioning Morrigan.
Flemeth obviously took that small hint and started laughing lightly. "We will see. I presume we will see each other again, then."
"Very likely at the point when the war with the blight starts, yes. This whole forest reeks of darkspawn after all. It is impressive how long you managed to keep them away from noticing you. But then again I am talking to the Flemeth after all."
Morrigan who observed their conversation was a little bit suprised. "The blight? You are implying that it will happen soon? Mother, is it really wise to let me leave right now?"
"Hush, it is even more reason for you to go. You will very likely be a great help to this man."
"It's alright for her voicing her opinion. She just seems to be somehow worried about her own frail mother?" Nero even chuckled. He obviously didn't mean what he had said.
Flemeth also joined in on that. "You will very likely regret saying that out loud."
"Very well then, shall we move along? I hope to learn a lot from you." Nero stretched out his hand to seal the deal.
Morrigan only frowned and looked at his hand.
At first Nero had a confused expression before he realized something and took his hand back. "I guess you are not fond of unecessary etiquette."